You Promised Forever

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Okay so I know I haven't written for this book in months and I'm sorry but I'm back with another chapter and this chapter is full of angst so buckle up because you'll need a tissue or two but hopefully you'll enjoy it anyway 


You Promised Forever


"You promised forever" Annabeth sobbed as she fell to her knees, a wild storm combusting in her chest as she cursed herself before cursing every God and mythical being she could think of, as she sobbed over her boy that held so much life and so much hope for the future that was cruelly taken from him. 

She knew that a life of a demigod was never easy and they often died young, for she had been there when Thalia was crushed under the foot of a cyclops. From then on she kept her heart guarded and her eyes tinted with scepticism, only keeping Luke close because at this point she considered Luke her family 

(Okay and maybe she had a crush on him too)

They were the only family each other had left

And it was a long, gruelling road before she excepted anything else

At twelve years old, Annabeth had already got a good grip on life and how cruel it could be, how her heart had been broken into a million shards before she had even reached puberty. Annabeth had thought that it'd always be like this, training, appeasing the Gods and shielding her heart so that it didn't break any further 

Then, like the tsunami that he controls -- wild black hair and a sarcastic smirk that seemed to stick on his face. He instantly got on Annabeth's nerves and it only got worse when she found out that he wasn't supposed to exist. Too stubborn to see the flaws in a rivalry that had lasted centuries 

But still, he trusted her enough to invite her on a Quest to find the Lightning Bolt and mostly only came back with childish insults when she initiated them and eventually their rivalry had turned into a rocky friendship that solidified when they began to trust each other and before she had any say it or could even anticipate it Percy Jackson wormed his way into Annabeth's heart and brought down the walls she used to protect herself 

Of course, Annabeth tried to hold it together but she couldn't do it anymore, Percy had built something permanent in her life and hadn't left her like so many others and even when he did, he always came back 

Back to her

When Hera had kidnapped him, she had turned her whole world upside down and then right side up again in order to find him and her chest ached and she felt like she would never feel whole again, not until she found him again and everything clicked into place

She loved Percy

Of course, during the eight months, he was missing the ache in her chest, which never seemed to dull was nothing compared to how she was feeling now. Like her heart had been ripped out of her chest and repeatedly stomped on before splitting it into two and now only half of her heart was now beating in her chest and not the whole thing

Because the other half was dead had stopped beating the second that Percy drew his last breath and it would never beat again because those memorising green eyes that Annabeth somehow always adored and were always full of life, were now drained and staring at the overcast clouds that seemed to keep rolling in and matching Annabeth's mood

Part of her in her naivety and stubbornness to prove that this wasn't real, just wanted to believe this was a sick joke and that he would sit up and hug her close to her chest and laugh as Annabeth hit him and told him to never do that again  

Half of Annabeth's heart would continue to beat 

She knew demigod's life were often cruelly short and she knew that they faced hardships that mortals couldn't think of in their wildest dreams but the thing was that Percy always came back to her and she felt safe with Percy and so she prayed and hoped with everything in her that Percy would be different.

That Percy would be the exception 

He had promised her forever and Annabeth supposed she was stupid for believing him -- after all a demigod didn't have a long life most of the time and Percy he had already beaten the odds by being a child of Poseidon and leading and surviving two wars. She hadn't blinked when he promised her forever, believing him wholeheartedly

Now he was gone, and she was left with yet another broken promise 

Percy was supposed to be there for her and then he wasn't, leaving her alone and her head buzzed, Annabeth's thoughts hadn't stopped rattling around her head the entire night and as she clung onto Percy's body -- not wanting to let him go, because letting him go would be letting him go forever and the blonde-haired child of wisdom, didn't want that to happen yet

And now she was left with half a broken heart and he was gone now, that was painfully obvious and it shattered the blonde's heart into a thousand pieces and a piece of her had been ripped out of her chest and stomped on (as she said before)

Haven't the Gods taken enough from her? 

It just wasn't fair, it wasn't enough. The Gods had taken so much from her and the one thing that she thought was never taken from her was Percy because he had been by her side since she was twelve years old and had been her rival, friend, best friend and then lover and he had been there forever

Why did they have to take the one thing that she tried so hard to hold onto it?

It just wasn't fair and she would never feel safe again

As she let Percy's head drop off her knee, she leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead, muttering one last goodbye, tears stinging her eyes as she got up and walked away her heart forever marked and not the same 

Percy was a hero to her and everyone 

But it turned out that even a hero could fall victim to the whim of the Gods.

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