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Jisung P.O.V

I was walking down the hallway being greeted by my schoolmates, you could say I'm quite popular in the batch, I receive a lot of gifts from other girls who admire me and I appreciate them a lot! But my eyes are stuck to one person, my crush, her name is Y/N, we don't talk to each other that much but when we do we could barely make eye contact, I get shy so easily when I'm infront or near her, my heart beats very fast just by seeing her, she's my seatmate in class so I get pretty nervous almost everyday. While getting lost in my thoughts about her I didn't even realize I accidentally bumped into her "oh my gosh Y/N I'm so sorry I didn't see you there I was day dreaming" I said as she chuckled "you better watch where you're going next time okay?" she said with a smile and that got me blushing really hard "y-yes ma'am" I replied as she chuckled again "wanna go to the classroom together?" she asked "I-I'd love to!" I stutter as she lead the way, I was heading to the classroom as I heard some whispers "look at their height difference that's so cute" "Jisung somehow only gets nervous when he's around Y/N" "it's so obvious they love each other" "when will they date already" I hid my blushing face as I heard some of the murmurs. We entered the classroom and sat down as our teacher followed "okay class so your school trip is coming in a few days, we'll be going to the mountains and we'll be staying at a hotel for one night! Please pick a partner by tomorrow" our teacher says as homeroom ends and classes started as usual.

Time Skip

After getting my lunch I looked for Y/N, once I saw her I immediately went towards her, she so me as well and came to me "hey" we said at the same time as we chuckled "um I was wondering if we could be partners for the field trip" I said nervously "with me? You're aware that this means we're going to share a hotel room" she said "y-yes I'm sure! I-I want to be with you b-but I'm not sure if you're okay with so I'm asking you first, i-if not I can ask Chenle-" "I'll be your partner Jisung" she cut me off as I widened my eyes "r-really?" I asked "I mean...I also want to be with you too" she blushed as my heart bursts "thank you so much Y/N!" I hugged her as I felt her giggle.

Time Skip

We were sitting in the bus already as it takes us to the mountains, I had a fun time with Y/N, she kept pointing outside everytime we passed by an animal and she takes a picture of it, I find it so cute. During the field trip we did an obstacle course and mud got all over us, we laughed as we were having such a fan time. As the day ended, our teachers gave us our room key and we headed there after changing our clothes that was filled with mud "ooooooff that was a fun day" Y/N says as she threw her bag to the ground, I freeze at the sight of only one bed "a-are you okay with this?" I asked Y/N as I pointed at the bed "what? Sharing a bed with you? More than happy, I love cuddling but I've never done it with someone else besides my stuffed toys" she says as I blush "I'll be showering now, when I'm done you can shower after me and let's buy some cup noodles for us to eat for breakfast tomorrow" she says as she headed to the bathroom "don't you wanna eat at the hotel restaurant?" I asked "I...prefer being alone with you instead of being with our other classmates" she replied as she went in the bathroom and left me as a blushing mess "oh my gosh she wants to be alone with me" I squeel as I flopped on the bed.

After a few minutes I also finished showering, I went out the bathroom to see Y/N scamming through her bag "anything wrong Y/N?" I asked "I think I forgot my jacket and my sweater on my bed, jeez I'm so dumb" she chuckles "you can borrow my jacket and my sweater" I said "but you'll be cold" she said "I don't mind" I gave her a reassuring smile as I handed her my jacket "thanks Jisung" she replied as she wore my jacket, it was big on her, I blushed as I stared at her "it fits me doesn't it?" she said as she stared at herself in the mirror "y-yeah you should wear my clothes often..." I accidentally blurted out but then heard a chuckle from her "if you'll allow me to, I'd love to" she replied as we headed out to buy our breakfast for tomorrow.

Once we left the grocery store nearby we looked up at the sky and saw so many stars "wooowww so beautiful" Y/N says as she stares up in the sky "it's beautiful isn't it Jisung?" she asks me "you're more beautiful than the stars" I said quietly as I looked at her, she looked back at me and blushed "thank you..." she said as she looked down hiding her smile "don't hide your smile, I love seeing them" I teased as she giggled, she ended up grabbing my hand and swayed it around as we went back to the room.

I gave her my sweater as she changed her clothes into her sleepwear, she was wearing cycling shorts and just my sweater, we got inside the blanket but it was so cold "jeez didn't expect it to be this cold" Y/N says as she hugs herself into a ball "I need body warrrmmmttthh" she said as she went closer to me, our faces were so close to each other as we giggled "this type of blanket doesn't seem to keep us warm, luckily I brought my favorite blanket with me" I said as I took out the blanket I compacted in my bag "damn how did you make it fit in there?" Y/N laughed as I set aside the hotel blanket "magic" I simply replied as I wrapped the both of us in my blanket "it's sooofffttt" she humms as she closes her eyes "it's still so cold..." she said, I wrapped my arms around her as she opened her eyes "I-I'll keep you warm..." I said looking deep into her eyes "what about you?" she asks "I'm fine, it's cold but as long as you're feeling warm I don't mind" I said as I gave her a smile "well...I don't want you to be cold so I'll give you some body warmth" she said as she went closer to me and wrapped her small arms around my waist. At this point our faces were very close to each other, our noses were touching "Jisung you can...put your arms inside the sweater, my back should keep you warm" she said so boldy "L-like you're allowing me to put my hands in your shirt?" I ask "yeah, can I do it to you as well?" she asks giving me a tired smile "yeah..." I replied with a tired voice, we were both really sleepy. My hands grazed her thighs while I was leading it inside her shirt, she didn't flinch or anything, she looked comfortable. My hands got in contact with her bare back, it was warm, I hugged her closer to me as I put my chin over her head, she felt so warm, I didn't even realize I was caressing her bare back "so warm...." I hummed as I snuggled closer to her, I felt her do the same thing and put her arms under my shirt "this feels so relaxing" she said as I chuckled, I brought out one of my hand to brush her hair "will this help you to sleep?" I asked as I continued brushing her hair "yeah....*siiigghh* I love cuddling with you" she says as I blushed "me too...." I replied as we slowly drifted to dream land.

Time Skip

I woke up due to the sunlight, I rubbed my eyes as I looked bellow me to see Y/N still asleep, I tucked a hair strand behind her ear, she looks so beautiful...I felt her moving as I saw her yawn, she turned to me and wrapped her arms around me again, I was blushing as her face was so close to mine "hi" she greeted with a smile "goodmorning Y/N..." I replied as she tiredly smiles at me "so beautiful...." I said in my mind, or so I thought "you really think that?" she asks, maybe it's time to make a move "yeah...I think it's pretty obvious that I have a huge crush on you, everyday I just want you to be around me, I get so excited everytime you message me, the moments we had last night just makes my heart burst, everytime I think about you I blush, I really love you a lot" I said as I felt her hand caress my cheek "well, if it isn't obvious as well, I feel the same way" she said as I chuckled "so does that mean you're mine now?" I asked, she chuckled as she went closer to me, she slowly pecked my lips and said "yes, I'm yours" I giggled as I hovered above her, we were smiling ear to ear, I leaned closer to give her a deeper kiss. I felt her hands comb my hair as I kissed her deeper, her lips tasted amazing, eventually we parted away and felt her brush my bangs "well baby, you need to get off of me so I could cook our breakfast" she said as I went off of her. As she was boiling the water I hugged her from behind "you're miiinneee" I said repeatedly as I left some kisses on her neck "I love you so much" she leaned her head on mine and I've never been happier.

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