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    I was feeling refreshed this bright morning. I walked into the office more confident than ever, strutting like a proud gazelle.
The news of the deal we signed had spread like wildfire. It was all over the news, and was the talk on everyone's lips.
The celebratory mood at the office was palpable, saturating the atmosphere like a pleasant fragrance.
I sat at my desk, and scrolled through some fikes on my laptop when I was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Come in", I called out.
I raised my head to see Stella briskly walk in and then stop at my desk.
"Sir, it's Teniola. She's here already."
I had earlier told her to inform me whenever Teniola arrived at the office today as I wanted to see her.
I nodded in acknowledgement.
"Okay. Good. Let her in."

   I hurriedly closed my laptop, expectantly waiting for her to come in.
I spotted her familiar petite frame through the doorway, wearing a warm smile laced in a  confidence that managed to get my undivided attention every time. She looked ravishing in a plain black short-sleeved gown that stopped at her knees, matched with a golden strapped bag slung across her shoulders. Her long black braids flowed freely down her shoulders, adorning her head like a crown.
She appeared to hesitate a bit, before walking towards where I was seated.
I gestured to her to take her seat across the table.
"Good morning sir."
"Hi Teniola, how are you doing?", I asked.
I took a closer look at her. She looked very beautiful and she didn't seem to be trying too hard.
"I'm fine, thank you", she replied.
I tried to brush aside any ounce of awkwardness I was beginning to feel, reminding myself to focus on why I called her here in the first place.
I remembered that she would have had to find an alternative for her truck this morning since it was being repaired. I hoped she didn't find it difficult though.
"About your truck, I already put a call through to the mechanic this morning."
"Thank you... what did he say?"
She focused with rapt attention.
"He said the problem has been fixed. But he doesn't know how long it would last till it develops another fault. Apparently, the engine is worn out."
"Oh...." She paused, and I could almost hear the sound of her breathing. Her countenance  became somewhat downcast.
"Hope you know that the expenses of the repair is all on the company. Don't worry about it."
She tried to force a smile, pressing her palms together in front of her face.
"Thanks for all your help sir, God bless you."  I understood the worry that lingered beneath her smile, especially since the problem with the truck might be far from over.
I really wanted to reassure her more that all would be fine but I had to hold it in.
"You're welcome."

   Since last night I had thought about throwing a small party at the office for the employees to celebrate our recent deal and I wanted a second opinion on the idea.
Oddly, Teniola felt like the perfect person to ask.
"I've been thinking of organizing a small party for the employees to celebrate a business deal we just signed at the company."
She seemed to have been caught off guard by my question, her face wearing an expression of surprise.
"That's nice. Congratulations sir."
"Thank you. So what do you think?"
I placed my fingers under my chin, awaiting her reply.
She rolled her eyes.
"Umm...I'm surprised you're asking for my opinion though."
I smiled. "Why is that?"
She shrugged. "Nothing really. Just seems a bit weird."
"But since you asked, I don't think it's a bad idea. It will also be a good opportunity to show appreciation to the workers."

Boy, I was impressed by her response; and I loved the fact that she cared about appreciating the workers for their hard work. I mean, this win wouldn't have been possible without them. I was also very passionate about their welfare. It was gladdening to find someone else on the same boat.
"I'm glad you think it's a good idea too."
I crossed my legs underneath the table and rested my back against the swivel chair to make myself more comfortable.
"I would like you to handle the catering for the party."
Her eyes lit up.
"Really? Wow. Thank you very much. I will do my best", she replied with her palms pressed together.
"I know you will. You've proven to be really, really good at what you do."
I noticed that she blushed slightly at the compliment, avoiding my gaze.
"It's going to be this Friday evening. Hope it's fine by you."
"Stella would update you on the remaining details."
"Alright sir."

   A brief moment of silence filled the room afterwards, our eyes locked in a weird staring contest. She looked away, and shifted her attention to the landscape paintings on the walls.
I cleared my throat.
"Forgive my manners, I didn't offer you anything since you came in."
She turned to face me, looking startled.
"What?", she chuckled. "You don't need to."
"Please...I insist."
I stood up and walked to the fridge behind. I opened the handle and peered in.
"We have cake, cookies, it. And there's drinks too", I reeled off like a waiter in a fancy restaurant.
I turned to face her.
"I'm fine. I had breakfast just before I arrived."
"Or do you want tea or coffe?", I asked pointing to a tray filled with beverages.
"I'm fine, really. Thank you."
"Okay, I give up", I replied raising my hands in mock surrender.
She smiled broadly to reveal her perfect set of white teeth.
I went back to my seat.
The tension had doused between us, and I was proud of myself for making her smile.
I folded my arms across the table, studying her face closely.
"So how did your church program go yesterday?"
She narrowed her eyes. "I can't believe you remembered that."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Well..." Her voice trailed off.
"I find it pretty interesting to be honest. I really want to know about it."
A braid fell in front of her face and she moved to tuck it behind her ears.
"It went well. We had an exhortation on faith followed by an interactive discussion about how we can apply it to our lives. Then we prayed for ourselves."
I nodded to her words.


   This wasn't my first time hearing about it. In fact, it's a word that had been ringing in my heart for a while now when I stumbled upon a Christian article at a restaurant.
How it was described by the author had sent shivers down my spine.
I knew faith was something powerful; a force holding the connection to something deeper. It felt as though it was so real, yet far away; at least from me.
And it didn't just feel like a coincidence when Teniola mentioned it again.
For some strange reason, I wondered if that might be what I needed to find.
What would be able to bring me out of my hole.
I needed to believe in something, anything. Because at this point it was almost as though my life depended on it.

  I looked into her eyes, still nodding in agreement to her words.
"Sounds like you had an eventful time."
"Yeah I did."

   We were interrupted by the loud buzz of my alarm. It notified me of my scheduled zoom meeting with some investors from Japan.
Sadly our conversation would have to end at this point, and I was just beginning to enjoy her company.
"Ummm...I have a meeting to attend now."
"'s fine", she replied with a small smile.
She got to her feet and I followed suit, leading her towards the door.
"Thanks so much for your time Teniola."
"It's my pleasure sir."

   I wanted to reach out for a hug, but I knew that'll be me doing too much. It wasn't my intention to make her feel uncomfortable. I gave a small wave instead.
"I'll see you at around."
    I dashed back to my desk, took in a deep breath and tuned in to the meeting on my IPad.
Today was going to be a long day.

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