Chapter 12

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Madison's POV-
"Let's go on that ride!" I yelled, pointing at the super fast roller coaster

"No no. You guys go. Jack and I will stay here while you guys kill yourselves on that ride." Johnson says

"Awwww is wittle Jack and Jack afraid of heights?" Maggie says in a baby voice

"C'mon, I know you wanna go. Have fun." Johnson says as he kisses Maggie on the cheek.

Jack never does that with me but I'm fine with that. Or at least I think I am.

"The only ride that I will go on that goes really high is a ferris wheel." Jack says

"Why don't you two go off somewhere else and Maggie and I will go places too. Meet back here in about 2 hours?" I tell them

"Yeah, that's a good idea. We'll be hanging out with our best friends. N-Not that you guys aren't its just-" Johnson starts rambling

"Jack! We get it! We'll see you two later." Maggie says

It was currently 5:30 and there was still no sign of Jack and Jack.

"They were supposed to be here half an hour ago!" Maggie whined

"Calm down Maggie! They probably lost track if time. You know those boys." I told her

"Know what about us?" A voice behind us said

"Baby!" Maggie screamed

"Hey, why don't I get that type of greeting"

"What's her name?" I pointed at Maggie


"What's my name?"


"Doesn't really match up does it?"

"You little prick!" He lunged toward me.

I tried avoiding him but he was too fast.

He grabbed me brought me to the table and hugged me from the side. He was smiling real hard with his eyes closed while I was laughing my ass off at his face. I heard a camera shutter.

"Shit!" Johnson yelled

"Yo J, send me that picture."

"Relationship goals!" Maggie said

"Hey!" Johnson made a pouty face

"Love you baby." They kissed


"Love you baby." Jack said, kissing me.


"Girls." Jack and Jack scoffed and rolled their eyes.


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