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Your P.O.V

"okay class I will be announcing the chosen students who will be representing our school in the Japan competition!" our teacher announces, we will be having a school competition in Japan and the quizzes is just about the things we learnt this year "Park Jisung" the teacher said as I looked at him and gave him a supportive smile, he smiled back as I blushed, I've always had a crush on him but we don't really talk to each other "Shin Eunseo" great, obviously she's gonna be part, not only is she smart but she's also my enemy because we both like Jisung, but I'm smarter than her anyways "and finally, L/N Y/N" I gasped and smiled, I can't believe we're going to Japan! "for the chosen students! Please pick a roommate, the hotel we'll stay in Japan is small so please pick one partner, since there's 3 girls and 5 boys, one boy will have to stay with one girl" the teachers said as she dismissed the class, we went out and I proceeded to my locker.

"congrats Y/N! Come back quickly okay I'll be lonely :(" my best friend Yuna frowns "I will don't worry" I answered "I can't believe you're going to Japan AND with Jisung? I wish I had a trip with my crush" Yuna says "but it's not like I'm gonna stay with him, I don't know who to pick as my roommate tho" I said but suddenly I saw Jisung walking to me "um h-hi Y/N...I heard you didn't pick a roommate yet so I'm taking this chance to ask you if we can be r-roommates? can reject me it's fine I'm not sure if you're-" "you wanna be roommates with me?" I ask with glowing eyes "y-yeah! I feel like it would be comfortable being around you..." Jisung looked down as we both blushed "I'd love to be your roommate" I answered as he smiled "really? Thank you so much!" he storms of smiling "well I guess you ARE spending this trip with your crush" Yuna nudges me "yeah but look who's mad" I said pointing at Eunseo "jeez she better not ruin this trip".

Time Skip

We were at the plane and I started to get a little anxious "Y/N are you okay?" Jisung asks me worried "u-um...I'm not really...well on planes..." I said embarrassed, suddenly he put his hand in front of me "you can hold my hand if you want to, I'm not so well on planes either" he chuckles as I blushed and held his hand, he was caressing the back of it with his thumb so softly, my heart can't help but just to beat so fast. This feels so relaxing...

Jisung P.O.V

I few minutes into the flight, I felt smth heavy on my shoulder, I looked and see Y/N sleeping on my shoulder, I blushed and kissed the top of her head "I'm glad I get to spend this trip with you..." I whispered as I looked at our hands which we were still holding.

Once we arrived we headed to our hotel, in the bus Y/N just kept looking outside, it was such a beautiful moment until Eunseo ruined it "did you force Jisung to be your roommate because he'll end up with me?" she laughed as Y/N looked down "uh, no wth? I was the one who asked her" I snapped back as she widened her eyes "wdym you asked her?? Why would you wanna stay in the same room with a short, fat and ugly girl-" "shut up atleast she has a better heart than yours and she is way prettier than you, plus she's cute as well!" I snapped back as she just shut up "you really mean that?" Y/N looked at me "ofcourse I did" I answered as she blushed "thank you..."

"we'll meet back here at 9pm! For now just have fun and go around here!" our teacher said as me and Y/N looked at each other "you hungry?" she asked "not really, let's just get some snacks somewhere, and far away from Eunseo" I said as she chuckled "let's find for some tamago kake gohan!" she said as we looked for a restaurant that included that.

"so you literally just crack the egg ON TOP of the rice and then mix it with soy sauce??" I asked "yep" Y/N answered "I- this is literally a raw egg ON TOP of rice" I said so amazed "Jisung it's not like we haven't ate yukhoe in Korea" she chuckled, I did as she said and cracked the egg "damn this is a different egg" I said so amazed, I looked at her and noticed her already eating "damn you must really like that" I said smiling "yep! I loovveee food" she said but suddenly looked sad "what's wrong?" I asked "am I eating too much?" she asked as I saw she ordered 2 bowls "not at all, look, don't let what Eunseo said affect you too much, you're not fat, just eat a lot, I love seeing you so happy, and the fact that it's over food, very cute" I said as she blushed and continued eating. Once our time was up we arrived at our hotel and proceeded to our room "there's only one bed, let's just sleep beside each other I wouldn't want you sleeping in the bathroom" Y/N said as she changed into her sleepwear and I did afterwards, we turned on the heater and fell asleep, it was winter so it felt really cold.

Time Skip

I woke up with my tummy rumbling "damn I should've ordered 2 bowls as well" I said as I sat up to wake myself up a bit, I looked at my phone and saw that it was 12am, I looked at Y/N and saw that she was shivering, I folded the blanket so it would be two layers and put it over her, I pecked her cheek and went through my backpack to take out the emergency cup noodles. I cooked the noodles and as I was about the take the first bite, the light turned on and I froze "h-hi?" I said turning around to see Y/N with her eyes halfway open "hungry?" she asked as I nodded my head "I'll just heat up some rice and eat it with your soup, you're not gonna finish the soup right?" she asked as I nodded "wait how did you know I don't finish the soup?" I asked as she froze "I- uh- can I have the soup?" she asked awkwardly, I chuckled and agreed, is it possible that she feels the same towards me? She finished heating up her rice and sat beside me, I poured some of my soup onto her rice and she started eating "mmmmm~~~ so good" she said in her sleepy voice "eat a lot~" I pat her head, she's really cute when she eats "waaaahhh that was good" we said at the same time as we chuckled "ummm can I wear your hoodie?" Y/N asked "of course you can, let's just sit on the bed first, it's not good to lay down after eating" I suggested as she wore my hoodie and we proceeded to the bed, as I sat down I got shocked when Y/N started clinging onto me and layed her head on my shoulder "let's just...stay this for awhile..." she said in her tired voice as I held her hand "I enjoy being around you..." I said as she chuckled "I've...always had a crush on you actually...thought I'd might wanna say it now..." she said as I smiled "I knew it, I can't believe you feel the same way" I said as I changed my position to lay down, she was left speechless and layed down beside me after that "w-wait you like me too?" she looked into my eyes "like you? I love you Y/N, I've loved you ever since we became classmates, you're so smart, kind, cute, and beautiful inside out" I told her as my hand went to her cheeks and caressed them "w-wow..." she blushed as I chuckled "can I kiss you?" I asked as she blushed again and nodded, I leaned in and kissed her soft lips, I felt her smile into the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck "damn" I mumbled in between the kiss as she chuckled "I can't believe you're really mine..." she pulled away from the kiss and looked at me lovingly "did you really think I was gonna go for Eunseo?" "yeah...I mean she's prettier than me-" I shut up her up by kissing her "don't even dare to say that, you're an angel and you could kill me with your beauty" I tell her as she giggled "yknow I'm actually not a hugger but, this feels nice" I told her as we continued cuddling "I love being with you" she snuggled into my chest as I brushed her hair "goodnight my love, let's ace the competition tomorrow" I told her as I kissed her forehead.

Your P.O.V

Our class wasn't doing so well until me and Jisung won 1st place in our category, we decided to celebrate our victory by going to Nintendo world "are you enjoying our first date?" Jisung asked me "yeah!! I love you so much Jisung" she said as I kissed her cheek "I love you more"

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