CHAPTER 4- Part 1

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I haven't had enough sleep. Well, this was a good kind of sleep deprivation. Today was my first day of delivery to Midas Incorporation. I had hired two extra hands to help out with the baking. I wanted everything to be perfect and I made sure to dot my i's and cross my t's. I beckoned to one of my assistants.
"Betty, please how many packs of sandwiches did you count so far?"
" Sixty-six, ma'am", she replied in a confident tone.
" Ok good. We need four extra packs to make up to seventy. Let's start taking them to the truck."
"On it ma'am".
Thankfully, I had been able to repair my pick up truck over the weekend though I spent a lot more than I bargained for but I knew it would be worth it.
Soon we finished packing all the orders and were set to leave. My other assistant Chima, was going to stay behind to help clean up.

I grabbed two slices of sandwich and a flask of tea from the kitchen table and shoved them into my bag.
Under no circumstance would I leave on an empty stomach on such an important day.
The traffic was pretty hectic this morning. It was probably due to the rain that fell through the night. I turned on the car radio hoping to find something interesting to listen to but I ended up changing stations repeatedly without really making up my mind. I eventually turned it off. I started a conversation instead with Betty about how the prices of foodstuffs was increasing by the day while intermittently munching on my breakfast.
"God will help us ma", she kept saying.
The air smelt of smoke from rickety-old danfo commercial vehicles plying the roads, filled with people squeezed together like sardines.
Hawkers filled the roads selling various items. One of the bread sellers stood at my window, trying to persuade me to patronise him.
'Aunty, buy fresh bread; it's today's bread ma', he said repeatedly with a desperate tone and pleading eyes.
Though I knew I had no plans of buying bread, I decided to do so anyways. I simply felt pity for him knowing that he was probably struggling to feed a wife and children somewhere.

I drove through the parking lot of Midas Incorporation building. I raised my left hand to look at my watch. It was exactly 9:00am. I heaved a sigh of relief. The last thing I wanted was to deliver late on my first day. I headed straight away towards the HR office with Betty walking right behind me.
The journey to the fourth floor seemed like forever despite the fact that I used the elevator. I told Betty to wait for me in the "Reception Area" while I went in to see the manager.
I knocked on the door of the office.
I heard a muffled voice on the other side.
"Come in".

I gave my best smile and poise as I walked in to greet the Human resources manager Mrs Roberts, a bubbly and high-spirited middle aged woman with dimples you couldn't help but notice.
"Good morning ma", I said with my arms stretched out for a handshake.
"Good morning dear....ummm remind me your name again?", she replied in a too-familiar tone as though we hadn't met just once. Well, we'd spoken a few times over the phone in the past week if that could count.
"Teniola Adams."
"Yes. Yes. Teniola. I remember you. Such a pretty name for a pretty face."
At this point I was wondering if she was being too nice. She motioned to me to take my seat in the leather chair facing her table.
She continued, "I'm guessing you're here with the orders right?"
"Yes I am."
"Very good. You know I like people that take their work seriously. And I definitely like you already."
She explained that I'll be delivering the packs to the office cafeteria and the members of staff would have them during breakfast and lunch hours. We also reviewed the menu list and prices for the week. She kept saying "Excellent, excellent!" and nodding to every of my suggestions.

After we concluded, she said something about me delivering the food personally to the boss in his office.
I was a bit surprised. "Oh really ma? I didn't think that there would be need for that."
" Well, it is important. At least he can know who you are and give you any suggestions of his own as to what he would like on the menu."
It was baseless trying to object. For one, I was grateful that I had gotten the job in the first place and I still wanted to remain in the good books of Mrs Roberts.
"No problem ma".

Betty and I had just finished offloading the last batch of orders from the truck. I was about to make my so-called "VIP" delivery while I told her to wait for me downstairs.

As I came out of the elevator on the last floor, I felt someone bump into me and realized that my purse and phone had dropped to the floor.
"Excuse me?", I replied in a semi-angry tone while bending to pick my phone.
I had instantly started calculating in my head how much damage could have been done to my phone as it fell on the floor.
"Oh, I'm so sorry", a baritone masculine voice replied.
That moment I wondered why that voice sounded familiar.
He bent down to help pick up some of the contents of my purse that had spilled on the floor.
At least he's trying to be a gentleman, I thought to myself.
I picked up my phone and quickly checked the screen for damages. Thankfully, it was just a few scratches.
"So sorry about that. I really should look at where I'm going next time".
"Oh yeah you should", I replied under my breath.
"How badly damaged is it?", the masculine voice asked.
I simply ignored him. My eyes were still on my phone, with my fingers pressing buttons and making sure that it was working perfectly.
"Hello?", he asked again when I refused to answer his question.
I looked up to face him and all of a sudden I was tongue-tied. It was the boss.

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