CHAPTER 1-Part 3

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I drove my BMWX7 into the garage of Tobi's house where the guys were to meet up to watch the football game and hangout.

As I alighted from the car, I could already hear noises from inside. I was starting to feel suffocated in my suit and I couldn't wait to get inside to take it off.
This global warming thing is real.
I would have loved to change into something more casual but I wasn't able to finish work in time to go home to change. Besides I couldn't risk the traffic and run late.

I was greeted with a familiar voice.
'Hey Korede, welcome', greeted Chuks.
'Hope I haven't missed much', I replied. I scanned the living room and exchanged pleasantries with the rest of the guys, some of whom I didn't know so well.

I could perceive the smell of barbecue coming from the kitchen. I began to salivate. That's when I remembered I haven't had lunch yet. That must be Tobi's handiwork. Tobi is a wonder in the kitchen. As a guy who grew up in the midst of girls, he was able to imbibe stellar cooking skills. Myself on the other hand, could barely manage to fix myself a good breakfast.

Tobi entered the living room and we had our usual bro handshake.
I leaned in to whisper into his ear, "Hope you've not forgotten that you have gist for me?"
'No, not at all. After the match is over."
To be honest, I had been thinking about what it could be all day but I just nodded my head.
" No problem bro", I replied.

The game went well, as always with a lot of shouting, argument and analyses but in the end my team won. I did not expect less, it was well deserved.
We had our barbecue with drinks while discussing about politics, business, women and the likes.
Tobi made a cough-like sound to get our attention.
'Speaking of women', he continued. "Do you guys remember Wande from uni?"
He was looking at my direction. This definitely had to be the gist he talked about earlier.

I remember Wande well. He was my roommate and also a good friend to me while on campus. We usually went to clubs and parties together. He was one of the people who usually told me to 'live my life'. He was also from a rich family like myself, he was the son of a popular businessman based in Eastern Nigeria. Wande spent money lavishly, mostly on girls, drinking and betting.

Unlike myself, Wande wasn't interested in academics one bit. He often told me that he was being forced to study law by his parents. Wande usually had a new girlfriend every three weeks, he usually boasted that girls flocked around him because he was so good in bed. The more we began to hang out together, the more I found myself becoming like him....

Tobi went on, 'I heard from a reliable source that he got a lady pregnant and apparently she is the daughter of a prominent senator.'
'Wow, bag of money!', Chuks exclaimed.
A few of the guys chuckled.
'Wande didn't want the child and neither did the lady due to fear of her parents who wanted her to go for Masters abroad, so they decided to abort the pregnancy.'
The room became silent.
Tobi continued, 'One quack doctor performed the procedure at Wande's house, and sadly the lady died'.
'What? That one na serious trouble o', Raheem exclaimed.

I sat still, trying to process the whole information.
Tobi replied, 'You're so right. The guy's in deep shit right now. When the lady did not return home, her phone was traced to his apartment and he was arrested. He had earlier attempted to burn the body at the back of his apartment. He risks life imprisonment right now. Though the so-called doctor is still on the run.'
'May God save us', Chuks replied.
'But guys we have to be careful about the women we are involved with, to avoid stories that touch. Anything you want to do better use sense', he added.

I just sat there transfixed like a statue. It was hard taking it all in. Wande was like a brother to me. I could hardly believe that such an unfortunate incident happened to him.
And I knew somewhere on my inside my conscience was also being pricked. Because I had done things I am not proud of. What if something had gone wrong then? What would have become of me? This was a bitter pill to swallow. I knew I still carried guilt and sometimes felt like a dark cloud hung over me. If only I could find a solution; if only I could find peace.

It is so unfortunate what happened to Wande. How can issues like this be avoided in the society?

What is it that makes Korede so troubled?

Continue reading to find out!

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