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   It was almost impossible to believe I was here right now; in the boss's ride on my way home.
The past couple of minutes had stressed my nerves. From my truck developing another problem all of a sudden to the boss stepping in to help; that for which I was extremely grateful for.
Thankfully the mechanic was able to figure out what was wrong and said it would take about 24 hours for the truck to be fixed; all at no cost to me but to the company directly.
He then offered to give me a ride home to which I tried to decline since he had done a lot for me today already. But the man is just as stubborn as I am, maybe even more; and he insisted on giving me a lift.
God knows deep down in my heart, I needed all the help.
When I prayed earlier, I never could have imagined that Korede DaSilva would come through.
God does work in mysterious ways and he truly cares for his own.
Thank you Father.

  I sat in the front seat and stared outside through the tinted windows; my mind running with thoughts about everything that was going on in my life. I tried to drown them by focusing instead on the amazing scenery.
We were driving across the Third Mainland Bridge, which I had read was the longest bridge in Africa. I admired the massive expanse of the Atlantic ocean that flowed beneath us; streaked with tiny canoes with fishermen going about earning their living.

  The chill from the car's air conditioning system perused through the earthy scent, sending shivers down my spine. At that moment I was jostled back to reality and tried to bring my mind back to where I was.
I began to observe and admire the beauty of the interior that oozed of luxury; the crisp brown leather seats that were firm yet so comfortable and the dashboard that shone so bright you would think it was made of glass. In a sentence, I would describe it as almost perfect.

   We had just alighted from the bridge into the busy Yaba road and were met with a heavy traffic.
For the first time since I entered the car, I glanced to my side to look at the boss. He seemed somewhat displeased at the sudden turn of events and appeared to mutter some incomprehensible words under his breath.
It was quite amusing to see him with that expression and I could honestly relate to that annoying feeling of being stuck in the unpredictable Lagos traffic.
He briefly turned towards my direction and our eyes met for like a few seconds.
I can't believe he caught me staring.

I turned face forward trying to hide my embarrassment. 
The traffic was now at a standstill and I could tell that we were both starting to get worried and impatient.
I could only hope that there wasn't a serious issue ahead causing the road block but in this Lagos; you never know what to expect. Hawkers happily flocked the lanes, advertising their wares for sale to tired commuters. 'Gala' and 'soft drinks' were in highest demand at these times and traffic always brought good business for them.
I took out my phone to distract myself when I heard the familiar voice of 'Big Max' of Lasgidi FM on the radio.
My head jerked sideways to see the boss turning up the radio volume. It was such a coincidence that he tuned into my favorite radio station, and one of my favorite shows too!
I couldn't help but smile.
I heard him clear his throat.
"Is it just me or you seem excited?"
Say hello to the first statement that broke the age-long silence.
"Yeah", I replied with a small smile. "I love listening to the radio."
"Really? I'm a huge fan as well."
I rolled my eyes.
"Wow...I would never have imagined that."
He chuckled at my response, his eyes narrowed so much that I could barely see the white of his eyes.
"I hear that often. There's also this thing that people listening to the radio are somewhat old school."
I raised my eyebrows. "I never even knew that was a thing."
"Most of my friends think I'm weird for listening to the radio."
"I don't think it's weird." I shrugged, "quite frankly, I feel television is overrated."
"I know right?"
He turned to face me. We shared that knowing look of two accomplices in a crime scene and burst out laughing.
It was such an odd but refreshing feeling.

   We spent the next couple of minutes talking about our favorite shows and on-air personalities.
"I feel he tries too hard...he should just be himself."
We were discussing about a new OAP who seemed to be forcing his British accent.
He nodded. "I guess you're right. A lot of them try too hard actually."
I was already beginning to feel less tense as the conversation flowed smoothly along.
He went on. "I guess a lot of times we fall under the pressure of being who we are not."
I paused for a moment to soak in the words.
"Yeah... societal standards can be so fleeting so we need to be more self aware and secure in ourselves."
His eyes peered at me intently, probably in affirmation of my words.
"Speaking of standards, I always wondered why it always changes and yet we struggle to keep up every time."
He was right. And that was one of the things my relationship with God helped me to overcome; my thirst to gain the approval of others.
My dad had been my biggest hype man, and when he left home I began to endlessly seek for validation from my peers and everyone else who could give me the attention I craved for.
I didn't know who I was.
The hurt and the fear of rejection I felt almost drove me into the wild arms of deceitful people who were masked in a false love for me.
But I was glad to have found God's love at such a vulnerable point in my life, or else....
I felt a slight nudge on my left arm.
" Hey Teniola, you okay?"
My eyes widened to see the boss looking at me in worry.
"Yeah, yeah...I'm fine."
He countenance relaxed. "Good, 'cos you had me scared for a second."
He turned back to facing the road as the traffic moved at a snail's speed.
"So you were telling me the last time about what fuelled your love for cooking."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
My love for cooking? When did we ever talk about that?
I guess he noticed my silence because he faced me and smiled warmly, figuring that I had probably forgotten about that conversation.
"Chuks' house warming remember now?"
My mind flashed back to our brief talk that day over a plate of chicken barbeque.
I was surprised that he even remembered. That was thoughtful of him.
I blushed slightly and hoped he didn't catch that. I didn't want to create an exaggerated impression that he would read more meaning to.
"You know I really loved your story. Kinda reminded me about myself."
I said nothing, my eyes glued to his hairline; wondering why a man would have so much hair like he did.
He chuckled, "I know I must have been a bother that just wanted me out of your way."
I bit my lower lip. "Umm...that's not true."
He looked into my eyes. "Really? Because your actions said otherwise."
He continued. "But there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I understand you were busy so it just wasn't the right time."
"Since then I looked forward to another time when I could talk to you."
My heart raced. I don't know why I suddenly felt uneasy at his words.
Teniola, breathe.

I took in a deep breath.
"Ohhh..." That wasn't what I wanted to say, but the right words refused to come out. I felt like my lips had been glued together with an adhesive tape. 
"I think it's a beautiful thing to find what you love doing. That's what drives you through life, despite the odds."
I clasped both hands together between my thighs.
"I agree."
He smiled at me. "And I know that you love what you do. I see it in the way you work, your presentation...everything."
My voice became shaky. "Thanks for the compliment sir."
"It's not just a compliment Teniola, it's a fact. And that's admirable....So I'll really love to know about your journey."

  I felt a new sense of unexplainable calm on my inside, a feeling that held hope yet was scary. I didn't feel like such a bad idea talking to him.
Whether he was genuinely interested in my story or not was not for me to worry about. Right now, the best I could do was to sail with the wind and I did just that.


Do you think Teniola and Korede are starting to have a connection? 🤐

Please comment to tell me what you think! Also don't forget to vote and share🤗

Much love, Dr Damsel♥️

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