CHAPTER 2- part 2

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It was a bright Saturday morning. I'd just freshened up and was making myself a breakfast of pap and akara. I walked into my kitchen that also served as a store to check if the water in the kettle had boiled already. I poured the boiled water into the paste-like preparation and added some milk and sugar.
The akara I was frying had turned a crispy light-brown already, exactly how I liked it.
I dished my portion into a plate and headed to the living room.

I sat down on my only couch that was older than myself. It belonged to my late Grandma whom I fondly called Maami. Esther had told me to get a new one but I didn't want to get rid of the only memory I had of her. I planned to keep it for as long as I could.

I don't know why but suddenly I felt bored. I switched on the TV but nothing interested me so I switched it off. I decided to focus on gulping my food down my throat, if that could count as a distraction.

Over the past week, I'd been thinking a lot. Since the awesome service in church two Sundays ago, I'd been filled with a new sense of hope and direction for life. My thoughts had been less of worrying this time around and more of brainstorming; I needed to find a way to expand my pastry business. I was expecting Esther at my place soon to discuss about it together. The girl had brilliant ideas.

I hear a familiar knock on the door. I stood up to open it.
"Top of the morning to you girl!", Esther greeted with a bear hug.
My friend is almost always dramatic. I couldn't help but smile.
"Good morning babe, I don't need to ask how you are, you are bubbly as ever", I reply still smiling as I head to shut the door.
"Yes o, today is a good day to be optimistic about life." And that's why I love her, she makes everyone around her feel better.

She slopped on the couch and placed her feet on the table in front of her. I took a seat on the wooden chair opposite hers.
"Any food in this house? Me I'm hungry o."
"Hungry ke? You're telling me you didn't have breakfast this morning?", I ask, staring at her with a bemused look.
She sat upright from the chair, "See it wasn't easy driving down here, I need energy. Why am I even asking you when I can just take what I want from the kitchen?" That was obviously not a question. She stood up almost immediately and came back soon with the leftover from the akara I had prepared.
"You just denied me of my lunch", I said with a playful look. "But anyways it's fine."

I waited till she took the first bite before going further. 'So? How far with what we discussed the last time?"
She gave me a wink. "Trust your girl never to disappoint. I made some enquiries here and there and turns out there is an opportunity for you to start delivering snacks and food to this big company."
My eyes lit up in excitement.
"You know Midas Incorporation right? "
I nodded. I almost couldn't believe my ears. That company was huge.
"That's the place. All you need to do is to convince them that you're the person for the job. I know a lot of people would be trying their luck already so we need to act ASAP. "
"That's amazing news but...."my voice trailed off.
Esther nudged my arm, "What is it?"
"I don't know if I can stand a chance. So many big companies would want the offer and right now I still work from home. How about deliveries? You know the Pickup truck isn't in a good condition anymore."
"Forget about all that", she said trying to reassure me. "I know you have what it takes. You're an excellent baker and cook and I'm not saying this because you are my friend. I mean it. You need to show them that you're capable of handling such a task. Do not slip up on this amazing opportunity. It could change your life."
She held my hand in hers."I'd already envisaged the need for a delivery vehicle and I've already spoken to my fiance Femi. He will settle it."
I felt slightly relieved by her words.
"Thanks so much dear", I responded with a warm embrace. "I don't know what I'll do without you".
"Don't start to get mushy now. Anything for you friend."

I felt excited and scared at the same time. Could this be the answer to my prayers? Am I up to the task? It didn't matter whether I got the job or not, it was worth trying regardless.
"When do I have to go there?", I asked.
"On Monday".

What do you think about this chapter?

Can Teniola face this new challenge?

Would she get the job?

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