Chapter 32

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Jack's POV-

Our last day together has arrived, and I am regretting every moment I am spending with her today.

Madison's POV-

"Babe! Uh, there's this place I want to take you!" Jack said

"Fancy or casual?"

"Fancy casual."


I dressed into a floral dress and headed downstairs.

"You look nice baby." Jack said with a little smirk.

There was something different with Jack today. There was sadness that filled his eyes, he didn't smile as much today, and he always looks like he's on the verge of tears. I don't know what's making him so sad but I wish I knew, so I could fix it. I always put his happiness before mine, because I know he does the same.

Jack is literally the sweetest guy ever and it's hard to believe that before he used to be the bad boy Jack  or something. Before, he would give you those looks that could kill you. Now, he seems like he couldn't even hurt a fly. 

"Mads baby?" Jack asked, waving his face in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, let's go."

He took me to this restaurant that looked hella expensive. He told them the name the reservation was under and they brought us to our table.

"This is amazing Jack, I love it."

"Only the best for you my love."

"Jack, honestly, I don't deserve anything like this. I feel like I'm dragging you down. When was the last time you had a big ass meet & greet? I don't deserve anyone like you, a funny, charming, and loving person. You have such a big heart and you seem like you can't hurt anyone. Never in my life did I think I would ever be dating you. Jack Gilinsky, half of Jack and Jack. I'm so glad I decided to get that stupid app. Looking back at it, it doesn't seem that stupid. But I first saw you and J's vine and automatically thought, "Wow, they are definitely the ones." I never thought I would meet you, date you. I never thought that I would be the one who would be one of the first people you would tell your real story too. Goddamit Jack, I love you so much. I love that I can trust you with my life, that I can trust you not to hurrt me. Hell, I trust you so much that I let you take my virginity and put a baby inside of me! You are an amazing person."

He had a sad look on his face. "Madison-"

"What would you like to order?" The waiter asked.

We told him what we wanted and in a few minutes it came out and we started eating. There was a silence, but not the awkward kind. More like the "we were too focused on each other to speak" kind of silence.

We finished and Jack payed (he wouldn't even let me pay half) then left.

While we on a road I didn't recognize, I turned to Jack to ask him but he was too focused on the road.

"Madison, I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"Madison Elle Beer, the love of my life, the reason I live, I want to thank you. Thank you for the memories, thank you for the laughter, the pain, the joy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You said you don't deserve me, but it's the other way around. I'm the one who doesn't deserve such a loving person, a person who cares so much. 

"Madison, I don't think you understand how much I love you. I love you much more than you can imagine. I love you more than Johnson loves rapping, I love you more than Shawn Mendes loves muffins. Without you, I am like Stitch without Lilo, Shaggy without Scooby, SpongeBob without Patrick, you get the point.

"You complete me Madison. And I hope you know that I truly love you. I love that I am having this fkid with you. I'm sorry I'll never be around to help you. And that I am so sorry I have to do this." He pressed a rag against my mouth and slowly, everything became black.

Jack's POV-

Once she passed out, I looked at her and started crying.

I'm such a horrible person.

I should be the one getting put into that cell.

This is all my fault. 

"I'm sorry my two girls. I'm so sorry about this."

I arrived at Rafael's place and slowly brought Madison inside.

"Oh stop you're crying, go home." Rafael said

"Just t-take care of them." I got in my car and drove home.

I laid on my bed, regretting everything.

You really screwed up this time Jack. 

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