The One With The After After Party

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After they had changed into their own clothes and scraped off several layers of stage make up, all their families and friends had been hugged and kissed goodnight and escorted from the building, and there was a sudden and strangely eerie atmosphere. This really was the end of an era and there was a short moment of ok, what are we supposed to do now then? That lasted for less than five minutes before a crew moved in to start dismantling the already mostly empty set, in readiness for another show that was beginning its Stage 24 life only a day later, such was the fickle nature of television. Someone in the team had spotted a box full of marker pens and decided it would be a great idea to sign the back of one of the Friends sets, so that is where a big majority of the cast and crew had headed, signing autographs, leaving funny messages and drawings, and quoting iconic lines from their ten years of happiness together.

Together. Together is a strange word as it has so many different and sometimes hidden meanings. Matty and Court were stood together in a corner talking to Marta, his arm loosely around her shoulders as her baby kicked and she placed his hand so he could feel it too. Matt was bent over double, laughing loudly together with one of the stage hands about the message he had just written on the wall. Lisa was gathering together her personal stuff, always the organised one and so different to Phoebe in every single way, well except for her huge heart. Jen and David were together too, but their together was different. They were stood together, they were holding hands and gripping on tight together, they were laughing and talking together.... but they neither of them had the faintest idea of what their together actually was anymore. Their version of together had for so long been a huge web of lies to hide a simple truth, and tonight that web had been swept away and now their truth wanted to be set free, but that could only be achieved if they were prepared to unlock it..... together.

There was pizza, there was music, there was wine and beer, and there was an incredibly emotional but fulfilled atmosphere now buzzing in the air. Many members of the cast and crew were gathering in the audience stands, sitting on the benches or on the floor where everyone had their cameras out, taking photos and videos and recording a moment in time to preserve forever. There was a big sense of wanting to take a moment and drink it all in because they all knew that this was the end of something so incredible and special that they would never be able to recreate.

Jen was kneeling on the floor, leaning back into David who was sat behind her, with one arm wrapped all the way around her tiny body, the other holding a cardboard cup which was already crying out for a wine refill. Her hands were resting comfortably on his thighs and he kept planting little kisses in her hair and on her neck. She suddenly realised that for the first time in a long time, she felt relaxed. Right here, right now, in his arms, surrounded by love and laughter and all these people, she felt completely at peace. She turned her head and caught David's eye. She didn't say a word and neither did he, but they both felt the stir of something all too familiar and in that moment an unspoken pact was agreed.

The after party continued to flow for several hours until one by one, people started to drift off through the stage doors, waving goodbye to the place that had been home for so long and heading out into the unknown. Court, Matty and Lisa had already left, vowing that they would all see each other again very soon and this was definitely not the end of their beautiful friendships. Jen was deep in conversation with Matt, hugging him tightly as more tears formed in her eyes at the thought of losing this wonderful guy who was closer than a brother to her. David made his way over to the two of them and was instantly pulled into their hug. They stood chatting for a few minutes before Matt announced he too was heading home. He drew Jen in for one last bear hug, before turning to David and doing the same. "I'll leave you two lobsters alone....... enjoy" he joked, winking at David who punched him playfully on the arm but felt his cheeks turn a shade not a million miles away from lobster coloured. David's arms found their way back to the place they had been for most of the day, loosely draped around Jen's shoulders. She was stood slightly in front, and as she turned to face him, her chest brushed against his. She met his eyes and swallowed hard, twice, before she spoke. "Can I take you home now...... please?"

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