The One With All The Dancing

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Jen had spent the rest of that Sunday with David, talking things through some more and agreeing that no matter how unconventional their arrangement was, it was definitely what they both still wanted. They had also discussed how they were going to handle their upcoming break in filming as Jen had been asked to audition for a few movies and meet with a number of casting directors which would keep her busy for a couple of weeks and was also going to Mexico with her girls on vacation. David meanwhile, had made plans to return to the Chicago Theatre that he had helped to set up and run for a few years. They knew it was absolutely vital that they didn't become entirely dependent on each other and with the enforced break, whilst they knew it would be a little lonely, they also knew they would survive.

"Oh wow! You look...... you look........." David tried hard to find the words to describe the sight in front of him.

"You can say it, I look absolutely hideous!" Jen had laughed as she paraded around the set in a bright pink, full skirted dress and matching hat, looking like a cross between Little Bo Peep and a Barbie princess. It was the day of filming for the Season Two finale and Jen not only had to wear this most awful bridesmaid outfit, she also had to sing Copacabana on stage in front of everyone, something she was strangely nervous about.

"Really, you really want me to sing? What's the song?" she had asked when she first received her script.

"We're thinking Copacabana, you know.... 'Her name was Lola....' that one" she had been told.

David had raised his eyebrow and winked at her across the room since the name Lola had taken on extra meaning for both of them. She had smiled back at him, loving that they had all these little secrets and codes that only they understood.

And now here they were, standing side stage waiting to take their bows, him in his Tux looking all sexy and handsome and her looking like a marshmallow convention had erupted all over her, the fact that her dress was tucked up at the rear to show her underwear just adding the finishing touch of humiliation.

"I still think you're the most attractive girl in the room" David whispered in her ear, "even dressed like that."

"Why thank you! You look extra sexy in that Tux" Jen whispered in reply, as their names were called and she ran out on stage with him hand in hand, bowing and calling out each other's names which had become another of their little inside jokes.

"You booked a room too right?" she continued quietly as they left the stage again, heading towards their dressing rooms.

"No but I did book a suite..... for two nights" he replied with a grin, pulling her towards him and kissing her head as he always did when they were not in private. It was his thing to show her he cared when he couldn't do or say anything else.

"I'm so excited!" she giggled, "a whole weekend together in a hotel. We've not done that since London."

"Shhhhh not too loud!" he chastised as various crew members and staff were floating around.

The end of season wrap party was being held at one of the large hotels in the city centre this year as a reward for all the hard work that the cast and crew had put into making the show such a huge success. Jen and David had cooked up a plan together that they would both book rooms for the weekend so they could enjoy a romantic "getaway" together before they were parted for a few weeks. Sure, it was a little crazy and not without its risks but they decided it was worth it for a weekend of luxury.

The party was in full flow and everyone was having a fantastic time, dancing, singing, laughing and drinking far too much, although not David.... he had learned his lesson a few weeks ago and had been nursing the same pint for nearly 2 hours now. He smiled over to the dance floor where he had been watching Jen shimmy around with Tom Selleck, Courteney and Maggie Wheeler for the past few minutes. She really did know how to move her body, twisting and turning this way and that, swinging her hips and moving so effortlessly in time to the music. Almost as if his eyes had summoned her attention, she looked over at him as the first strains of Stevie Wonder's 'Isn't she lovely' came over the speakers. She beckoned him over with a smile that he couldn't and wouldn't dare disobey, and within moments was swaying along with her in his arms.

They danced for what seemed to them like minutes but was actually closer to an hour, enjoying the party with all their friends and crew and basking in being out together in a safe environment. Sure, they had to be careful not to be too obvious but it was so good to be able to dance and goof around like this without fear of being spotted. They had even got up and sang Copacabana together which had everyone laughing and singing along. They were about to leave the dance floor when a slower song started up, a song very similar to the one in Vegas where they had slow danced together for the first time. David pulled Jen into his body and locked his arms tightly around her waist, her hands linked behind his neck as the jazzy saxophone kicked in and their hips began to move seductively in time with the swell and pull of the music. They stared deep into each other's eyes as they got lost in the rhythm of the moment, dancing together so naturally and freely and zoning out the world around them. As the song ended and a faster number threatened the speakers once more, David bent into Jen's neck, "I need to get you out of here..."

"I can feel that" she whispered back, the desire in her eyes that telling him she was acutely aware of his 'need' pressing against her, "I'll meet you in your room."

David had disappeared instantly, Jen hanging around for a short while longer saying some goodbyes before she too made a subtle exit. She double checked the corridor for the second time before opening his unlocked door and slipping into the room. The sight that met her eyes almost took her breath away. The suite, which was gorgeous in itself, had been dressed with vase upon vase of white roses and white lilies, both flowers which David knew she adored. There were candles lit all around the room, a bottle of Champagne on ice in the corner and Billy Joel could be heard playing from the CD player. David was sat on the sofa in the corner. He had removed his suit jacket and pushed back the sleeves of his blue shirt, a dark shadow of stubble on his face. Jen gulped as she made eye contact with him, thinking he had never looked sexier than he did right now.

He stood and poured the Champagne, carefully adding a strawberry to the top of each glass as Jen made her way across the room and took one of the drinks from him willingly.

"This is just incredible" she breathed, taking in the surroundings and the man stood so close to her, "I can't believe you did all this."

"Well, I wanted to do something to show you just how much you mean to me, and do something we wouldn't normally be able to do....." he replied, taking a drink of his Champagne then setting it down on the side. "Dance with me?" he asked as he increased the volume of the music.

"I'd love to" Jen replied, taking a sip of her drink before putting it alongside David's and sinking into him as once more the music seduced them with its sounds. His arms were loose around her waist, his hands enjoying the fluid movement of her hips. Her hands were resting on his muscular, broad shoulders, her eyes connected with his as she moved ever closer into his body, swaying along to the music and pressing her breasts against the lower part of his chest. Their hips were rotating as the song intensified, Jen once again feeling David's arousal growing against her. She placed her hands behind his neck and leaned her head back a little so she could enjoy the want burning in his eyes. He moved in to kiss her but she pulled back more, pushing her hips harder into him as she did so, enticing a small groan from his mouth. Her eyes were sparkling with desire as she continued to grind against him, ducking and diving so he couldn't place his lips where he wanted to. She removed her hands from behind his neck and spun around so that now her back was against him, still gyrating, as his lips found her neck and began to nibble at all the sweet spots he knew so well by now. She threw back her head to allow him better access as her hands reached behind and grabbed his butt, pulling him hard against her. This was almost too much for him to take and he spun her back around, his lips meeting hers with a fierce intensity. His tongue was deep in her mouth, reveling in her taste as they continued to dance and grind together, her hands roaming his body and leaving tingles wherever they touched. She pulled away, grabbing him by the hand and leading him seductively into the bedroom where they made love with intensity and urgency, still finding new ways to pleasure each other and delighting in the way each made the other's body respond so instinctively. Neither of them wanted this night to ever end, as they lay collapsed together, spent and satisfied, feeling totally as one and completely in love.

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