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    I was back in my office, reviewing the week's itinerary with Stella. I had an interview scheduled for tomorrow afternoon with Explore Magazine. It was for an article in their business column on '30 entrepreneurs under 30' and I was invited to be featured in this month's edition.
I had a couple of other engagements as well, with the company's celebration party also coming up this weekend.

   My life had been in a hectic frenzy these past weeks and I needed to clear up my schedule so I could pay attention to other aspects of my life I'd neglected.
"Sir, we have an invite for a Business Conference on the 24th as well."
Stella stood before me, pen and paper in her hands to note any adjustments I would make.
"Just cancel that...I won't be able to attend."
"Alright sir. How about....?"
  The sound of my phone ringing interrupted our discourse.

   I picked it up from where I placed it on the large mahogany desk.
It was from my father.
I was certain he had heard the news of the deal already.
I signalled to Stella. "Please excuse me, I have to take an important call."
"Alright sir."

    As soon as she was out of earshot, I picked up the call.
"Good morning sir."
There was a brief silence at the other end, followed by the gravely calm baritone of my father's voice.
"Korede, you didn't think it was necessary to call me."
I didn't know if that was a statement or a question given the authoritative and concluding tone with which he spoke. It more or less gave no room for me to give any tangible explanation.
"Actually sir....", my voice trailed off.
I was bewildered by my own response; how as a grown man I still shuddered at the sound of his voice.
"Anyways, I want to see you at the house this evening by 7pm. We have issues to discuss."
What could it be about?

   I tried to refrain from pondering too much over it and remembered that my father didn't even acknowledge the deal that was signed today. I was sure his sources would have told him already. Instead he chose to ignore it, or maybe it was part of what we would discuss later.
"Alright sir. I will be there."
Another pause.
He hung up almost immediately, leaving no room to exchange goodbyes.

    I breathed heavily and felt the rush of cold air encasing my lungs.
My father's call just disrupted my plans for the rest of the day. I had earlier planned to do some skeletal office work and review some proposals till the evening. Now, all that had to be postponed.
I peeped at my shirt and tie hung loosely around my neck. I would need to get to the house first so I could change out of these uncomfortable clothes. I definitely wouldn't be caught wearing a shirt and tie all day.

  I took a glance at my phone screen.
The time was 11: 49 pm.
I decided that it would be best for me to leave the office as quickly as possible so I could meet up early for the meeting later today; especially since Lagos traffic was highly unpredictable.
My father also had a strong aversion for lateness and I needed to score all the points I possibly could with him.

    I stood up from my chair and arranged the files at the right corner of the desk. I took a quick glance around the expanse of the office to check that I wasn't leaving anything important behind.
The blue-draped window was open just wide enough for me to notice that the skies had turned a dark-greyish blue.
A cool breeze blew into the room swaying the curtains in a rocking motion.
That was the sign of an impending rain, and a further confirmation that it was time for me to leave.


   I had just arrived at the ground floor of Midas Incorporation building and I couldn't help but notice the peering eyes that stared at me or the slight whispers as I made my way through the passageway. Whether it was in envy or admiration, I wasn't sure. But it wasn't new to me; I was used to being in the spotlight.

    I emerged out of the building and walked towards my 'reserved' parking spot. My black BMWX7 was already in sight when I spotted a familiar face some meters away.
It was Teniola.
She was speaking on the phone in a demeanor of desperation and worry.
Did something go wrong?
She was the last person I expected to see as she ought to have left the premises by now. Something was definitely not right.
As much as I didn't want to pry, she looked like she could use some help at the moment.
She had hung up on the call, and was pacing around frantically with her palms on her forehead.

    My heart welled up with concern and I couldn't stop myself from approaching her.
"Teniola, is everything okay?" I asked after I had walked over to stand next to her.
She turned towards me in a mix of fear and surprise, then relief.
"Ummm...I'm fine", she answered rather coldly.
Whatever the issue was, 'fine' was certainly far from it. There was no need for her to fake it.
I cleared my throat and crossed my arms on my chest.
"Well, you don't look fine to me. And I thought you'd have left by now."
I gave her a piercing look, my eyebrows raised in anticipation of her response.
She tilted her head sideways and sighed.
"Actually it's my truck. I couldn't get it to start".
She placed her right hand on the side mirror of her truck, avoiding my gaze possibly from embarrassment.
"Oh...I see. But I thought you said there was nothing wrong earlier." I replied in a calm tone, but I felt disappointed that she didn't feel she could tell me the truth.
"I... I...I didn't want to bother you."
I chuckled. Bother?
This woman was definitely something.
"Alright. Let me see."
I signaled to her to step aside so I could take a look.
I opened the bonnet to check the engine and then tried starting the truck a few times, only to hear a whince.
Her eyes were on me the whole time, and I could tell that she didn't expect all that I was doing to help out.
"I think you might want to call a mechanic", I blurted. I had to admit that the issue was beyond what I could fix.
"Yea... I called my mechanic just before you arrived, but he's out of Lagos at the moment."
I nodded my head.
"Then I'll have to call mine."
She opened her mouth, as if about to say something but finally resorted to silence.
I took out my phone and dialed the company's car repairer.
I explained everything to him and he promised to arrive within the next couple of minutes.
I gave her a reassuring smile.
"He'll be here soon. Hopefully he'll find out what's wrong."
She just nodded in agreement and said nothing else.

      The wind began to blow with a greater intensity; with the palm trees that adorned the parking lot swaying from side to side.
Teniola struggled to keep her flowing braids out of her face with her hands. I figured it would be best for us to find a shade incase it started to rain.
"Why don't we wait in my car before he arrives?", I suggested.
She shrugged, gave a small smile and followed my lead as we walked towards the car.

   I reached out to open the door so she could get in. She nodded in appreciation of the gesture.
I moved over to the driver's side, and got in the car as well.
The atmosphere was awkwardly silent, and I tried hard not to say anything; even though I wanted to.
I peeped Teniola staring outside through the car window from my side eye. It was obvious she was still worried about her truck's condition.

  Hopefully it would be sorted out soon; I would make sure of that.

Soon we get to meet Korede's father, Chief DaSilva!!! 😲😲😲

I hope Teniola's truck gets fixed too!😔

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Thanks for reading, much love♥️♥️♥️




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