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   I could almost not believe that I was here right now; sitting at a table with Mr DaSilva and making small talk over a plate of chicken barbeque.
Unlike myself, he seemed so relaxed as he helped himself to the meal I had prepared while looking so casual in his outfit: a plain grey T-shirt on navy blue three-quarter jeans with a pair of black and white loafers.
It was almost impossible to picture him without a shirt and tie before now.
But to be honest, he looked good.

That wasn't a big deal to admit; didn't everyone know that already?

Especially him.

   Korede DaSilva carried himself with the aura of a person in control. At least, that's what I sensed.
He was good-looking, rich, confident, eloquent and a people's person.
The guy could literally have anything and anyone he wanted.
I was certain about that.

    What I couldn't fully wrap my fingers around why he was sitting with me this moment.
He could have been anywhere else but here; with his other friends or in the arms of one of the many beautiful ladies I'd seen so far at the party.
He seemed to be like one of those guys who would have so much of them around him.
I'm sure they would even throw themselves at him anyways.
Just be a young, wealthy and successful guy in Lagos and you'll literally have ladies flocking from all angles.
But I knew better than to get entwined in undue familiarity with Mr DaSilva.

I appreciate all he did to help me with the job and all, which was pretty nice but I must admit that I still felt a little uneasy while talking to him. Offering to make him barbeque was my attempt at trying to repay his nice gesture. It was the least I could do.

   I looked up to see him taking his last bite of the chicken wings on the plate, with a look of satisfaction on his face. He seemed to have a special relationship with food given the excitement he showed earlier. Well, I definitely love food too.
My eyes followed his hands as he reached for the napkin in front of him to wipe his mouth.
"Thank you Teniola. This was amazing".
He looked up to face me with a broad smile plastered across his lips.
If I wasn't mistaken, this would be about the tenth time he was complimenting the food.
I wondered if it was that great or he was only flattering me. It was probably the latter.

Teniola, get yourself together.

"You're welcome sir", I replied flashing a smile of my own in return, though not as genuine as I would like.
I stood up swiftly from the table while pretending to be busy searching for some things.
Hopefully he would be smart enough to take it as his signal to leave.
As if on cue, he followed suit though he seemed bewildered by my sudden action.
"Ummm...I guess you're busy so I wouldn't want to disturb you. It was really nice talking to you Teniola." He spoke in a rather calm tone.

I felt my insides cringe.
The way he called my name in that smooth baritone voice of his was starting to mess with my head.
My best bet was that he was doing this on purpose and trying to have an effect on me.
Well, sorry to burst your bubble mister; that won't work!
I'm way smarter than that.

Or maybe I was just over-thinking things and this was nothing more than a friendly chat between a boss and an employee.
Whichever it was I knew this conversation had to end, the sooner the better.

"Yeah... yeah. I have things to sort out... sir", I replied still avoiding his gaze.

"I totally understand. I should leave you to your work. Once again, thanks for everything. See you some other time."

"Yep. Bye".

And with that he left. I heaved a sigh of relief.

     I don't exactly know how to place how I feel right now.
Or what I'm capable of feeling if I don't guard my heart.

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