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Jisung P.O.V

SM just debuted a new girl group and they're really cool! They're concept is like video games and their songs sound like they came out from a video game too, they all fit as video game characters especially Y/N, who is their center, and my crush hehe...ever since the Dreamies were invited to observe their practices, she was the one who always caught my eye and never failed to impress me, she's the center, the leader, the main rapper, lead dander, sub vocalist AND the maknae as well? No one can ever be as cool as Y/N, she also has an amazing stage presence! Gosh I look up to her sooo much "yooooo congrats on the debut you guys" Mark tells to Y/N "thanks" she replies coldy but in a respectful way "hey not to sound weird but we have nothing to do tonight, wanna have a sleep over? Our dorms are kinda big" Helen says "well, if that's okay with your leader" Renjun replies "Y/N may be the leader but I'm in charge of the house" Helen says as we all laughed "I don't mind a sleep over, just try to avoid playing games until late at night, looking at you Jeno" Y/N says as Jeno was just bewildered.

Your P.O.V

I was a little nervous over the fact that the boys are coming over but I have to keep my cool infront of Jisung, everything I did was for him, well, not really cuz then I would sound obsessive but I always tried my best to look cool infront him, my biggest goal is for him to be my fan, I'm not so well on the visual side but I'm decent, with my coolness and my decent looks, I hope Jisung can be interested in me. Once the sleepover started we mainly just ate a lot of ramen and played a lot of games, they were shocked at how good I was at this and decided to have a championship match between me and Jeno and obviously I won. I was in my room alone now since Ori offered Chenle and Jisung to stay at hers, for some reason the other members are still intimidated by my but eh atleast I'm alone, I would offer Jisung to stay with me but I'm too shy...welp atleast he won't see me fangirling over his videos hihi.

Jisung P.O.V

"jeez why am I always third wheeling" I said as I left Ori's room ever since her and Chenle started cuddling with each other, it also started to storm outside so I was pretty scared, I came across Y/N's room and heard some noises "AAAAAWWW HE'S SO CUUUTTTTEEEE" I got curious and decided to peak through the door, I was shocked to see her smiling and I can't believe her eyes formed into hearts, I was trying to get a closer look at her phone to see what she was fangirling over and I saw...ME???? "AWWIIEE HIS HAIR😭😭😭😭 HE LOOKS LIKE JACK FROST I WANNA KISS HIM SO BADLY" she wants to what?? I was just standing there blushing, I never knew Y/N could be like this and...she's my fan as well "what are you doing" I got shocked by the sudden voice of Helen's "*chuckles* so you finally found the secret side of Y/N's" she said as she peeked through the door with me "yknow, with Y/N as the leader, she has been really stressful lately, that's why she acts so cold because she just wants the day to end already, but keep this between you and me, one of the reasons why she is so cool is because of you" she said to me as I became more confused "what do you mean because of me?" I asked "Y/N really likes you, like she's a REAAALLYYY big fan of yours, you're her escape from reality, you're literally her stress reliefer" she laughs as I blush "I...I've always watched her from the distance, I really love her but I was too shy to approach her" I told to Helen as she pat my shoulder "well now's your chance" she left as I just stood infront of Y/N's door "huhuhu why so pretty😭😭" she suddenly just kissed her phone and hid under her blanket squealing, I honestly found it super cute. I finally got the courage to knock on the door "who is it?" she asked "u-um h-hi it's me Jisung, I felt lonely...can I come it?" I asked "aaaw of course you can" she said as I opened the door and went in "come sit beside me" she taps the side of her bed as I went there "the teaser pics just got released, you look so good!" she tells me as I blushed "t-thanks, I- uh- haha sorry it's so awkward it's just...I've been wanting to talk to you for so long I'm a really big fan" I finally said it as she widened her eyes "y-you're my fan?" she said so surprised "y-yeah haha, you're so cool...I want to be just like you" I replied as she frozed, we got interrupted by a notification from her phone and I noticed her wallpaper was me, I smiled as she snatched her phone and threw it somewhere "wow, poor phone" I said as she laughed nervously "aha- weee- oops- you were never meant to see that" she hid under the blankets as I went under it to face her "don't be shy" I said softly as she just stared at me "holy shit you look so beautiful up close" she says as she continued staring at me "WAAHAA WHAT AM I THINKING I SHOULD LEAVE" she tried to get out but I trapped her in my arms "nope! You're not going anywhere sweetheart" I said laughing "s-sweat heart?!!?!" she blushed as I just chuckled "I love you, really" I blurted out as she just looked at me "wait, you do?" she asks as she went on top of me "yeah, I've been watching you from the distance but I was too scared to approach you" I said as she sighed and layed on my chest "I'm sorry...honestly I was just mad at myself, I KNOW I can make a better performance, I feel like I'm not on your standards yet, that's why I practice so hard to make you notice me" she replied as I scoffed "what?? Y/N you're WAAAAYY above my standards, you literally stole my heart" I replied as she looked at me ".....jeez you're so cute can I please kiss you just once pleeeeaaaasssseeee" she pleeds as I just kissed her "once is too little, kiss me as much as you want" I answered as she squeeled and started kissing me everywhere "gosh I've always wanted to kiss those lips" she mumbled in between the kiss as I chuckled and hugged her closer "you're mine now" I mumbled as we just continued kissing, I kinda got overboard and kissed her harder, she stopped me "woah woah woah easy boy *chuckles* we still have the next day, let's just cuddle and fall asleep now" she said as we started cuddling "I love you so much Y/N" I told her as I brushed her hair "oh I love you more, btw I'm kinda not tired yet so can we just talk?" she asked as I hummed in response "honestly everytime I see you dance, my heart just bursts, you make me feel butterflies in my stomach and my urge to kiss you gets higher" she shoves her head onto my chest in embarrassment "haha you're cute, I honestly feel the same way...wait just to clarify this means we're boyfriend and girlfriend right?" I asked "well of course *chuckles* aaaagghhh you feel so waaarrrrrrmmmm" she snuggles closer to me as I was still in awe of the moment "yknow...I kinda feel embarrassed to say this but, while recording for our new album I kept thinking about you so that I could sing better, and when I participated in writing I thought about you so I could be more motivated" I told her as she smiled "jeez I love you so much, I can't believe you're mine now" "I'm yours, I'm not going anywhere, love"

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