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Ding. Ding.

   I was in the kitchen frying chicken wings when I heard the sound of my message notification. I wondered what it was about, being so early on a Monday morning.
On today's menu was chicken and waffles. Sam and Betty, my assistants, had come over to help out with the preparation.
"Coming!", she answered as I heard footsteps coming towards my direction.
In a few seconds she was standing before me waiting for my instructions.
"Please could you help me watch the chicken on the fire, I need to check a message that just came in."
"No problem ma'am."
I gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Thank you"

   I looked around for my phone. I remember that I had dropped it on the living room sofa earlier. Thankfully, I found it right where I left it.
I was oddly curious to know what the message was about.
Little did I know what was about to hit me.
A credit alert to my bank account!

    I'd been expecting the balance of my pay check for the job at Mr Chuks' housewarming party last Saturday.
I clicked open to view the message.
I couldn't believe the figures staring at my eyes.
"Oh my God", I said in a hush, my palms over my mouth to hide my excitement.
This was the biggest pay check I had ever received since I started my business!
I mouthed a 'Thank you God' while I basked in the surreal feeling of the moment.
The feeling was incredible!


    I was still in high spirits when I arrived at Midas Incorporation building, humming to one my favorite songs seemingly unfazed by the scorching weather.

    For some reason I knew that it'll only be proper for me to see the boss to thank him for everything; after all, he got me the job in the first place.
Betty and Sam had accompanied me, and with their help I was soon done with the deliveries for the day after which they found their way to their respective destinations.

   The boss's office was on the fifth and last floor of the massive building and would require that I took the elevator; which I dreaded due to my fear of heights.
I took in a deep breath to gather my composure.
While in the elevator, my mind flashed back to a few weeks ago when I first stepped my foot here, in dire need of a job. It was amazing to see how the table had turned in my favor with the incredible opportunities that followed over the past weeks.

   The door of the elevator opened and I was welcomed to a soft floral scent. The decor had a nature-based theme with plant vases housing fresh greens adorning every corner. The lemon coloured walls, decorated with African paintings were aesthetically pleasing.
It was funny why it seemed I was just noticing these details for the first time, seeing as I had been here once.

    From a distance, I saw two middle-aged men in suits sitting on the orange plush cushions in the waiting room area. The secretary's desk stood at the opposite end of the lobby from were they sat, and I spotted the boss's secretary typing on her computer. I walked over to her.

  "Good morning Miss Stella."
She raised her head and adjusted her glasses to the bridge of her nose before responding with a smile. Her hair was neatly packed in a sleek bun that accentuated her smooth, rounded face. She had a purple shirt on with a matching headband that beautifully complemented her dark skin.
"Oh, Miss Teniola Adams! It's nice to see you this morning. How can I help you?", she asked with a broad smile.
I gave her one of mine in return.
"Ummm...I'll like to see the boss, if that's fine."
She turned through the pages of files on her desk.
"But you don't have an appointment", she replied apologetically.
"Yes. I know he's very busy; but it will be very, very brief."
"Alright. He's in a meeting at the moment but I'll see what I can do".
"Thank you."
"You're welcome". She stood up while clutching a brown leather jacket to her chest. "You can wait over there", she said, pointing to were the two men sat across the room.

    I headed over to take my seat close to the bald, bearded man in the black striped suit. I muttered a 'good morning' under my breath with a straight face, in an attempt not to seem too friendly to entertain small talk.
I think he got the signal because he promptly replied and continued scrolling through his phone.

     I took out my phone as well, and opened my personal Instagram account. It had been ages since I checked through the app or even posted a picture. I wasn't really into social media, but I still managed to maintain a decent online presence.
I scrolled through my feed, and saw that a former classmate, Zainab, fondly called Zanny, had just given birth to her first child. The picture was so cute and I felt butterflies in my stomach. It seemed just like yesterday when she newly got married.
A wide smile formed across my lips.
People had typed congratulatory messages in the comment section and I sent mine as well. I also saw a couple of random pictures from some food bloggers and chefs that I followed.

   My notification icon showed that I'd had a message. Another one? It had better be good.
The message was from a certain @LawrenceK_12. The username didn't seem familiar at all.
I didn't bother to read what the message was just yet; as I headed to the page for a quick background check first.
There were no personal pictures; however the profile picture was that of a football club and a few motivational posts.
The bio simply read, 'Businessman by day; football fan by night.'

  'Mystery man' was already following my page; and had liked some of my posts. I noticed that we didn't have any mutual friends. Whoever the guy was, I hoped that he wasn't a random stalker or worse still, a scammer. I had heard many not-so-good stories hence my suspicions.

I decided to read his message.
His message was simple and straight to the point. He said he liked my food posts and claimed that he was a food lover himself; and that he wanted to be friends. Isn't that what they all say?

   I usually ignored messages from people I didn't know; but for some odd reason I was open to start a conversation with mystery man. Esther had tried to convince me in the past that making friends online wasn't such a bad idea, as she had met one or two people who turned out to be really cool. She would often say, 'Teni, you are in control of your life and relationships; nobody will force you to do what you don't want', whenever I expressed my fears on being lured by deceitful people. And although I hated to admit it, she was right.
Bad people were everywhere; one had to be smart.

     Now here I was, finally replying a DM. Who would have thought? Or was it because I was in a good mood today?
Esther would definitely tease me if she saw me right now; her large eyes rolling at me with a hint of tears in them from laughing too hard.

I chuckled at the thought.

   Or I thought I did, because the man sitting next to me suddenly turned towards my direction with a puzzled look.
Oops! I think I was too loud.

He probably thought he was the cause of my amusement and shot a knowing look.
I quickly looked away, my eyes transfixed to my phone screen; trying to mind my business but more to hide my embarrassment.

   Almost immediately, Miss Stella signalled to both men from her desk and they stood up to go into the office with the bald, bearded man in the striped suit stealing me a weird glance once more. Why are Nigerians so extra?
I simply ignored him.

   I'd already composed my reply and hit the send button; with a tinge of nervousness and excitement flowing through my veins. This was new; and I hoped it would be worth the risk. If he did reply.

Thanks for reading! ♥️♥️♥️

How do y'all feel about DMs?😁 Reply in the comments! 👇🏽

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With love @DrDamsel 😘


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