Love Potion

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you are a wizard at hogwarts but Jisung is a muggle

(still kids)

Your P.O.V

I saw some of the Slytherin's bullying someone from the Hufflepuffs, I stepped in and stopped them with my wand "stop bullying him!" I said as I scare them away, I went to the kid and reached out my hand "you seem new here, I'm Y/N! From Ravenclaw" I said as he grabbed my hand and I helped him up "I'm J-Jisung" he said, he looks so cute! "nice to meet you! Let's have a walk" I said to him as we started walking. "why were they bullying you anyways?" I asked "I-I'm a muggle..." he said as I widened my eyes "you're not a pure blood? That's so cool!" I said "y-you don't find me weird?" he asked "for someone who isn't a pure blooded doing wizard stuff, I think that's very cool" I said as he blushed "c-can we be friends?" he asked "definitely!"

Time Skip

A few months has passed since I got closer to Jisung, my little heart of mine started to develop feelings for him "Jisung?" I call him out as he hummed "when we get older, what do you think our kids would look like?" I asked as he almost spit out the drink we was drinking "I- uh- I don't know? If only we could look into the future..." he said "I've been trying to learn that spell, so that I could see the future through mirrors" he said "I have a feeling that'd be too dangerous for now, there's this potion I also want to learn making which is the love potion" I said as I threw a paper plane at him "maybe when we're older and when we're more educated, we can use these spells" he said as I smilled at him

Time Skip

Jisung P.O.V

I was hanging out with Y/N in the forest as we were playing with the snow and waiting for the sun to set "gotchu!" she said as she jumped on me, being friends with Y/N for my whole Wizarding life makes me so happy, she makes me fit in even tho I'm a muggle, we sat down on the snow as we watched the sun set, this moment felt romantic, now that we're older, I can finally ask her if she wants to spend the rest of our lives together "Y/N?" I call her out as she hummed "remember when we were little, we had a spell and a potion we wanted to do?" I asked as she nodded "yeah, I remember" she answered " that we're about to leave Hogwarts, why don't we do those spells tomorrow" I tell her as she looked at me "I-I'm not sure if using the love potion is safe..." she said as she looked down "you can think about it until tomorrow, maybe I can go first then you go after me, how does that sound?" I ask "sounds fair" she chuckles as I blush, we've watched each other grow up, she looks more beautiful than ever.

Time Skip

It was the next day and I met Y/N in the forest again along with the things we need "so how does looking into the future work?" she asked "I just need to stand infront of the mirror and cast the spell, the mirror will show the future of the person standing infront of it" I say as I prep myself, Y/N was looking at me as I pointed my wand into the mirror, but I paused "Jisung what's wrong?" she asked "Y/N...let's look into the future, our future" I said as I reached my hand towards her, she seemed hesitant at first be she grabbed my hand and we both stood infront of the mirror. I cast my spell as the mirror started to show an image "it's us" I smiled, we looked much older, we were playing in the forest, it suddenly showed us sharing a kiss, I was blushing, so Y/N does get to be mine...another image showed, it was us getting married, I felt Y/N intertwined her hand with mine as she watched our future, it moved to another image "it's o-our kids" she said as she blushed, I couldn't stop smiling, I was so happy. The image stopped and the mirror went back to normal, I looked at is as we were holding hands "I remember when we were younger you asked what would our kids look like" I chucked as Y/N hit me playfully "don't remind me of that" she said as we both chuckle "wait...does that mean you love me back?" she asked "I loved you since the start" I answered as we turned to face each other "I guess using the love potion won't be necessary anymore" she said as we smiled "once we leave Hogwarts, let's be free, together, we can go in both worlds and unite it, will you be mine? My beautiful wizard?" I asked "I'm already yours my adorable muggle" she said as I slowly leaned in to kiss her, it felt so romantic, I picked her up and spun her around, we were having so much fun.

Time Skip

"DAD WATCH OUT!" my daughter says as I stopped the speeding vace "Y/D, how many times did I warn you about using the levitation spell in the house?" I scolded her "Y/S started it" she said pointing at my son "okay oksy stop the yelling" Y/N appears "we're sorry mom! It's just we're so nervous for the house picking today" Y/B says, we gave them a hug "you'll do alright, now will you excuse us, I need to clean this house" Y/N says as we chuckle "sorry mother" our kids says "it's fine little ones, now go out there and be a wizard" I said as they ran out of the house "just like we were kids" Y/N says as I turned to her "we raised them well" I replied as I held her waist "Jisung has anyone told you that you look so beautiful?" she asks "yeah, you, all the time" I chuckled as I pecked her cheek "I love you" "I love you more"

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