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   I cruised through the driveway of my parent's home at exactly 7pm.
Just in time.
Traffic was pretty fair or I wouldn't have made it in time after dropping Teniola off.

I couldn't fathom the exact way I felt about her yet but I knew that the more I was finding out, the more I was intrigued. I wondered how she managed to get my heart rate up everytime, like the surge adrenaline brings after an intense cardio workout.
But for now, I had to suppress those thoughts on that as I was more concerned about the reason for meeting my dad this evening which I didn't know yet.
Whatever it was, it had better be good.
I double-checked myself through the glass windows.
The guy was looking fine, though tired.

   The lawns looked freshly trimmed and I breathed in the scent of nature.
Mum had always loved plants since I could remember. From the succulent hibiscus flowers even to the edible waterleaf, the garden was adorned with the choicest array of green beauty you could imagine. She often said gardening was her way of escaping from the world, and finding peace with herself. I could never fully understand.

  I walked briskly towards the entrance, and rang the doorbell.
Soon the door opened and I was welcomed by the butler, Mr James, with a broad smile.
"Welcome my boy!"
Mr James was more than just a worker in our home, he was like a big uncle to me. He had been working for us since I was 13 years old, my teenage self in full rebel mode at that time. Mr James found his way to my stubborn heart, and we bonded over our love for dogs.
He convinced my dad to get me my first ever puppy, a Rottweiler I named Jack, and Mr James and I would take strolls with Jack through the vicinity every evening. Caring for my pet brought out a part of me I never knew existed, and I realized that all I needed was a companion. Mr James had become family.
I pulled him into a warm hug.
"It's nice to see you."
He looked at me with eyes of admiration.
"Look at you!" He squealed, tugging at my beards. "I find it hard to believe that you've grown so much."
"I know", I replied blushing slightly.
He beckoned to me with a tilt of his head. "Come in, your parents are waiting."

    The house looked different. But for the familiar scent of home, I would have sworn that I had entered the wrong building. There seemed to have been a major refurbishment of the interior. And I must say that it looked nice. The white walls sparkled like diamonds from a distance, creating an ambience of serenity with the golden finishes perfectly coordinated to look like a palace.
I walked straight towards the dining area where both parents sat at the table. They turned to face me as soon as they heard my footsteps.
"Good evening dad, good evening mum", I greeted, bowing my head slightly as a sign of respect.
"My baby!" My mum jumped up almost immediately from her seat and beckoned on me to come closer.
She looked ravishing in her purple boubou regalia, embroidered with golden ornaments. Her hair was neatly packed in a gorgeous updo, and her face glowed like fresh butter. I always teased her that her youthful features would make some of my friends interested in her.
I leaned in to give her a peck on her left cheek being careful not to mess up her make-up.
"Mum, you look beautiful."
She smiled at me broadly revealing a set of perfect sparkling white teeth.
"Is that so? Thank you my dear." She rubbed my palm with hers and signalled for me to take my seat.
My dad still hadn't said anything, his stern-looking yet boyish features masking whatever emotions he was feeling inside. My dad was like a closed book, difficult to read despite containing an enormous depth of knowledge. Sometimes I wondered how my mum could stay married to him, or how she was able to fall in love with him in the first place.
I shifted my gaze to the layout of the dining table, with my mum's favourite china set from Switzerland delicately arranged before us. She only used them for special occasions so this dinner must definitely be worth it.
The aroma of whatever was being prepared in the kitchen filled my nostrils and my stomach growled in delight.
I shifted uneasily on my seat, uncomfortable with the deafening silence of the room. My father was still yet to speak.
"Korede Dasilva." My dad's voice echoed through the walls.
I turned swiftly to face him, and nodded my head.
"Yes sir"
"Welcome. You were a few minutes late."
His large eyes pierced through me, almost anticipating the flimsy excuse I was about to give.
But I had no energy to explain myself.
"I'm sorry sir."
My mum playfully reached for my father's arm and rubbed it gently. "Ah, ah, oko mi, take it easy. You know how Lagos traffic can be." My mum looked at me reassuringly, as though she was in control of the situation.
"Alright." My dad paused. " Let's eat."
"Bola! Come and serve us.", my mum called out.
A loud shrill of "ma!" followed.
Soon the food was tabled before us; a sumptuous meal of jollof rice, vegetable sauce and roasted turkey.
We carefully attended to eating our meals, and my mum was discussing about the new boutique one of her senators wives' friends opened in Lekki.
"She has top Italian brands...I love it."
She gushed playfully like a child, obviously excited to have everyone home for dinner.
"Korede is it just me or you're losing weight?"
She dropped her fork and took a curious look at me, up and down.
"Mum, I think you're exaggerating", I answered before stuffing food in my mouth.
"Exaggerating ke? Didn't I give birth to you? I know how you were before", her expression turning worrisome.
"I'm fine mum. It's probably because I've been working out." I turned to face her with a smile.
"You know I don't understand this fit-fam thing that you children of this generation are so all about." She glanced at my dad, with an expression of slight disappointment at his failure to contribute to our discussion. She shook her head. "Anyways, sha take it easy."
I remained silent, obviously more interested in devouring the turkey on my plate. Matters of the stomach needed to be attended to first before anything else.


    Silence stood as a gulf between us as I sat on the living room couch opposite my father. The light from the chandelier reflected through the room, accentuating the grayish streaks of hair that adorned his head like a trickle of snowflakes. His tired eyes were transfixed to the television screen, squinting to read the headlines. He should have worn his reading glasses at least.
I pressed my legs together, filled with a mix of impatience and anticipation. I didn't know how much longer I had to wait to hear what my father had to say. It started to seem that he was doing this deliberately, probably as part of the series of tests I had to go through to be found worthy in his eyes. Tests I had literally been going through since I could remember.

  He picked up the remote to switch off the television, his large palms encasing it till it could barely be seen. He cleared his throat in a bid to get my attention which by now was a struggle for me.
I adjusted myself from my reclined position, and looked into his eyes to show that he had my attention. My heart shuddered in anticipation of his next words.
" Korede, my son..."
"Yes sir."
"I must say that you have done well. Congratulations on signing the deal for the company today, I was duly informed by my sources."

  My insides cringed. I found it uncomfortable whenever he mentioned his 'sources', whoever they were. And for a moment I wondered if I was being spied on by my own father.
" Thank you sir. I'm happy I was able to do my best."
A short burst of relief swept through me. I deserved to be commended. It wasn't an easy feat.
He held up his index finger in the air. "Hold on. That wasn't your best. You could have done better."
And he just had to spoil the moment right there.

"But you were quite impressive still", he replied calmly.
There was no need in him trying to fix the pieces of an already shattered glass. His words held no emotions; and I ached to find something, just anything I could be able to hold on to. Something that meant that he truly felt happy and proud of me.
I nodded my head while he continued.
"This partnership is a big deal. I know my competitors, especially the Rex group, are displeased and will be more than delighted to see this flop."
I felt like a boxer being psyched before going into the ring.
"But you must not let them win. I need you to give this all you've got, do you understand?"
"Yes sir."
"Challenges like these prepare you for what is ahead, that is...eventually taking over the company when I'm gone. So there must be zero distractions."
"Yes sir."

    He reached to the coffee table on his right and picked up a bottle of wine. He handed me a glass and poured some of the liquid into it after serving himself.
"This is a classic", he said while inspecting the bottle carefully.
"La Romanee grand cru...I got it on my last trip to Paris."
I was not interested in talking about expensive wines or his trip to Paris. I wondered why he had to call me all the way here for a conversation that barely lasted a few minutes. He might as well have said everything over the phone in my opinion. But in this business, Chief DaSilva made the rules, and all I had to do was obey.
He raised up his glass and I instinctively followed suit.
"This is to celebrating more wins for Midas Incorporation."
Our glasses clinked, and I brought the glass to my lips savouring its ample taste.

Thanks for reading! ♥️

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With love.

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