CHAPTER 2- Part 1

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Present Day


Today's service was awesome. For the most part, I felt like today was all about me. From the song rendition by the choir to the sermon by the preacher, it was though they were speaking specifically to me.

I woke up this morning in a not-so-good mood and for the first time in a long while, I actually contemplated not going to church. I don't exactly know what warranted the downcast mood, but I probably think it was a build up from the past week.

Like seriously, I'd been thinking a lot lately. From my plummeting finances to mum's health, my life had been filled with endless problems. But through it all, I had always managed to be optimistic and have a positive outlook towards life. I trusted God completely because of my relationship with Him but for a while now it was starting to take a toll on me.

I'm glad I came to church today though, because I am encouraged than ever to keep going; I know that all will be well.
I stood outside the main entrance of the church waiting for my best friend, Esther. Esther is the typical extrovert, she literally lights up every room she walks into. I know she's probably having chit-chats with a bunch of people. But right now, I just want to go home and rest.

''Hey Teniola,'' I hear a male voice behind me and I turn towards its direction. It's Bayo, the guitarist.
''Hello Bayo, how are you?'', I reply flashing him one of my radiant smiles.
He brings out his hand for a handshake, and I return his gesture with my hand as well.
''I'm doing great, by the way you look beautiful as always.''
I roll my eyes, trying not to show that I'm not in the mood for such compliments right now.
''Thank you. Hope you enjoyed service today?'', I reply trying to change the topic.
''Absolutely. Ummmm, I was wondering if you'll be free this weekend for a little hangout with some friends."

Here we go again. I knew Bayo would bring up an excuse for me to go out with him. After turning down his previous offers to go on dates with him, the guy was still trying his luck. Except that right now he's using another tactic. I mean, this dude never gives up!
Seeing that I was hesitant to give a reply, he added,
''I know what you're thinking. It's not a date. Just a hangout with some friends at Royal Cafe. Please try to consider it.''
His eyes were pleading already. I didn't want to hurt his feelings again but I couldn't be coerced to do something I didn't feel up to. That's not just me.

I took in a deep breath, ''I'm so sorry Bayo, but my weekend's really busy. I would have love to come.''
Well, that wasn't a lie. I had some orders to deliver by weekend but that didn't mean I couldn't spare a few hours for the hangout. But I wasn't willing to make an effort to go.

Looking over his shoulders, I saw Esther walking towards our direction. I heaved a sigh of relief. I gave her a 'save me' kind of look as the situation was already becoming awkward.
''Bayo Bayo!'', she chimed in her high-pitched bird-like voice.
They exchanged pleasantries and soon he left us. I felt kind of bad for him though.
''Hey girlfriend,'' she said as she gave me a nudge on the shoulder, ''I can see you and Mr. Loverboy ehn?''
''Stop know it's not like that'', I replied with a slight frown across my face.
''Ah ah, what is it? Someone cannot play with you?'', she asked teasingly.

We started to walk towards the gate.
''But on a serious note'', Esther turned to face me, ''why don't you like the guy at all? You know many ladies would wish to be in your position right now.''
''And so?''
''You didn't even give the guy a chance. He's God-fearing, respectable, has a good job...what else do you want?''
''Well you are beginning to sound like my mum'', I replied in a defensive tone. ''I don't feel at peace with getting into a relationship with him and that's it."
She looked slightly upset.
''I hope you get what you want my friend. You're 26, you should know what you want to do with your life.''

I felt the atmosphere had tensed between us. I knew Esther wanted the best for me and she was only expressing her concern, being engaged already. Was I being too choosy? Do I really know what I want?
At the same time, I know that marriage is a big deal and I wasn't ready to rush into something I wasn't so sure about. I didn't want to make a mistake like mum made.
''Oh God, please help me'', I muttered under my breath.
Soon, one of the rickety yellow 'danfo' buses heading our way stopped in front of us and we boarded, remaining quiet throughout the entire ride.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Do you think Teniola is being too choosy?

Or is her fear of making a mistake preventing her from making a decision?

What do you think of societal pressures to get married at a certain age?

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