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Your P.O.V
I was talking with my friends when all of a sudden they changed the topic to boys "so Y/N, who do you have a crush on?" Stacy asked "yknow what, I'm just gonna say it, Yunho" I answered as the rest asked surprised "oooohhh someone got a cruuussshhh" they teased as I tried to stop them, but the mood was ruined when enemy walked it "so shorty got a crush huh?" he said "Jisung I don't want to deal with your shit today" I said as he scoffed and went to his seat.

Me and Jisung fight a lot, if I were to be honest, I just hate him cuz he's such a perfect guy. Once class ended I headed to my locker and obviously Jisung followed "where you going tonight shorty?" he asked "none of your business Jisung" I answered coldly as I closed my water "oh cmooonn atleast I showed some care for you for once" he said as he started to follow me "I rather die than have you care about me" I said as he just continued walking with me, I gave up and let him, but all of a sudden I felt myself getting drenched, and it was freezing "oops, didn't see you there shorty" that voice... "S-Stacy?" I got so shocked to see my own best friend humiliate me infront of everyone "w-what are you doing?" I asked shivering, to my surprised, Jisung wasn't laughing at me at all, usually Jisung is the one who humiliates me infront of everyone and I got used to it, but my own best friend... "you're such a slut Y/N, how could you have a crush on my own boyfriend" she said as my heart shattered "y-you and Y-Yunho are dating?" I asked as tears formed in my eyes "yeah actually" Yunho said behind Stacy "you look so funny right now, did you think that I'd ever fall for you? You're such an ugly and short girl" Yunho says as everyone around us started laughing, except one "shut up you dick head" Jisung says as he approaches Yunho and gave him a hard punch, I gasped as his action as I watched the two of them fight "insult her one more fucking time and I make sure all your teeth are gone" Jisung said grabbing Yunho by the collar "and you, you backstabbing bitch, is she not allowed to have feelings? And instead of confronting her you humiliated her infront of everyone!" Jisung yelled as Stacy scoffed "why are you mad at me?? You've been humiliating her since the start what makes the difference of me doing-" "because she's actually hurt! You hurt her feelings, I never did because I know my limits, but you were her fucking best friend, can't believe some bitch like you would even have the nerves to do that" Jisung ended as he grabbed me and dragged me to an empty classroom.

"Jisung I-" "shut up" he cut me off as he removed his jacket and put it on me, I suddenly got shocked when he hugged me "woah woah what are you-" "she drenched you in cold water, body warmth should help we learnt this in class" he said as I just let him warm me up, after a few minutes I felt better, I suddenly got the urge to lean my forehead on his shoulder "you were right that you never hurt me when you humiliate me infront of everyone..." I whispered as he stayed quiet, I quietly let out my tears as I couldn't stop thinking about the scene "don't think about him Y/N, he's a jerk, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met!" he said as he hugged me tighter "you really mean that?" I asked "yes, I love your eyes, I love your nose, I love your lips, I love your cheeks, everyone about you is beautiful, even on the inside" he said as I got shocked by his answer "then why do you hate me?" I asked as he pulled away from the hug "actually...I should be asking you that, all I did during the first day was approach you but the first thing you did was punch me" he chuckled as I started feeling guilty "so...why did you do that?" he asked "I guess I was...scared...I wouldn't say I'm scared of you, it's more of I'm scared of falling for you, when I saw you it was like my heart was telling me this guy is my future, but I didn't wanna listen to my heart so I tried every way to make you stay away from me, I was scared of getting heart broken but I guess that was the mistake, I still experienced a heart break" I said as I looked down "hey" he called as he held my chin to make me face him, I started blushing when he flashed his soft smile "not trying to be romantic here just saying that you did make a mistake and that was your fault" he said as I hit him playfully, we laughed as I hugged him again "let's stop fighting okay peanut?" he said "peanut? What happened to shorty" I asked "what??? Peanut is a cute nickname, cuz ur smol like a peanut" he said as he swayed me around hugging me, we giggled at each other I started to feel better.

Time Skip

As me and Jisung were busy quaraling, I got stopped by Yunho "oh uh what are you doing here?" I asked as he brought out flowers which shocked me "I actually broke up with Stacy and I was wondering if I could ask you out on a date" he said as I scoffed "really? I thought I was an ugly and short girl" I said "look, I really didn't mean everything I said that day-" "oh shut up dick head you meant every single word you said that day and humiliated her" Jisung backed me up as I smiled at him "you, you always stay by her side, aren't you her enemy?? She hates you so stop bothering her" Yunho said as Jisung scoffed "would her enemy do this to her?" Jisung said as I got shocked by what he did next, he kissed me on the lips, gently, I just stood there and smiled in between the kiss "h-huh?" Yunho's eyes widened "yeah dick head, I'm her boyfriend so get out of our sight and I'm telling you, if I see you go near her again I won't be just ripping off all your teeth" Jisung treathened as Yunho ran away.

"s-sorry it's just he w-wouldn't leave-" "oh shut up" I said as I pulled him by the neck and kissed him again "you smell nice btw" I said as I pulled away "soooooo are you my girlfriend now?" he asked "depends, are you my boyfriend now?" I asked as he chuckled and layed a peck on each other's lips "you're finally mine" he said as I chuckled "I love you peanut" "I love you too hamster" "really? Hamster?" "why noott??" and with that, we just chuckled and held our hands going back home.

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