CHAPTER 3- Part 1

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I got to my office at 9:30am and parked in the space marked 'RESERVED' for the CEO of Midas Incorporation.
I heard my phone ring. I checked my caller ID to see that it was from my mum. I swiped on the screen to receive the call.
"Hi mum"
"Korede omo mi, bawo ni?"
"I'm fine ma"
"Ah ah! You cannot even reply me in Yoruba abi? What kind of training did I give my son?"
I let out a small laugh. My mum had started her banter over my lack of fluency in my mother tongue.
"Mummy, you know it's not like that now! I'm trying little by little"
" Mo ti gbo. I have heard you. This one that my only son has forgotten me. Every time work, work, work." She made a heavy sigh.
"Don't be like that mum. I can never forget my sweet mummy", I replied teasingly. "Mummy, mummy!"
"Don't try to bribe me. Anyways it's been a while since we've had dinner as a family so I wanted to invite you over for tonight. Thankfully your father is back from his business trip to Switzerland so he'll be available. I don't want to hear any excuses."
Actually, I had planned to fix a board meeting for this evening but I guess I'll have to postpone it.
"Alright ma. I'll be there."
"Thanks my dear. Have a nice day. Love you"
"Love you too mum. Bye."

I hung up and alighted from my Jeep. I am welcomed as usual into the building with sounds of "Good morning sir" and "Welcome sir" filling my ears. I sometimes got tired of the incessant greetings. I got to my office on the last floor and decided to get into the day's activities. I remembered that interviews were being conducted by the HR team today. I'll probably just pop in to see what is going on.

I called for my secretary. "Miss Stella!"
"Yes sir"
"The interviews to be conducted today, have they started already?"
"Yes sir. They're in Executive Room 6"
"Ok thanks. And please help put a call through to Mr Andrews of Lead Consulting to confirm our meeting for tomorrow and get back to me."
"Ok sir."

I left my office to the said room to check out things. I saw a few people sitting outside and a few stood to greet me. It wasn't really necessary. I entered the room without knocking and as if on cue, both of the interviewers stood up at once.
"You're welcome sir", they said in unison.
"Thank you. You can go on. I just came to see how things were going".
I almost didn't notice that someone was sitting back-faced to me.
I figured it was one of the people being interviewed. I decided to extend my greetings so I walked to face her.
"Hello ma'am".
She looked up to face me. Her eyes seemed a bit tired. I could tell that she was nervous as she was fiddling with her fingers. I couldn't understand myself but all of a sudden I felt like I could help her; like it wasn't by accident that I walked in at this time. I couldn't help but notice that she was beautiful too. I stretched out my hand for a handshake and she reached out her hands as well while trying to stand up simultaneously.
"Good..good morning sir" was her response. Her palms were a bit sweaty. I gave her a small smile.
"There's really no need to stand up. Good luck with your interview".
"Thank you sir". I could see that she tried to force a smile in return but tension was written all over her. She sat down and faced the table in front of her intently, as if hoping to find answers written there.

I motioned to the human resource manager, Mrs Roberts who was one of the people conducting the interview to follow me outside the room.
She looked puzzled. "Hope all is fine sir?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Ummmm....that candidate in your office right now..."
"Give her the job. I hope I can count on you to do that."
She seemed speechless for a second.
"Al-alright sir. Consider it done."
"Thank you Mrs Roberts. I'll take my leave now."

Things are getting really interesting, keep reading to find out how they unfold!

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