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Jisung P.O.V
Hello my name is Park Jisung, I'm very popular at my school and I have a crush on a girl, her name is Jang Wonyoung one of the prettiest girl in the school 😍 I mean c'mon, the popular boy and the prettiest girl is definitely a match- "hey Jisung...here is your food..." oh well looks like Y/N is here "A sandwich? Is that all you got!?" I shouted "I don't have money anymore..." she replied as I threw the sandwich at her "go borrow some money then?! Also call Wonyoung for me and do my homework" I told her as I threw my homework at her and she went to Wonyoung

I know I'm a stupid person to love Jisung...I just don't know why and I'm trying my best to move on...he is the only person I speak too or use my voice too...I never had friends, my family died in a car crash and surprisingly I was the only one who survived...we were with my best friends family...they died too including my only best friend Yoona...every since that day I got bullied by Park Jisung...I also live in my house alone, it's a small house but it has so much memories..."hey slut what do you want?" Wonyoung asked "Jisung is calling you..." I told her "oh really! 😍 I guess he does love me!" She told me as she pushed me aside and went to Jisung...they always smile when they talk to each other, I never smiled after what happened last year...everyday I cut or try too kill myself so that I could see my best friend and my family, my mom, dad, my little sister, and my older brother...oh how I miss them so much...oh no what do I do? I don't have money...*sigh* I guess I'll just give up the lunch I prepared for myself...I went to Jisung and gave him my lunch "okay this is better, now shoo shoo" Jisung told me as I was starving

Time Skip

Jisung P.OV
Class ended and I was about to go back home but suddenly I felt someone push me to the ground "mister popular boy won't be popular anymore" Han told me as he punched my face, Han also has a crush on Wonyoung "stay away from my Wonyoung do you hear me?!" He told me as I saw Wonyoung passing by "*gasp* Han you like me?" She asked Han "I always did" Han told her as she smiled "well I originally liked Jisung but looking at him I guess I'll go to you know" my heart shatter after she said that "that's good to hear babe!" After he said that he poured milk on me and everyone started to laugh including Wonyoung, there is a baby side of me so I started crying on the floor- "HEY STOP IT!" I got startled by the sudden soft-calming voice coming from behind, I turned around and saw Y/N! "YOU SHOULDN'T BULLY PEOPLE! IF YOU BULLY HIM YOU HAVE TO BULLY ME TOO!" She shouted as my eyes widened, Wonyoung suddenly grabbed the milk on Han's hands and poured it on Y/N then she punched her really hard. She didn't care and just looked at the floor, she went towards me and grabbed my hand "let's go to my house I'll clean you up" she whispered to me as she rushed out the school

Time Skip

She opened the door to her house, this place is really small "stay in brother's room I'll get clothes for you" she told as I proceeded to her brother's room. As I went upstairs I saw closed doors with a sign that says "R.I.P" and there were photos under it. As I looked at the photos it was Y/N with the person. I tried to find the one where her brother was and I found it, Y/N looks cute here- NO WHAT AM I THINKING!? I went inside the room and it was super clean. I sat on the bed still crying since Wonyoung broke my heart, I was soaking in Milk! This is disgusting! Suddenly Y/N went in the room with a hoodie and pants "how dare they pour milk on you!" She said as she dried me "here, these are the only clothes I found, umm you can have it just take care of it...it belongs to my best friend :)" she told me with a sad smile "where is your best friend so I can return it" I asked her "somewhere you can't go to but I can" she told me as she went outside the room "I'll cook you something just wait" she told me as she went downstairs, she didn't even change her clothes she was still soaking in Milk. I wanted to check out her room so I did, it was full of family and friends pictures, I then found a journal and I opened it to read it "Dear Diary...it's just you and me in this house...finally, I'm out of the hospital again for the second time...first is because I tried to kill myself and this one...I survived...but not who I was with...I JUST WANT TO DIE! WHY DO I HAVE TO SURVIVE IN THIS CAR CRASH! ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVED ARE GONE! JISUNG STARTED BULLYING ME AND HE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO I CAN USE MY VOICE TO! WHY ME! JUST TAKE MY LIFE!" that's what she wrote...damn I regret bullying her... "oh for fuck sake!..." I heard someone whisper form outside the door, I checked who it was and it was Y/N bleeding "Y/N are you okay?" I kneeled down do her and she was trying to hold in the pain "I'm fine" she is definitely not fine! There is so many blood on the floor "what happened!? Tell me!" I shouted at her "you wouldn't care anyways! You like seeing me like this right?!" She told me as she tried to walk away "Y/N tell me!" I shouted at her as she finally gave up "I couldn't hold it anymore okay! It's like an addiction! Everytime I see something sharp I harm myself!" She sobbed "Y/N I-" "You! Were the only person I could use my voice to! Aren't you happy that this is happening to me?!" She told me with a shaking voice and started walking to the kitchen, I felt so bad for her...I slowly got a bandage and proceeded to the kitchen, as I peeked on what she was doing she really tried to avoid the sharp tools, I looked at what she was cooking...that food looks familiar, it's the food she gave me... "here Jisung, eat that it's the only food I have left" she told me as she gave me the plate, the food is amazing she is a good cooked, she sat infront of me doing my homework, she had a hard time since her arm was still bleeding...so she really does do my homework...I can see she also doesn't understand the questions but she is still determined to do it...I sat beside her, pushed my homework away...grabbed her arm and wrapped the bandage around her arm "I'm sorry for bullying you..." I apologized "Y/N eat my food, I know you gave me your lunch, please although I bullied you, after reading your journal I'm worried for you!" Her eyes suddenly widened "so you know that all the people I loved are gone..?" She asked as a tear fell of her eye "yes...and I know that you only have me left...from now on, I'll be there by your side" I told her as she started crying "we have to clean you up first!" I told her as I dragged her to her room

"Okay so in my bag I have shorts and a dark blue hoodie-" "you had clothes the whole time..." she told me as I chuckled "well it's yours now :)" I smiled as her cheeks gone red, cute...I MEAN WHAT HEHE NO NO. I start drying her hair and she looks better with her hair down since she always wears braids to school "put these clothes on now" I told her as she proceeded to the bathroom

"Done" she went back to the room- OMG SHE LOOKS SO CUTE "now come here let's heal your bruises" I told her as she went closer to me, I lightly touched her face and she was already in pain "oh no I'm so sorry" I apologized "it's okay, the feeling is nice..." she told me with a sad smile "hey...don't try to kill yourself again, don't get obsessed with pain I'm really worried for you, not because I wouldn't have anyone to bully- I mean I won't bully anymore but I'm really thankful for what you did awhile ago..." I told her as her face lit up "how are you?..what's in your mind after knowing Wonyoung and Han are dating now?" She asked...WELL YOU ARE IN MY MIND Y/N "it hurts a lot...the fact that she originally liked me...now I look like an idiot" I told her "you're not an idiot to me..." she told me as I blushed "but I bully you a lot..." I told her "it's okay, no need to be sorry...is it okay if we can be friends..?" She asked "ofcourse we can, you need someone" I told her as she started crying again "okay I'll just be honest, I just miss my family a lot, everyday after you bully me I just think of my siblings, they always care for me but they died!" She sobbed "look I'm really sorry...I never knew your life was like this" I told her as I hugged her, she suddenly stopped crying "I never knew you can hug" she said out of no where which shocked me "well like I said, you need someone" I replied to her as I hugged her tightly

Time Skip

It's been a few months now since I've been close with Y/N "Jisung Oppa! I'll just look at the school's flowers for a while" she told me as she went to the the flowers, I wanted her to call me Oppa hehe "I HATE YOU!" I got startled by the sound of Han "yeah I know" I glared "WONYONG AND I BROKE UP BECAUSE SHE WANTS YOU!" Han shouted "well I don't care about her anymore! I found the right girl for me already and she is very loving and caring yet you guys still bully her!" I shouted as he punched my face "HAN STOP IT!!" I looked at who it was and it was Wonyoung "JISUNG PLEASE I DIDN'T MEAN WHAT I SAID TO YOU THAT TIME I JUST DIDNT WANT MY IMAGE TO LOOK BAD BEING WITH YOU! I LOVE YOU OKAY? I ALWAYS HAVE!" She screamed at me and I can see Y/N coming this way "Jisung Oppa what's going on?" She asked me with concerning eyes "WHAT DO YOU WANT SLUT?! STAY AWAY FROM MY JISUNG!" She shouted as she tried to punch Y/N but I stoped her and told Y/N to stay behind me "STOP IT! YOU DO NOT CALL HER A SLUT! YOURE THE SLUT HERE! YOU SAID YOU DONT LIKE ME JUST BECAUSE HAN BULLIED ME AND NOW YOU LOVE ME?! YOU DONT KNOW WHATS LOVE! LOVE IS NOT ABOUT LOOKS ITS ABOUT PERSONALITY AND I WOULDNT LOVE A SLUT! I LOVE AN ANGEL AND THAT ANGEL IS Y/N! THE GIRL WHO CARED FOR ME AND I NEVER CARED FOR HER!" I shouted as Y/N gasp "*starts crying* FINE!" Wonyoung ran away as Han chased her. I turned around and cupped Y/N's face softly "are you okay?" I asked her as she looked at me "what about you? *starts crying* your face is beaten up" she told me as she caressed my left cheek "I'm fine don't worry" I smiled "...is what you said really true?..." she asked as I looked deeply I her eyes "Y/N...I want to be that person who will be with you for the rest of your life, you cared for me even after you lost your loved ones and I did nothing...all I did was hurt you more and now I know that the person who I really love is you" I told her as her eyes widened "I love you too..." she told me as I kissed her lips. I broke the kiss and hugged her really tightly "I'll protect you my angel" I said "I'll protect you to my hero" she replied as we kissed again.


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