Chapter 26: Almost Sacrificed, a Butler Given New Life

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What was my name?
Was it really Shou?
Was there a Connection between me and Souta, I can feel it every time I sing the song?.
Could my name be..... Shouko?

"Impossible?, What happened to it's power!, Said Angela."
What do you think happened?, You got what you wanted didn't you, it's her Soul Gem, said Minazuki as he putting Bandages of himself from the after effects on the fight with Aiko."

"You right I did....but this isn't all of it,
Something is missing.... another soul?, Said Angela."
Another one?...I wonder where in a place like this where souls used to run around with a lot of Angels like yourself I wonder what else there could be now?, Said Minazuki."

"The World they were in had a chapel where they were at, and around them were old buildings high in the sky like a City in the Clouds."
Stone Statues had scattered the Area from what you can see from the Chapel Window."
You and the undertaker really did a number on this Place?, Said Minazuki."
Not quite, this place has a Curse over it, and I just happened to activate it when being awaken now quit questioning!, Sense you lost that Boygen Girl!, I want you to find where the Rest of the power of this Soul Gem has gone!, Said Angela."

"YOU WANT ME TO DO IT! Yelled Minazuki."
Angela transformed into Ash Landers."
Yes I mean you!, Or would you like to end up dead too!, Said Ash."
Ugh fine.....but I better get something out of it, I don't do these stuff for Free!, Said Minazuki as he left."

"It's just impossible!, There was a swirl pattern with her soul gem, it was a lighter pink shade then this Raspberry Pink Shade I see!, What I'm I missing!.., thought Ash."
Ash Walked out of the Chapel and into a room where a Woman was laying her two hands crossed between her shoulders."
Oh my dear?.... I'm hoping you can tell me so many things, but unfortunately he was too clever to tell you everything, But still what is this prophecy of a New Goddess?, I found a new textbooks they have here, seems they really were looking forward to it, whatever it is, but I know thare's only one true God, a God that has Abandoned me! Said Ash."

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
Sou-Chan why I always sick?, I want to see the Flowers again?
Don't worry Shouko, I promise we're gonna see the most beautiful flowers together when spring comes!
Together?, Yes Together.

"Sou-Chan?, That's when I called him?,
But there has to be something I can do that will help Nozomi!, Said Shouko."
Shouko heard the sound of talking and follow it, then she found a bustling Library."
A Library? Wait this isn't an ordinary library?, Said Shouko."
"Madeline!, Where did you go!"
Shouko hid from the Incoming Mika Sato who was looking for Madeline Darke."
Madeline there you are! Said Mika."
Oh sorry Mika, but can I take a leave right now I feel something bad has happened to Aiko and Naomi and I must see the two!, Said Madeline."

"Well I can't let you wonder off, besides even if you can, I can't let you!,
You got like 66 papers overdue!, Said Mika."
66 papers when?! Said Madeline."
Ughhhhh!, Said Madeline walking away."
Isn't this the Grim Reapers Mika Sato and Madeline Darke?...if I'm here then that means, oh I think I know what may help?!, Thought Shouko."
Shouko ran off by going though the walls, said she was technically a ghost."

"Huh?... said Mika."
A Cinematic Record Book Fell over and Mika Picked it up."
Really.... I'm over here acting like Maddie's Mother and a Spirit is running rampant in the Library archive?, Said Mika."
Mika can you come over here!, Said Chiyo."
Yes I'm coming, said Mika going over to Chiyo."

"That was a Close one?, Now I wonder?, I feel something near but I don't know what it is?, Said Shouko."
Shouko found a old door she opened it and there was a Stone spiral staircase."
It looks dark wherever this goes But-?,
Ok it's for Nozomi!, Said Shouko."
Shouko went down the Stairs."
And came down a dark corridor, it looked like a medieval passageway."

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