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I slouched on the sofa in my living room, kicking the heels off my sore feet.
With eyes closed, I curled in like a kitten, enjoying the warmth.

I thought about today.
About how great the company dinner went which made me super proud of myself and how I eventually left with the boss to enjoy the view at the bridge which turned out to be better than I expected...

My musings were interrupted by a loud "Hey!", from behind the sofa.
A startled me screamed and rolled over on the floor, terrified at who could possibly be in my house at this time of the night.
"Ouch!", I felt my left elbow hit against something hard.
"Babe are you okay?"
I opened my eyes to see my best friend Esther, with a worried look on her face, cupping my cheeks with both hands.
Every ounce of fear and anger I had earlier felt diffused into loud laughter.
"You this girl, do you want to give me hypertension?!"
She chuckled. "Surprise!"
She helped me to sit up on the chair, massaging my hurting elbow.
"I forgot you had spare keys to my apartment."
"You didn't expect to see me abi?", Esther asked raising her eyebrows.
"Well, I'm sorry I didn't remember that today is our movie date night."
"Ehen...?", Esther rolled her eyes.
I stood up to stretch my legs while she looked at me waiting for a response. This babe was trying to emotionally blackmail me because I  almost forgot our date.
Well, I totally forgot to be honest.

"I forgive you sha. See as you fine like one million people!", Esther said, admiring my red dress making me twirl in child-like excitement.
"Thank you my number one hype-woman."
I ran my hands down the sides of my dress, admiring it in the full-length mirror just across the room.
"So how did the party go?"
"It turned out great."
I sat on the sofa again.
Esther propped her face on her elbows and stared at me intently.
"You are giving me short answers when I'm asking you for details."
"What do you want me to say na?", I asked with a smirk.
"Your facial expressions show that there's more."
"You too like gist!"
Esther laughed loudly, her head falling backwards. "I can't deny that!"
"Let me change out of my dress into something more comfortable first, then I'll fill you in on the details."
"Now you're talking! I'll be here waiting."
I stood up and walked to my bedroom, picking up my shoes and clutch bag along with me, wondering why women couldn't wear sneakers to a dinner party instead of uncomfortable heels.
I ransacked through my wardrobe before I found a pair of navy blue joggers and a hoodie that I decided to wear. It was a gift from Nonso, my "soon-to-be-bride" friend, for my last birthday.
I put it on and headed back to the living room to see that my friend had set a bottle of wine, glass cups and a box of cupcakes on the centre table.
She was scrolling through Netflix on the television. She looked up to face me as soon as she heard my footsteps.
"You're back. I was just checking out what movie we could see. Any ideas?"
I reached out to take a piece of red velvet cupcake with whipped cream toppings on the centre table.
"King of Boys, God calling, Sugar rush are some good ones."
"Yeah! I heard King of Boys is very interesting. Let's watch that", Esther replied. Then she rolled her eyes and added, "...and don't think I've forgotten the gist you owe me."
"L-O-L, I'm not running away!"
"You that I know that can be sneaky."
I bit into the soft and luscious cupcake. "Omo, this cake is so delicious, where did you get it?", I asked with my mouth full.
"Teniola, don't try to change the topic o."
"Ok I surrender", raising my hands in mock defeat.
She smiled eagerly like a child waiting for candy. "I'm all ears."
I filled her in on as much details as I could remember; from the decor and food preparation to the event proper. When I got to the part where the boss asked me to leave with him, Esther cut me short. "Are you kidding me?"
I laughed. "Seriously. I eventually did go with him."
She gasped in shock. "No you didn't!"
"I'm equally surprised myself."
"I always knew there was more to tonight. The glow on your face...", she replied with a flirtatious wink.
"Come on please."
"Oya no vex, so how did it go?"
I told her that we didn't go anywhere fancy but he took me to enjoy the view at the Lekki-Ikoyi link Bridge.
" romantic", Esther cooed with cute puppy-like eyes.
"Stop it."
"Stop what? Even a blind person can see that you are feeling the guy."
I went mute. This was too much information for me. Even though it was about me.
I hadn't really sat down to think about what was  going on between my boss and I. But as far as I knew, it wasn't anything serious. At least for now. And I want to avoid it from progressing further.
Though I had to admit that there was something... but what was it?
"I guess I'm physically attracted to him but that's just it."
I was surprised at how the words spurted from my lips.
I guess I was finally admitting that I might be 'feeling the guy' a bit, in Esther's words.
"So you like the bobo abi you no like am?", Esther asked teasingly.
The sound of it caused my insides to cringe. I wanted nothing of that sort to do with my boss. I had never been in such situation before and this was beginning to stress me out.
But some part of me also wanted to explore...what would it feel like?

"You know this conversation is inappropriate to start with. It's my boss we're talking about."
"And so? Aren't you both adults?"
Esther continued, "I'm not asking you to date him. Just admit that there's something there."
"This is ridiculous."
"Wait...what are you afraid of?"
"Today he asked me to go on a date with him. That shows he wants something. Whatever it is, I know it's not good."
"Haba, it's just a date Teni."
"With my boss, really?"
"Who just wants to get to know you better."
"Or who just wants to get what he wants."
"Which is?"
"You know what young, rich guys in Lagos want. We're not children."
"And what if it isn't what you think?"
I sighed. "Esther this is so surprising coming from you", I replied shaking my head vigorously. "I'm trying to set boundaries with this guy who obviously has no good intentions and you're here trying to play devil's advocate."
I was really starting to get pissed off at this point.
"Teniola, you know I love you and I want the best for you. No one is asking you not to set boundaries. But you will never get to know people for who they are if you never give them a chance."
"Even when the red flags are staring at me right in the face abi?"
"Relax. You're over-thinking things."

My mind became like a busy street, with voices fighting for a chance to be heard.
Am I really over-thinking?

Isn't it better to play safe?

But what's the worst that could happen?

I took in a deep breath to clear my mind.
Mr Korede definitely smells like trouble and I'm doing what's best by trying to protect myself. Things like this never end well; and I shouldn't expect a different story this time around.

I pondered again over my friend's words.
"I've heard you", I finally replied.
"Okay babe. Cheer up. Let's enjoy the movie", she replied with a playful nudge, clicking on the play button on the TV remote control.


Do you think Teniola should explore whatever is brewing between her and her boss, Korede?

What would you do if you were in her situation?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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