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Smirking, rubbing the knife on his thumb he looked at the shivering man infront him.

His eyes trailed down to his abs already detached from his slim body.

Jimin smirked proudly looking at the groaning and shifting figure infront of him.

Jimin- Last one to be dead~

He extended his hand towards the army of his men watching the inhuman treatment.

But nobody accuse Jimin as anybody will react this way after seeing their love of life getting raped and come back from the jaws of DEATH.


His empty warm palm was soon replaced by a cold metal object.

His most favourite out of all the other weapon.....

The silver chopper from which he chopped his own father's head.

Jimin- Touched my love?? My yn??
The love of my life... The reason I live . Like really?? So..... Now let me teach you who she is !!

Kissing his chopper he aimed it right over the boy's chest closing his one eye making sure it hits right at the spot while he bit his lower lip.

He smirked and yn's body's state flashed infront of his eyes as tears made their way . He wiped those tears and.....

He raised the chopper in the air slitting right through that rapist's chest.

He splashed the guy's blood all over the walls and himself as he kept slicing again and again cutting his every part into several pieces.



His eyes searching for some comfort as they hurt already from crying past three hours.

He misses her .....

With every single part of his body....

Every minute ... Every hour .... Every second..

It is you.... It will be you ..... It was you....

His restless body fell on his knees as he screamed clutching yn's photo frame as the glass broke due to intense pressure.

The pieces of glass dig into his skin but nothing hurts more than distance from you.

His insides tears apart and his heart stops working . Every time.... Every single moment he realises yn's far from him.

His life is a living hell something from what he can't escape out.

He lost you..... He lost himself...

He took the red cardboard box as he took out the knife he uses every time he misses you like this.

His favourite one from which you both together made your first toast ever.

He still remember how you giggled when there was sauce all over his face and he asked you to lick it off and you did.

He still remember your pink soft toungue brushing over his lower lip.

It always feels so real whenever he close his eyes and the flashback starts.

Smiling through the river of blood and tears he brought up the knife to his pink plump lips kissing the cold metal.

Jungkook- I love you to infinity my butterfly~

He clutch his shirt as he ripped it apart into pieces and threw it away in the corner of the room.

Throwing his head back at the broken wooden table which dig it's broken pieces piercing his neck's delicate soft skin.

He smiled and carved every single letter of Yn's name on his arm right above his hardened biceps.

He smiled as the blood ooze out at every single letter. But this pain was a gift a happiness after all it was her name....

The girl who always runs in his mind 24/7.....

The girl he can die for.....

The girl he loves the most......

His and only his.....


He kissed the well carved name, wincing at the pain but gave his bunny smile through the lips which were now covered by blood of himself.

Jungkook- I will forever love my Babygirl~

Breathing heavily his eyes slowly closes through his tears as he fell unconscious by the excess blood loss by his arm, head, stomach and mouth.

Soobin rushed inside and met with most horrific scene he ever witnessed.

He saw prominent blood big marks on the wall as his eyes fell on Jungkook's bleeding head.

Did he actually hit his head into the wall???

Later he saw the broken wooden table and the glass window broken with a lot of blood dripping from it.

Then his eyes went to his broken and badly bleeding fist.

Did he actually punched the table and widow??

Soon his eyes fell onto the baseball bat cracked into two pieces and then jungkook's bruised stomach and chest.

Did he actually hit himself from a bat??

And the final one which gave him intense goosebumps. A wide metal tray with burning coal on it.

His shaky figure crouch down infront of Jungkook's bleeding and unconscious figure.

He stretched his shaky hands towards jungkook's feet and yes.... They were badly burned and a whole damn river of blood was flowing out of it .

Soobin kept his shaky blood dipped hand onto his mouth not able to utter a single word after what he witnessed.

He stumbled falling back as jungkook's body jolted a bit up as he started breathing heavily.

Soobin pushed his hairs back gulping and wiped the thick sweat drops off his neck and forehead.

Jungkook started breathing way too heavily now making Soobin panick as he quickly command their men to help Jungkook out.


??- Are you sure you did right???

??- Ofcourse ..... But I just hope that trash dies now.

??- He is still a human Jimin!!! A human we k-knew-


Taehyung- I am not!! It's just that I think telling him about yn being- ... Touched wasn't right. Also he doesn't care about her. You forgot how he gave her to kai??

Jimin- I don't know about anything else but I kinda found out about one thing.

Taehyung- What??

Jimin- Kai never raped yn~

Taehyung- Huh?? Are you crazy?? He was the reason yn left us!!

Jimin- SHUT UP!! THE INFORMATION IS RIGHT. THE GUYS THAT RAPED MY BABY TOLD THEMSELVES .....that she bleeded after they did it with her.

Taehyung- Then what was all this mess?? Why did all this happen when Jungkook never gave yn to kai???

Jimin- I am confused too.

Taehyung- We need to find the truth.

With that Taehyung barged out confused and jumbled up minded.

Jimin- But I don't care about the truth.... Cause all I ever wanted. All I needed is going to be mine now!! And no truth can change that!


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