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   The rest of the ride was smooth, filled with little chit-chats about our interests. The atmosphere now was calm as I gazed absent-mindedly at the passing vehicles.

"So where am I dropping you off?"
I jerked back to reality in response to the baritoned-richness of the boss' voice, laced with an air of undeniable confidence.
He was the type my mum would refer to as a 'smooth talker', those described as having the ability to sell ice to an Eskimo; armed with the perfect words and gestures to get into people's heads.
"Be careful of all those boys with sweet mouths o !", were the exact words I had heard countless times from her.
This wasn't my first encounter with such men. Since my days in the university, I had met guys who showered me with compliments using every vocabulary in the dictionary. And I knew well of not a few ladies who had fallen for their fables, with their situation obviously ending in tears. Since then I had made efforts to be careful not to repeat their mistakes; hopefully this time around I would be able to guard my heart once more.
"Ummm...It's just around the corner. " I replied, pointing at a storey building just about four blocks away.
He peered into the windscreen, as though he was looking for something in particular.
"This doesn't seem like a residential area though."
I shook my head.
"I don't live around here. I'll be alighting at my church."
He raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"Oh...I see."
"Actually, we have Youth Fellowship today", I blurted out.
I felt he must have been wondering what I would be doing in church on a weekday so I wanted to clarify, though I don't think it was necessary.
"What's it about?"
His question took me by surprise. I didn't expect him to be interested in any more details. I adjusted myself in my seat, trying to organize my thoughts.
"It's a time where young people come together to fellowship with God. We also share experiences and encourage one another in our struggles", I carefully explained.
Through my side eye, I saw him give a small smile with a slight nod.
"Sounds cool", was all he said.

    A few moments later, we had just arrived in front of the church gate. He was about to drive into the premises when I told him to park outside instead. I didn't want to become the subject of attention if I was seen alighting from his car.
I turned to face him as soon as he pulled the car to a halt.
"I really appreciate all your help today....sir. I can't thank you enough."
He shrugged.
"You don't have to thank me Teniola. It was the least I could have done."
He stared at me intently, and I was wondering if there was something else I should have said.
He then cleared his throat.
"And I also enjoyed our conversation. It was really nice getting to know some things about you", he added.

"Where in the world was that coming from?", I dialogued inwardly.

I tried to suppress any rush of warmth or redness that was about to fill my cheeks; struggling to keep a straight face.
" too."
His eyes were still on me, and I quickly picked up my purse and phone so I could take my leave.
"Have a wonderful evening sir."
"Take care Teniola." He replied with a wave of his hand. "Bye."
"Bye." I waved back before I closed the door and watched while he drove off into the streets, till he was out of sight.

As I walked into the church premises I peeped at my watch snuggled nicely around my left wrist. I still had about forty minutes till the start of the fellowship.
I entered the main auditorium and noticed it was quite scanty. A few people were sitting in two's and three's discussing. I wanted to go unnoticed so I slipped in the back seat quietly as I needed some 'me' time.
As I was about to take out my phone from my purse, I felt a gentle tap on the shoulder.

I turned. It was Bayo, wearing an excited grin across his face. He wore a blue striped shirt that fit nicely on a pair black trousers.
"Hi Teniola. Wow! It's so nice to see you."
"Yeah", I replied, my voice obviously not matching his excitement.
I reached out to him for a handshake.
"I noticed you when you stepped in. By the way it's surprising to see you here so early 'cause service doesn't start until some minutes time."
I shrugged. "Yeah, I came here directly from work without going home first."
He peered through the front door, his head tossing sideways.
"But I don't see your truck."
I placed my palms on my cheeks. They felt cold.
"Oh that. It developed a fault so it is being repaired."
"Ohhh...Sorry about that." He placed his hand on my right shoulder.
"Yeah. Thank you."
He took out the chair next to me and sat, cross-legged comfortably.
"So what happened to it?", he asked expectantly with his arms folded across his chest.
I rolled my eyes.
I wasn't in the mood for this discussion with Bayo at the moment. I had hoped I would be able to steal a few minutes to myself but there was no way I could avoid the conversation.

At this point, I was almost regretting not going home first. But I knew it was for the best because then the boss would have known where I lived.
In as much as I appreciated his help and even our conversation earlier, I still didn't see the point in us being unnecessarily friendly. I would prefer that our professional relationship remained as it is.
For one, I didn't know what his intentions were. Men like him couldn't really be trusted. Maybe I was being overly judgmental of his person, or maybe not.
My instincts told me to thread lightly, at least for now.
I suddenly remembered Bayo was seated before me, eagerly awaiting my response. I decided to narrate my day's ordeal to him while he also kept me company.


I pushed open the gate of my house, welcomed to the creaking sound that now seemed so familiar. The sound of home. I was delighted to finally be back after a long day.
I took out my house keys and unlocked the door, simultaneously kicking off my shoes to free my sore feet.
I wobbled my way through the living room in the dark, till I reached the light switch at the corner.
"Whew!", I exclaimed in relief as I slouched on the couch like a tired kitten.
I stared at the ceiling, my head racing with thoughts about all I encountered today.
At that moment I remembered that I was supposed to give my brother, Ayo a call today.
I picked up my phone and dialed the receiver.

Ring. Ring.

I heard sounds of loud chatter in the background. "Hello, Ayo are you there?", I spoke again, raising my voice a notch.
"Hey sis! Let me get out of this place, it's noisy."
After what seemed like a while, I could no longer hear the background noises.
"Ayo, are you still there?"
His deep voice vibrated through the phone speakers. "Yes...sorry about earlier."
"It's okay. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing great, it's nice to hear from you. How is everything over there?"
I let out a small sigh. Thinking of summarizing everything that has been going on in my life in a single sentence seemed impossible.
"It's all good. Work is going well and God has been faithful."
"That's nice....Sissy, are you okay?"
"Yeah...why not?"
"Cos you sound like you're probably tired"
I couldn't pretend. That's how close my brother and I were. He could tell when something was off with me even from miles apart. Talk about telepathy at its best.
"Well...maybe. Today was pretty stressful."
"Sorry about that...what happened? "
"It's nothing much though. Just that my truck has started with its wahala again. It broke down today."
" Again? I thought you repaired it last month."
I laughed. "I did o...I'm already tired of it sef"
" You definitely need a new one."
"See this boy o! Talking like a rich man's son! Shebi you have money to give me?", I responded with a smirk on my face.
He laughed at the other end.
" I might not have much now though. But God will provide."
Funny how my younger brother could snap me back to my senses. I could always rely on God for every of my needs, all I needed to do was ask.
" You're right sha. God will provide a new one."
"Amen. How's mum and when last did you see her?"
"Mum's doing great. I saw her two weeks ago. Her health is much better; she's been regular with her medications and hospital appointments."
"Thank God." The tone of his voice lowered slightly. "I had been worried about her lately."
"Ayo, you don't need to be. Everything's fine. All I need from you is for you to focus on your forthcoming exams without distractions", I replied reassuringly.
I went on. "Speaking of exams, how are preparations going?"
" It's been good so far. I just finished a group discussion with some of my friends."
I smiled, even though he wouldn't be able to see me. I was proud that he was focused with his studies.
"That's good. Just make sure you give it your best."
"Yeah I will."
"I'm proud of you, Ayo."
"Thanks sis...this one that you're sounding all mushy..."
I chuckled. "Can't I tell you I'm proud of you again? I mean it, and I'm not trying to bribe you for anything!"
"Okay! I believe you sis. I've got to go now."
"Alright dear. Take care!"
"You too. Bye sis!"

   My heart warmed on hearing his voice. I was glad that he's doing fine at school despite the odds. We always had each other's backs since we were children and I was grateful for how far we've come. Our journey though rough, had been worthwhile and I was expectant that better days lied ahead.


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Love and light♥️🌟

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