Chapter 19

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Madison's POV-


@jackjackjohnson- Tour dates! Part 2!

New York, New York-7/20

Las Vegas-7/22

Miami, Florida-7/25

Fort Lauderdale-7/26

Los Angeles, California-7/28

San Francisco, California-7/30

San Diego, California-8/2

Chicago, Illinois-8/5

Washington, D.C-8/9

and our last stop, Boston, Massachusetts-8/12

Can't wait to meet all you beautiful people!

Jack G tweeted the same thing. Yes, I still have his notifications on.

I called Johnson.

"Hey!" He said through the phone

"Hey big bro! So, I see the dates, I can't believe I have to wait a whole month until I get to see you again!"

"I know! But at least it gives you time to plan out everything!"

"Do you think he'll forgive me?"

"I don't know what goes through his mind. That's something you would know."

"I guess I didn't know him as well as I thought then."

"Hey, cheer up Mads, you'll get him back soon enough."

"He's gonna kill me when I get there."

"No he won't! He'll be so happy!"

"Whatever JJ, I gotta go."

"Hey, 2 things. One, make this plan good. Make sure it works. Second thing, make sure you stay safe for the month we're gone. I don't want to come back and find out you've been hospitalized or something."

"I got it J. Make a plan and stay safe."

"Love you Mads."

"Love you too J."

I hung up and thought about what I was gonna do. 

A big poster saying I'm sorry? No, too much work.

Chocolate? He probably wouldn't even eat it. Have you seen his abs?! Holy heck, I have breathing problems because of him.

I'm trying to find a way for Jack tto forgive me. I'm gonna surprise him at the LA show but I still need to do something that will be enough for him too forgive me.

I have the perfect idea.

Jack's POV-

Today we started our tour in the UK and I couldn't be more excited! There are so many people who are going to watch us, two kids who got big on social media.

The day would go like this:

-Meet and Greet


-Walking around, meeting fans who didn't get to meet us.

I can't wait to meet all the fans and I can't wait to perform for them.

~Meet and Greet~

"O-Oh my gosh!!!!" One of the fans yeeled, running to both Jack and I, hugging us at the same time.

I really like it when fans hug us both. When they hug me first, I really don't like it because, well, our name is Jack and Jack. Not Jack or Jack.

"C-Can I get a p-picture." You could tell she was trying so hard not to cry.

That's another thing I love about what we do. We help people through tough times, through pain, we help them fight the urge to commit suicide. We help them through anything. And that makes me really happy to know that we have an effect on people. We change lives.

"Sure babe, whatever you want." Johnson said.

We posed for the picture and we took a few more others.

"Hey hurry up bitch!" A fan yelled from the crowd.

"Who said that?!" I yelled.

"Me you dumbass." She stepped out of line and pointed to herself.

"Get out of here."


"Security!" They dragged her outside and the whole place was quiet.

I looked back at the girl. "Don't listen to her, ok? You're not a bitch, you're an amazing girl. We love you."

"Mm. Yes girl! Listen go Jack! Besides, she's irrelevant and as fat as an elephant!" Johnson said in a sassy tone. The whole place erupted in laughter and the girl hugged the both of us again.

"What's your name?"

"Uh, Madison."

I stayed quiet for awhile.

"Last name?" Johnson asked, imitating the voice of a nurse.

She gave a chuckle. "Reyes."

"Madison Reyes, I like that." Johnson said.

"Same." I said. "Expect something later on during the performance." I winked and she laughed then left.

As we went through all the other fans, we took a short break and then went out on stage.

All we did was perform songs, jokes, and a few other stuff.

Now was the time for the surprise.

"Can Madison Reyes come up to the stage please?" I said

"And, um, can Margaret Johnson also come up?" Johnson asked.

When they came up, they both looked scared, happy, and excited.

Two beds were pushed to the front of the stage and 'Grind on me' started playing.

(A/N: I honestly don't know if that's what the song is called but whatever)

We picked them up bridal style and put them on the bed. We started to grind on them, just like with the other show with...never mind.

When it ended, just like before, we kissed them.

The only difference between then and now was...

There were no sparks.

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