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I was happy to be back at work. At crazy as it seems, I'm a confirmed workaholic.
I sat in my olive-green themed expansive office while sipping my cup of coffee and working on my laptop.
I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in".
I was greeted by my best friend Tobi.
"Korede my guy!!!"
"T-man!", I replied stretching out my hand for our signature handshake and a fist bump.
"Welcome back, how was the trip?", he asked as he took his seat facing mine.
I smiled. "I had a nice time and as usual we signed those deals".
He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Boss, na you o!"
I adjusted my tie with a knowing smirk on my face. "Thank you, thank you. So to what do I owe the honour of your visit?"
"Well spoken like a proper Englishman", Tobi replied jokingly. "My old man's been bugging me lately...about settling down."
My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really, that's interesting. I'm sure you saw it coming though".
"Coming ke? He knows I have a babe but I don't just think I'm ready to be a married man yet. I still want to enjoy my life, please".
I brought the mug to my lips and took a sip.
"Tobi, I know you too well. Are you sure you're not having second thoughts about Jemima?"
"Absolutely not. She's so different from the girls I've dated in the past but I don't want to commit myself completely by proposing marriage to her. She'll know I'm in love with her and start making demands...women can be funny sometimes."
"Your theory is hilarious my friend", I said in a burst of laughter.
"Well, she's a good one though. But remember, whatever you plan to do, no pressure. You've got one life to live".
He clasped his hands together on the table. "I've heard you. I guess I'll just have to tell him bluntly that I'm not ready yet."
" You sure do".
Tobi reclined relaxingly in his chair.
"Korede, do you remember the blonde babe we met at the club the last time that was so into you?"
"Yeah?", I asked not the least interested in the turn of our conversation.
"I ran into her at Addas mall yesterday, she kept asking me why you didn't call her back."
I couldn't even remember her name or face vividly.
" Really? That's crazy o. She should know I'm obviously not interested."
Tobi looked shocked at my response.
"My guy you have changed o. That babe is one hot chick that I know you wouldn't want to miss".
I shrugged. "Well, I guess I'm tired of jumping from one woman to another. All they want is money."
"And you have the money to spend man!"
I rolled my eyes at him. "Maybe what I want now is a good woman and peace of mind."
His eyes lit up. "Wow, to say I'm surprised is a understatement my friend. But I guess I saw this coming, you've changed a lot lately."
Well lately, I'd been having sleepless nights worrying about a lot of things. A lot of things I didn't understand no matter how hard I tried to figure it out. My mind had been clouded and I'd immersed myself so much into my work as a distraction which did little to help. I'd been feeling as though I was in a deep pit I could never get out from. I'm barely trying to figure it all out.
So honestly, I don't understand this change he's talking about either.
"Maybe I've changed...I'm not sure. All I know is that I have a lot to figure out."

    Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Yes? Come in."
My secretary Stella walked in. "Good morning sir".
She nodded to acknowledge the presence of my friend. "I brought breakfast sir...from the new chef, Teniola Adams". She placed the wrapped item on my desk.
My heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name. Pretty strange.
I straightened up on my chair. I tried to sound as composed as possible. "Is that so? Where is she now?"
"She left some minutes ago sir".
I felt a bit disappointed but I tried not to let it show.
"Ummm...Never mind. Thank you. You may leave now".
"Alright sir".
Tobi called after her wearing a boyish grin. "Miss Stella! Where is my own food?"
She turned around and smiled sheepishly.
"Stella please ignore him and go on your way", I interjected abruptly.
Tobi could joke anywhere and everywhere, even in the most serious of situations. He turned to face me when she had left and shut the door.
"A new chef? I didn't know that", Tobi asked, eyebrows raised with a mischievous look. He stretched out and crossed his legs over each other on the desk.
"Guy, abeg remove your leg from my table o. Can't you see there is food here?", I said shoving his feet off my table.
"Ouch! Man, that hurt!". Tobi was finding it so funny and was laughing hard. It wasn't so funny to me.
"Okay, okay...let me be serious, how far about the new chef? What happened to Mr Macros?"
I suddenly felt like I was on a hot seat of the popular quiz show, 'Who wants to be a millionaire'.
I wonder why Tobi was interrogating me all of a sudden.
Maybe he's not, I guess I'm just overthinking things and I should just answer him.
"Ummm... I got repeated complaints from the staff that he was not efficient in timely deliveries and also that the quality of the food was reducing over time. He was trying to make uneccessary profit off the company."
"Ohhhh", Tobi replied dreamily as though he had just listened to a lullaby. "And the new chef? How did you hire her?"
I suddenly started to feel hot inside.
I should probably take my jacket off.
"Actually, to cut the long story short I kinda interfered with the whole process on a first impression basis...but I can say I'm not disappointed so far."
Tobi looked like he didn't understand a word of what I'd just said.
"You lost me there. You had an interview right?"
"And she was the most qualified."
I hesitated for a bit. "Maybe not exactly..."
Tobi's eyes widened as though he had just hit jackpot. "Which liked her face and hired her. Boom!"
By reflex I stood up from my swivel chair. Was this guy a wizard or what? How could he read my mind so perfectly? Or maybe I was too easy to read. I couldn't deny it anymore.
"Something like that.." I raised up my hands in defence, palms facing outwards. "But don't judge me man, I wasn't sure what I was doing at the time."
"C'mon...that was the last thing on my mind. You are the boss remember? Look I'm hungry, let's dig into this food and see what's up." Tobi immediately started  to unpack the food from the nylon and opened the green-coloured lid of the plate.
"Looks good...and smells good too", he said licking his upper lip.
The plate was a nicely packed meal of spaghetti and coconut curry sauce, with perfectly diced plantain cubes and shredded chicken.
I could feel my stomach growl, despite having had breakfast that morning if three pieces of Jacob's crackers and the coffee could count.
Tobi had dug into the meal already, and was grinning from ear to ear as he chewed on the food.
"This is sooo good!", he exclaimed mouth-full. He stretched out the fork filled with spaghetti wrapped in sauce towards my mouth so that I could have a taste. "It's freaking good man!"
Tobi was a foodie as I was too and I knew that he wouldn't commend the food so much if it wasn't worth the hype.
I took a bite.
It was, nothing like I'd ever tasted.
Delicious was just a modest description. It was fantastic.
"It's really nice", I replied still savouring the taste. Tobi kept on shaking his head in amazement.
"Korede, I tell you this is on point. Whichever way you hired her, your instincts were right!"
He seemed to be lost in thought for a second.
"I was just wondering...Chuks' housewarming party is this weekend and I don't think he has made arrangements for catering yet. It wouldn't be a bad idea to give her the contract right?"
I raised an eyebrow at my friend.
"If Chuks agrees".
"Leave that to me! He has no choice when it comes to my suggestions." He paused momentarily, looking at me intently. "All you have to do is get her to come on Saturday."
Get her to come on Saturday.
It shouldn't be that hard. I felt my heart shudder at the thought that I finally had an excuse to see her again. A smile crept across my face. If only Tobi knew how such a genius he was.

Teniola must be such a good cook, the guys are obviously hooked!

Tobi is such a foodie and I can practically see myself in him!😁

Thanks for the support guys!

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Much love💗💗💗

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