CHAPTER 5- Part 1

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   My head was banging. It was definitely due to a combination of stress and hunger. Thankfully I had just gotten home after such a long day. I would finally be able to rest and fix myself a reasonable meal.

    I pulled off my shoes at the entrance of the living room and placed my bare feet on the rug. It was warm and it felt so good. I quickly scanned the room to see that Chima had organised the place before leaving. I dropped the car keys on the centre table in its usual spot.
Heading towards the bedroom, all I could think of was a nice, cold shower.
I noticed the fan was working when I entered the room; I probably forgot to put it off since I left in a hurry this morning. I sunk into my bed and cherished the soft feel of the mattress against my skin. I knew any second longer on the bed I would be fast asleep.
"Not now", I said standing up and facing the bed as though it could hear me.
I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I felt a ton of relief as the cold water touched my skin.

   Still in the shower, I reminisced on how my day went. I would say it went better than I expected. I got positive reviews about the food and that made me happy. At least my efforts paid off. The part of my conversation with the boss in the elevator though...
I actually remembered him from the day of the interview; how he just barged in unexpectedly. It didn't really register in my head then that he was the boss. Our conversation today was very awkward given the fact that I almost lashed out at him- well I pretty much did so already, when he bumped into me.
But I really don't think that was too much, like the guy could have broken my phone!
All the same, I think I handled the situation pretty well.
I don't know why I'm trying to make excuses for myself.
It was annoying how he insisted that he payed for the damages...I mean, I'm a grown ass woman who can take care of her bills so I definitely don't need his help whatsoever. He had better not be trying to flaunt money in my face.
And the part about him trying to act all nice and friendly, I was definitely not in the mood for such. He doesn't even seem like the kind of person I would vibe all.

Why was I even bothered about the whole thing?

There were more important things to think about.

Ummm...What was his name again?

"Ko-re-de Da-Sil-va", I said out loud.

I was surprised I even remembered.

   After I scrubbed myself clean to my satisfaction and dried my body with a towel, I changed into my favourite pajamas that was given to me by my mum for my 25th birthday.
Speaking of my mum, it's been two days since we'd spoken.
I sat down on my bed and scrolled through my frequently contacted list. Her number was second on the list after Esther. I dialled it.
She picked up after the first ring.

   "Hello mum?", I said speaking into the receiver. I paused for a few seconds waiting to hear her response. I couldn't hear anything for a moment.
Relief flowed through my veins as I heard that familiar voice I had come to love over the years.
"My darling Teniola, how are you?"
She sounded as excited as I was. A smile crept across my face. I could bet she was smiling too.
"I'm fine ma".
"How was your first day at work?"
"I thank God mum. It went very fact they loved the food."
I didn't think it would be necessary to bother her about the boss. That would be too much information.
"That's great to hear."
I could hear some noises in the background I couldn't figure out, it was probably the neighbors.
"And is everything? Work nko?", I asked to know how she was faring. I knew left to her, our conversation would be all about me.
She sighed. "Teni my child, God has been my strength. Your brother just called me not too long ago. He said school is fine but that he has run out of provisions."
The tone of my voice increased slightly.
"Ayo should have called me instead, I don't want him bothering you. I will send him the mon..." Mum interjected before I could continue further.
"Omo mi, don't bother. I have sent him the money already as some little cash came in and besides you just got a job so you need to find your feet first."
I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes. Mum hasn't changed one bit.
"Okay mum...just know that I am always willing to help out. Please don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything, at least I have a good job now." Deep down I knew she wouldn't ask.
"I understand my dear...when will you come home to see me?"
It had actually been in my plan to visit her as soon as I could. My busy schedule was not an excuse.
"I plan to come home for the weekend. We'll see then".
"Alright dear. God will continue to be with you."
"Amen. Love you mum".
I blew her a kiss over the phone. "Muah!"
"Love you too darling. Bye."

   I ended the call and placed my phone on the dressing table. I looked up to see one of my favourite pictures of us that hung on the wall opposite my bed, just beneath the clock. The picture was taken on my high school graduation where I won valedictorian of the year. I could see her bright smile and the creases underneath her eyes which spoke of a proud mother who would do absolutely anything for her children. And I would do the same for her too.

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