Chapter 21: The Elements of Different Worlds Come Together

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"You're Looking for Mirror Shards".

"Yes, it's to find my mother, said Nozomi."
Your Mother?!, Said Zuko."
Nozomi was talking to Zuko she had healed the Injury he had sustained from Toph when she attacked in Defense because he accidentally Burned her Feet."
"Yes, I don't know.....I was a baby when she?..... said Nozomi."
Nozomi couldn't think of what to say next, she knew her mother was alive as Angela had "said", she now knew that Ren was her Father."

"Is....she Dead?, Said Zuko."
No.... she's not, or that's what Angela said so, said Nozomi."
Who's this Angela?, Said Zuko."
"She's this Angel, Ciel calls her a Fallen Angel and she is know for being bad?, I thought I don't know why yet, She's the one who told me to collect the mirror shards as a sort of "Game", said Nozomi."
"She definitely sounds like more of a Threat then me, but they won't believe that, said Zuko."
"She is?, But I can understand the reason for why they hate you from what you did in the past hurts them and unfortunately that is sometimes hard to forgive and forget about, even if that person is now good, I do know some people who had to go though that too, Said Nozomi."

"Then why do you do what she wants if you know she is evil?, said Zuko."
Nozomi looked at him."
"I do it not for her.....but for myself, even if it costs me my life, all I want is to see my mother again and bring her back to my dad, so they can be happy again, I don't know how to feel Emotions, But If I can do this for my own benefit I would do it, all though that is what I thought at the beginning,
But now that everyone has joined me, I've been starting to think more about it, think about what Angela really wants, and what would really happen once it's all over, I will like to help the others to return to there World and I sort of feel guilty they got caught up in this, said Nozomi."

"Well that's something.....I guess?, Said Zuko."
But right now I want to help you, said Nozomi." Help me?, Said Zuko."
"Yes, at least that's what Toph came here too do until-?, Said Nozomi."
"Yeah you do have to go over it again, said Zuko."
Do you think....that man you sent after them will come back?, Said Nozomi."
Zuko thought about it.
"Well, now that you think about it that might be an issue, I don't know what to do but if any other cases I have to do something about it, I was the one who Sent them so I have to stop it somehow, said Zuko."

"The Next Day came, and back at the Western Air Temple, the others noticed Souta and Nozomi we're gone and went to look for them."
"Where could have they gone too?, Said Pegasus Seiya."
Wow you guys are really bad at looking out for kids, said Daruizen chilling near a wall."
Well how about you stop relaxing and help out!, Said Pegasus Seiya."
"Seiya?, How about you just ignore Daruizen if he's gonna make you mad I'll deal with him, said Cure Grace."
Cure Grace went up to walk to Daruizen."
"Should we ask if the Avatar and his friends if they have seen Nozomi and Souta?, Said Cure Earth."

"That sounds like a good idea, said Robin." I'll go and asked, she is my daughter after all, agh? Said Ren."
"Are you sure?, You still don't feel alright?, I don't think it's best in Your condition, you might worry them, said Alice."
But, I have to do it anyway, said Ren."
Ren went over to Team Avatar, he was Joined by Tart, Ciel and Robin."

"Hey there?, Said Tart."
Oh hey you guys?, Said Sokka."
Has anyone seen Toph?, Said Katara."
"I haven't seen her sense she stormed off the other day, said Sokka."
Well actually, we can't find Souta and Nozomi either we thought maybe you guys saw them maybe?, Said Robin."

"Well maybe She is just exploring the Air Temple and took them with her, there are some pretty fun spots to practice Earthbending, said Haru."

"Well I don't really think so, Nozomi tends to run off on her own sometimes and that tends to make me worry, said Ren."
Besides something doesn't feel right If both of them including Toph are not here either?, Said Tart."
"Tart is right, I think we so go look for her, especially Nozomi and Souta, said Katara."
Oh don't worry let her have fun with her Rocks and be a show off, I'm in no rush to have her yelling at us again, or getting you guys involved, said Sokka."

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