The One Where It's That Simple

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It was long past dinner time when they finally climbed back into Jen's car, ready for the long drive back home. They were both happily drunk from the copious amounts of wine, and actually just happy from the fabulous day they had shared together. Jen had sat herself as close as she possibly could to him in the seat behind TJ, snuggling her body closely against his as they laughed repeatedly about things that weren't particularly funny, but had the power to make them both giggle almost uncontrollably.

"Mmmm that steak was divine" David enthused as they were a little over halfway home. "I would happily travel back to eat that again any time."

"Well maybe we should do this again next time you're in town then. Assuming of course there will be a next time and I've not put you off already?"

"Oh, there'll be a next time, and a next time, and a next time...... and hopefully you'll come to New York sometimes too?"

"You bet I will. I love New York. And I love you so it's a no brainer. Obviously when the time is right though, and the people who need to know about this, know." She turned her head so that she was almost face to face with him. "Talking of need, do you know what I need right now? Right, this very minute? Huh, do you?"

"Uhmmmm..." David could see all over her face exactly what she needed and wanted, but his less than sober mind wanted to tease her. "You need more wine?"


"You need to sleep?"


"Errrrm, you need..."

"I need you" she said in a voice that was laced with seduction.

David put his fingers to his lips in a 'shhhhh' motion, gesturing towards TJ in the front, mouthing "he'll hear you."

"I don't care" she mouthed back, shaking her head, her eyes glimmering with mischief and blatant lust. She leaned in and began to trace a delicate but deliberate line of kisses from his ear, across his cheek, purposely bypassing his lips and slowly moving down his neck, sucking and nibbling all the time. He knew exactly what she was up to as her hand slowly stirred from its comfortable resting position on his knee and begin to move in consistent circles, round and around so that his nerves were awakened, and his senses stimulated. He tilted his head to the side, allowing her better access to the sensitive spot she was enjoying on his lower neck, and at the same time decided to have a little fun himself, sneaking his hand down the back of her jeans and grabbing tightly at her toned butt. His other hand found its way easily under her flowing top, his fingers making a beeline for her nipples which were already quite prominent through her bra.  Jen shifted slightly in the seat, turning her body even more into him as she locked eyes with his for a few intimate seconds before slowly moving in to press her lips against his in a kiss that very quickly turned intense and arousing.

After several minutes of kissing and touching, hands roaming all over as the need grew, David grabbed hold of Jen's hand and placed it firmly on the large bulge in his shorts. "This is your fault" he moaned into her ear. "I hope we're nearly home because you are driving me insane. God, I want you."

"I want you too, so badly" she breathed into his neck, her hand still positioned over David's crotch. "I wish we were alone right now" she added, her hand circling and caressing as he fought not to be too obvious in his state of arousal, "I'm not sure I can wait much longer."

"Well, you're going to have to... maybe this is a lesson not to start something you can't finish" he teased quietly.

"Oh, I'll finish it alright, you don't need to have any fear of that" she whispered, "I'd finish it here and now if I could."

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