Annabeth's Powers AU

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Powers AU


It was clear to see the blonde haired daughter of Athena had been broken beyond belief, shattered really. She had survived running away from home when she was a little girl, going on multiple life threatening quests and surviving two major wars as well as Tartarus and even if she was broken after all of that ( which she was but she would never admit it ) Annabeth still had Percy to hold her together like glue and they always thought they had each other

Until they didn't

Just like that Percy fell ill and left her after promising he would never leave her, the only person to ever stand by her side when times got rough ( and they were demigods so there was a lot to pick from ) left her and left her to pick up the pieces of her heart on top of that

Annabeth hardly came out of her cabin and when she did it was mostly at the request of her siblings -- although more often than not they had to force her to venture more than teen feet. She had become a shell of a former self and while she wasn't happy all the time throughout her childhood, the blonde haired demigod always had something to look forward to, some hope to grasp but now it was as if darkness had swallowed all that hope whole and then spat it back in her face and Annabeth just didn't have enough energy to care to pick herself up and carry on

Instead she became obsessive manically drawing out blueprints for new buildings like Percy would have wanted her to as his last request from him to her was to build something permanent as Annabeth tried to ignore the ache in her heart every time she thought about him or Piper. The way he would always teasingly call her Wise Girl and the way that Piper would always have her back or the way she would get lost in his sea green eyes and the way her and Piper would always talk about how idiotic their boyfriends were sometimes

Whether it was day or night Annabeth was always huddled in her bunk a pen and blueprints in hand, eyes barely blinking as she drew and planned and sketched and calculated, she could feel the effects of sleep but she wardered them off for as long as she could

"Annabeth you've been working on the same sketch for days now" Malcolm, one of Annabeth's half brothers told her with a frown which she didn't see as she continued to almost manically sketch on the blueprint and there was no recognition that she had even heard him "Perhaps you should go outside and maybe teach Architecture or something just get out of the cabin"

"No! I need to finish, this needs to be perfect"

"You're done hundreds what makes this one any different"

"Because it's for him" Annabeth whispered out, heart breaking all over again at just the pronoun and a million different memories of Perseus Jackson floated to her head and suddenly she couldn't hold it in anymore. A mighty scream left her through in anguish and she screamed and screamed until her voice was hoarse and she didn't stop even when her voice wasn't there anymore and her voice turned into sobs

"I want him back" Annabeth sobbed

"I know" Malcolm told her as he wrapped his sister into a hug "I know"

Annabeth snapped heatedly "No you don't, my brain is constantly on over drive ever since Percy left, somedays it feels like my brain is going to explode and I only want to work work work it's like I don't see a life for myself anymore, I don't want to die but I don't want to live either"

"Gods why didn't you tell me it was this bad"

Annabeth shook her head "Because it isn't important"

"You are important" Malcom gave her a sharp look, as he reminds her

"I don't feel like it"

"But you are"

"I don't need a lecture okay?" Annabeth snapped again, turning to her bunk again and sitting back down, her blonde hair wild and matted as her grey eyes narrowed and calculated on her blueprints seemingly forgetting about Malcom but when she realised that Malcom was still watching her she looked up and glared at her half brother "Just leave me alone"

It took a few moments but Malcolm eventually took his leave leaving Annabeth alone in his cabin once again and she let out a heavy sigh as she turned back to her blueprints. A few tears that fell without her permission falling onto them as she once again choked back a sob

"I miss you Percy" She whispered out

Her mind exploded in pain and Annabeth grunted in pain again as her brain continued to pound like someone had taken her dagger and continued to stab her brain repeatedly turning it to mush and eventually the young daughter of Athena lost her balance and fell onto her bed and stared into the distance, the Athena cabin had elegant writing on the ceiling in quotes from different influential people throughout history -- it was one of Annabeth's favourite things about the revamped Athena cabin that she designed herself and her eyes found one of her favourite quotes

If you are working on something
You don't need to be pushed

It was her favourite quote of all time and she can remember one time after the war and a few days before he got sick and they were walking along the beach hand in hand and he had told her that quote with a cheeky grin knowing it was her favourite before he told her he loves her and this time it wasn't when they were possibly falling to their death that they declared their love for each other before pulling each other into a passionate kiss that was one to rival their kiss at the bottom of the Camp Lake 

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do without you" And for the first time in three days she fell asleep, leaving the world of pain behind her.

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