Chapter 3

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JACK FINNEGAN GILINSKY KISSED ME. Now call me crazy but, I swear, I felt sparks.

I just wonder if he felt them too.

Madison's POV-
After that weird, crazy, and awesome moment, Jack and Jack invited us to their rooms.
We started to get to know each other personally.

"So, why do you guys like us?" Johnson asked.
"You're really good at singing and rapping, you're both really cute, and you both seem to have a good personality. Like loving all the fans no matter how crazy or ugly other people may think they are." I said.

"You guys pretty much save lives. And on top of that, like Madison said, you both love your fans no matter how much people may say their crazy or ugly." Maggie told them.

Gilinsky stood up and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" Johnson and I asked at the same time.

"I need to clear my head." Gilinsky said

Once Jack left, Johnson spoke up.

"He doesn't really love the fans." He said quietly. "He does it for the money. But somethings changing in him. And it all started when he saw you." He points at me

I couldn't believe it. He didn't really love anyone. Only the money. That's all he loves. My whole reason for fangirling has been a lie.

Jack Gilinsky is a lie.

He never loved anyone. Only himself, Johnson, and the money. What the hell, does he even love Johnson?! Everything is becoming a lie.

I stood up and walked outside, ignoring the calls of Maggie and Johnson.

I start walking to the nearest bench outside if the hotel. And to my surprise, Jack is there.

"What are you doing here? He asked

"I should be asking you the same thing. But I don't have to." I said the last part quietly, barely above a whisper.

"Johnson told you didn't he?"

"Yeah. But why Jack? Why do you not love the millions of girls who love you?"

"My whole childhood was full of bullying from everyone. Everyone except Johnson. I hate myself for it. When I hate myself I hate others. Its just how I live my life."

"Why do you hate yourself for it? You should rub it in their face that all the bullying, somehow led you here."

"I wish. I hate myself because once I started getting famous I started bullying people to the point where they killed themselves. You say I save lives right? No. I'm the complete opposite. I end lives. I hate myself because everyday, I see how I stop girls or boys from cutting. How come I can stop them, kids I don't even know, but I couldn't stop kids who I grew up with? Then it hits me. I have 2 sides. One that doesn't even feel real. The part of me that has to act every single day. I have to act nice for everyone. But then, then there's the other side to me. The monster.

I'm a monster Madison."

This actually doesn't kinda make sense to some of you but yeah.

Sorry I haven't updated. I've been busy with a lot of things.

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