The One Where The Book Is Closed

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"No, not yet. It's not even 6am in LA so there is no way you are calling now. She probably won't even be awake for another two to three hours yet, so you will just have to be patient."

"Urgh dad, I want to talk to her so bad."

"I get that and I feel the same way" David laughed, "but we can't, so how about we focus on breakfast for ourselves and let Jen sleep peacefully."

It was actually almost lunchtime in New York when Jen messaged to say she was awake, had done her early morning jobs and was ready to chat whenever.

"Cleo, Jen's available if you wanna call her?" he shouted.

There was the instant sound of feet sprinting down the stairs, followed by a loud squeal of excitement as she burst into the room.

"Call her!" she begged, "go on, call her."

"Here, you call her" he laughed, passing her his cell.

"Hey honey, how are ya?" Jen said with a warm smile as Cleo's face lit up her screen.

"Jen! Hiiii!" Cleo said with a huge grin on her face, "I have been so desperate to speak to you since my dad told me about you being his girlfriend last night. This is so cool, it's like, the best news ever."

Jen couldn't help but laugh loudly at the young girl's excitement and enthusiasm. "Why thank you Cleo, I feel incredibly honoured to be accepted by you so easily. I promise you, I'll do my best to be a very good girlfriend to your dad."

"Sure you will, just no fighting all the time like Ross and Rachel did" Cleo giggled.

"We definitely won't be fighting all the time" Jen said through a grin. "In fact, I don't think your dad and I ever had a real fight. Sure, we've disagreed sometimes because that's just being human, but I don't think we've ever actually fought."

Jen and Cleo carried on their easy conversation for about ten minutes, although it was mostly Jen listening and Cleo happily chattering, asking all sorts of questions about when she'd next see her; about the friends and kids she'd mentioned to David; and even about the possibility of staying at Jen's house sometime, to which she'd been told that she was very welcome, however that decision rested firmly with her parents and not her.

"Right, could I get chance to say good morning now do you think?" David laughed as he wandered over to where Cleo was still firing a million questions at Jen.

"Sure" said Cleo, extending her arm fully so they were both in shot.

"I actually meant in private" he responded, holding out his hand for the cell. "Come on, you will get tons of chances to speak to Jen I promise, but for now it's my turn."

"Oooooh you mean you want to talk boyfriend and girlfriend stuff" Cleo said with a wicked grin, handing over the iPhone without hesitation. "Bye Jen, see you soon I hope" she shouted, before disappearing out of the room, her light footsteps soon heard on the stairs back up to her bedroom.

"Well, I think we can safely say, she's not going to give us any hassle about being together" David said as he smiled through the screen. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too" Jen replied with a look on her face that reflected the pure happiness in her heart. "I can't tell you how relieved I am right now that we don't have to hide this from her anymore."

"I know, it's kind of freeing isn't it? You two certainly seem to find it easy to get along which I tell you, that fills my heart with joy too."

Jen blew an air kiss into the screen. "I'll actually be able to do that to you for real in front of her soon." She stopped for a beat, "although I probably won't because I'll be far too self conscious and awkward."

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