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We walked briskly towards the parking lot.
In the span of a few minutes I had made one of the most spontaneous decisions ever: boycotting the company's dinner event.

And I was more surprised that Teniola decided to come along with me.
I got to the car door first to open it so she could get in.
I walked around to the driver's side while taking a deep breath.

I don't know where we're going to.

I almost laughed out loud at myself.

We got into the car and I turned on the ignition, driving out of Midas Incorporation parking lot into the busy road.
I checked the time on the dashboard.

An awkward silence had filled the car since the journey started and I could almost sense that Teniola was apprehensive as to where I was taking her to.
"Glad to finally be out huh?", I asked turning to face her.
Her face looked somewhat confused.
"I guess?"
I didn't know if that was a statement or a question.
"I bet you're wondering if I'm kidnapping you." I intended making a joke but she just shrugged and said nothing.
"There's nothing to be afraid of. Trust me. I just want to get fresh air."
"And thanks for agreeing to come along."
She still didn't say anything, her eyes transfixed on the dashboard with a mix of apprehension, exhaustion and an emotion I couldn't exactly fathom.

I drove towards our destination, by this time I already knew where we were headed. The car GPS indicated that we were just a few metres away from the Lekki-Ikoyi link Bridge. I maneuvred the car to a safe spot to park.
"We're here."
She looked surprised.
"Just over there", I replied, pointing to the brightly-lit bridge ahead of us.
I couldn't help but let out a small laugh as I examined her bewildered face. "Trust me Teniola!"
"Can I?", she asked rolling her eyes at me. "Okay."

We both alighted from the car and walked towards the bridge.
The scenery was peaceful, with only a few vehicles and passersby taking strolls.
We walked side by side towards the top of the bridge, and at some point felt the back of my palm brush against hers. Feelings of mini electric sparks razed through my body.
I wonder why this woman was having such an effect on me.

The street lights adorned the bridge in a pyramid-like fashion. It was aesthetically pleasing to look at and for the first time that night I was able to clearly see her face. Every curve. Every contour. Her dark hair. Her smallish, child-like eyes.
The beautiful face that captured my attention from the first day I saw her.
My eyes trailed down to admire how ravishing she looked in the red shimmery gown that stopped just above her knees, with curves in the right places.
I had to stop in my tracks before she caught me staring.

The cool breeze from the Atlantic around us flushed into our faces as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself from the cold.
I pulled off my suit jacket and placed it around her shoulders to provide warmth.
She turned to face me with a small smile on her face.
We stood there for a couple of minutes. I closed my eyes, soaking it all in.

This is what peace feels like.

This was my moment; when I was at peace, and I could momentarily forget about all my problems and my messed up life.

I would give anything to feel like this everyday.

If only....

"This is so beautiful", she said, breaking the silence that jolted me out of my thoughts.
"Really beautiful", I nodded.
"You've done this before?", Teni asked.
"Oh! yeah...quite a number of times."
I continued. "This is like my escape zone from the world. It helps me to clear my head."
" the top of a bridge. Who would have thought?", she chuckled.
"I know it sounds crazy-"
She interjected before I could go on, "-No it isn't crazy. I'm just surprised that you like this kind of mundane things, instead of going to a fancy restaurant, a club or something of that sort."
"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me Teni."
I looked into her eyes. They appeared frozen for a moment, as though startled by the revelation.
" don't know a lot about me either."
I quickly seized the opportunity to shoot the shot I had been trying to aim at for the past few weeks.
"I know. That's why I want to get to know you better. I really do. I'd like if we could talk over dinner anytime you're free. But then you've put up these walls preventing me from coming in."

So after my mini speech that was all she could say?
This would definitely be a tough one. Lol.

"I'm serious Teniola-"
"-Are you? Or is this just some game you're trying to play sir?", she spoke calmly but clearly.
Her words stung at my chest.
I hated it when she played the 'sir' card.  It was like a subtle reminder that I was trying to cross the boundaries of our professional relationship.

Maybe I was doing that.
Or was I wrong?

I was really trying not to push it any much further but it was obvious that she didn't trust my intentions one bit.
She was unlike every other woman I had met who were eager to even get my attention. My ego had been bruised.

"You know what? It's fine. I'm sorry if I offended you by my actions tonight", I answered with a slight tone of hurt in my voice.
She only nodded, her gaze on the view of the expanse of sea in front of us.
"It's getting late. I'll drop you off at your place."
"Thank you sir."

As I drove back, a part of me vowed never to ask her about this again; with another part knowing that I might just be deceiving myself.
Teniola had something on me, and whatever it was it wasn't going to let me go anytime soon.

Hope you enjoyed it?🤗

Trying to be more consistent with uploading the school is choking me!😭

Thank you for reading!❤

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