The One With The Rollercoaster

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Jen wasn't entirely sure she had heard him correctly. "Wait a minute, did you just say what I think you just said?"

"That depends, what did you think I just said?"

"That our story might not be over yet....."

"That's what I said."

"And what exactly do you mean by that?"  Jen was staring so hard into the screen that she thought it might actually shatter. David's features were kind of hard to make out in the semi darkness of his New York home so she couldn't tell if he was teasing her or if he was being serious, although his tone didn't sound too much like teasing. "Are you pulling my leg or are you being real right now, because if it's a joke, I gotta say I don't really get it...."

"It's not a joke. I wouldn't joke about something like that, you should know me better than that after all this time. And I don't know exactly what I mean by it either to be honest, it's not something I had pre-planned saying. But I do know that I am enjoying being back in closer contact with you. I look forward to talking and messaging with you. And now that you have told me what you have tonight, well..... I just wonder if maybe we should at least be open to talking some more and who knows where that may lead us..... if you wanted to of course. I mean we have to discuss the reunion show, and I guess we need to decide pretty soon if we really are going to disclose any of our personal story in there, so maybe we can use that as a starting ground and see what happens?" David wished so much he could crawl through the screen and onto the seat next to her right now. "It's so much harder to read your thoughts through a screen" he added, ".... have I totally freaked you out with what I just said?"

"Honey, you've not freaked me out at all. I'm just trying to process everything. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster evening." Jen took a long drink of her wine, looking closely at the man on the other side of the country who was still sat at the table, his bowl of half-eaten, cold pasta pushed to one side as he too drunk some more of his wine.  "You know when I said you could ask me anything at the start of the night, I did not expect you to bring up the vaguest hint that maybe, just maybe there might still be some of our story left to write." She stopped speaking as a wide grin spread across her face. "You do still have the power to surprise me Schwimmer, and for that I am truly grateful. And in answer to your question, yes. Yes, I too am very much enjoying re-connecting with you and yes, I am completely open to talking more and spending more time together, even virtually like this, and seeing where it goes. In fact, I am more than open to it, I'm excited by the thought of it." She raised her glass to the screen, "Cheers! Here's to honesty, to no more secrets, and to moving forward not looking backwards anymore." After taking another sip of her drink, she continued, "I honestly can't tell you how good it feels for you to finally know the truth, and not just know it, but be ok with it. I have been so worried about telling you and what your reaction would be. I was so scared you would be angry with me."

"Angry with you? Why would I be angry with you?"

"Oh, I don't know...... maybe because I lied to you, because I hurt you, because I wasn't strong enough to stand up for myself or for us.... all those kinds of things that keep running through my head at 3am when I can't sleep."

"You're still not sleeping properly?"

"No, it's still a real problem. I get so damn tired but as soon as I lay my head on the pillow, it's like bam, a million and one thoughts jump out of my brain all at once."

"Sorry if this sounds a little weird, but I don't remember you ever having that issue when we slept together, or did you?"

Jen smiled warmly at him, "no, I never once had trouble sleeping when I was with you. Maybe because I felt completely safe and protected whenever I was in your arms so I had no need to worry about anything." She grinned widely as she added, "or maybe it was because you always completely wore me out before sleep time."

The One Where The Lines Get Kinda BlurryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ