CHAPTER 3-Part 2

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I was certain I didn't get the job. I mean, I screwed up big time. I had been in bed all day as I did not feel like doing anything else. I tossed to and fro worrying endlessly about why I messed up such a big opportunity.
'Aaargh!', was my way of expressing the frustration I felt. I wanted to cry but my eyes remained dry as wool. I tried to decipher what went wrong. Despite having prepared all weekend for the interview I was still nervous all through. Though the interviewers commended the samples I brought for them to taste, I felt it wasn't enough. Worse still, my interview was interrupted by some guy, who I presume to be their boss given the way they instantly stood to greet him as soon as he walked in. But I didn't even care at all about that or anything else, I had just wanted the interview to be over with.

Esther had been calling my phone over and over waiting to hear the good news. But I could not bring myself to tell her. I did not want to give disappointing news so I didn't answer her calls.
I perceived the smell of fish stew from my neighbour's flat and suddenly I felt hungry but I wasn't in the mood to prepare anything to eat. I wished I had a live-in cook like those in American movies.

I wanted to pray but I couldn't. I felt I should read a book instead but I couldn't bring myself to do that too. I finally decided to pick up my phone to check Instagram. Maybe I would find one of those funny comedy skits that seemed to be all over social media these days. That should lighten up my mood a little. I saw that I had three unread messages. I should probably read them first. The first text was from Esther and I wasn't surprised. She wrote that she was worried about me that I would be fine and all would be well and that I should reply or put a call through. The second message was from my service provider saying they had renewed a package I didn't even subscribe to.
"Those people are thieves", I said out loud.

The last text was from Midas Incorporation. In my mind I already knew what it read, that they were sorry but they got a better candidate. But I decided to read it anyways.
I felt like my heart jumped out of my chest when I saw the words, 'CONGRATULATIONS...'. I couldn't even read all the way through.
"What? I got the job? I got it! I got it! This is unbelievable!", I screamed in excitement. I did a celebratory dance in my room and this time, tears flowed freely down my cheeks.
"Thank you Lord", I said facing the ceiling.

I still couldn't believe this was real. It could only have been a miracle because I knew how I had performed. There was no way I was the best candidate. I read the message several times over to confirm that it was indeed real.

I stood up and decided to call the first person I'd been wanting to talk to since yesterday, Esther.
I dialled her number. She didn't pick up at the first ring. I dialled it again.
"Teniola!!! Is that really you? Didn't you see my missed calls and text? I was so worried and I said after work today I would come over to your place. Don't do that to me again o."
She sounded like a concerned mother reprimanding her child.
"Look I'm so sorry dear, but guess what...?"
She interrupted impatiently. "What is it Teni?"
I made an excited face as though she could see me.
"I got the job girl!", I screamed in a sing-song tone. "Wow! That's awesome! I told you that you would get it. I'm so proud of you."
"Thanks for believing in me."
"Awwwn...don't mention. Anything for you. We must celebrate it o. I'll come to your place later today. Look, I have to hang up now, my boss would arrive any moment from now."
"Sure, sure. Take care. Bye."

I couldn't describe how happy I felt. Things were beginning fall into place.

Teniola is excited about her new job, how do you think things would play out?

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