Chapter 13

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A/N: Listen to Believe by Justin Bieber while reading this.

Jack's POV-

While Madison was asleep, I decided to explore her house.

I first went to her room.

There were pictures of her and her brother, her family, and a picture

It was the picture from when we first met. I was carrying her bridal style while she was kissing my cheek.

Next to that, was the picture we took as a group. Maggie and Mad were in the middle with Jack and I's arms around their waists.

It's crazy how we only met a few months ago.

"Yeah, it is crazy. But it's still awesome."


"You're thinking out loud."

"Do you really believe that we met only a few months ago?"

"Its hard to believe, but yeah, its only been a couple of months. But look at us now, we have each other."

"Well you know what they say,"Everything starts from something."

"A few months ago, I was in line to meet you, one of my biggest role models. But now, I'm dating you. Dating you!"

"A few months ago, I never thought I would need changing inside me. But when I met you, I realized every thing. My bad attitude and all my flaws. You made me so damn nervous, I couldn't even talk right! I-I love you Madison."

"I love you Jack."

Madison's POV-

Jack gave me this tingly feeling inside me. With a simple "Hello" made my heart race 1000 beats per minute. Not really, but you get the point. I know people say I'm too young to know what love is, but I don't think age matters.

I think love is when, even after knowing a person for maybe a few years, you still get nervous. Nervous when they say hello, nervous when they give you a smile, nervous about everything they do. Love is when you know, right at that moment, you want to spend your life with them.

I think when I was "Just another fan", I used the term "love" too loosely. I'd say,"I love Jack Gilinsky!" But not really meaning it. I didn't love him, heck, I didn't even know him personally. I simply liked him a lot.

But now, I can say I love Jack Gilinsky, and mean it. Because now I even know him on a personal level, I know him.

Jack Fucking Finnegan Gilinsky, I love you.


"Madison Elle Beer, do you think we should go out?" Jack said, interrupting my marathon on Netflix.

I wonder if Netflix will still be famous 20 years from now. Nah, they'll probably have something that is more updated. Not putting a movie that was made 8 years before (*cough* Twilight *cough*)

"Hell no. Netflix is bae." I said, pushing him off the couch.

"I thought I was bae." He put his hand over his heart.

"You're my boyfriend, that doesn't automatically make you bae. You have to go through initiation first."

"What's do I do for initiation?"

"Hug me!"

"That seems pretty easy." He hugged me and I poured the bag of chips, that were in my hand, all over him.

"Second part of initiation, clean this up."

"You suck."

"You love me." I stuck out my toungue.

"Yes I do." He got up and kissed me.

I pulled away. "Clean it up or you'll never be bae."

"Damn I thought you forgot about it." He chuckled.

I love you Jack.

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