The One With Smooth Moves

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An hour or so later they had tried the three different types of pizza, two of which Cleo declared the best she had ever had and the other one, loaded with artichokes and anchovies, she decided was pretty disgusting. Then Jen had given her and David the grand tour of the house, even though David had seen quite a lot of it already. Cleo had spent pretty much the entire time stuck like glue to Jen and the dogs so far, asking questions about Friends and what it had been like; borrowing make up, scarves and glasses and posing for funny photos which Jen delighted in helping her with.

She had asked if they could play a game of pool, which David happily accepted only to be told no, she wanted to play against Jen first.

"That's only because you think you can beat her and not me, isn't it?" he teased as Jen threatened to poke him with a pool cue. He was right though, Cleo didn't just beat her, she annihilated her, and all three of them ended up laughing until they almost cried as they bantered and joked with each other. Several times Jen had caught David's eye and been moved by the way he looked at her and Cleo together, and on more than one occasion she'd had to force herself not to take him in her arms and plant kisses on his lips, something which she had all too quickly become accustomed to.

As they finished up playing pool, Jen headed back into the kitchen where she poured more wine for her and David and coke for Cleo. She could see the beginnings of sunset glimmering in the sky through the wall of glass windows and a sudden thought popped into her head.

"Cleo, if you'd like, you can take the dogs down and explore the garden before it gets dark, if it's ok with you of course David?"

"Sure, if you want to?" he replied.

"I'd love to!" the dark-haired girl cried as the dogs jumped up, sensing it was playtime again.

"Just be careful near the pool" Jen advised, as she directed Cleo towards the steps down onto the grassy and rocky expanse that stretched far and wide below.

They watched as she happily descended the stairs following the three eager dogs ready to explore and play. Jen casually walked over to where David was now sat on the outdoor sofa, handed him his wine and set herself down next to him, instinctively closing the gap between them, her hand resting on his knee as David placed his arm comfortably around her shoulders. No matter how hard they tried not to, they gave off that couple's energy. The ease with which their bodies were in sync; touching, mirroring, connecting.

"She is just the best!" declared Jen. "You're right to be so proud of her. She's adorable."

"Thanks. I think so, but I'm biased" he replied. "Though I think she may actually already love you more than she loves me" he added with a laugh.

"I think she loves the dogs more than either of us" Jen giggled in response, shifting sideways in her seat so that she could see him better, her knees now pressed tightly against his legs.

"I hope you don't mind me suggesting she take the dogs off. I selfishly thought it might be quite nice to sit and watch the sunset together, you know, for old time's sake."

"I think it's perfect way to end a pretty perfect few days" he grinned, taking her hand in his and gently running his fingers over her palm. "I was surprised but happily so when she asked to come and see you. I hoped you wouldn't mind..."

"Mind? What on earth would I have to mind about? Getting bonus time with you and getting to know Cleo better. I can't stop smiling. To air quote your daughter, 'Best. Day. Ever!'"

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching as the sky coloured with reds, oranges and deep pinks, and the tall, dark haired girl roamed the garden below, the three dogs happily running after her as she fussed and attended to their every need. Jen's head had naturally found its way onto David's shoulder as they gazed out over the scene playing out all around them. She let out a long, happy sigh.

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