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Jisung P.O.V

"Sir do we have any plans on selling bracelets made out of wood?" my workers ask "No, we don't, not until I find the perfect person who can satisfy me in the design I'm looking for" I answered as I signaled them to leave my office. I own a bracelet company, we make bracelets out of multiple materials, well, except for wood. It's ironic because the whole reason why I started this company was because of a bracelet made out of wood, a girl gave it to me, we met at a bar 2 years ago and we both talked to each other to let go of our stress eventually lead to something else and we ended up having a one night stand. I woke up with her gone and I was devastated since then, I didn't try to find her or anything but I always wore the bracelet she gave me in hopes to bump into her one day. She was the only person I've ever kissed, hugged, touched, she understood me, and she was so patient with me even tho we only met that night...

I was in my thoughts too much that I didn't even realize I'm supposed to be on my lunch break, I exited my office and went outside the building to get some street food. As I was waiting in line I felt my pants getting tugged, I looked down and saw a little boy, he was crying "e-excuse me..." he cried, I bent down to his level and pat his head "hey little guy, are you alright?" I asked "n-no...I tried to take my mommy here but I lost her" he cried, I looked around for a while and noticed that it was starting to get crowded, I didn't know what to do and he kept holding onto me "m-my m-mommy said that if ever I get lost I have to find this bracelet" he said pointing at my bracelet, my eyes widened as I noticed he was wearing the same one "c-can you help me find my mommy?" he asked, I carried him and started looking for his mom "don't worry little guy, I'll find your mommy" I answered as I started looking "what's your mom's name?" I asked "m-mommy?" he answered as I chuckled a little. That's normal for kids, we don't know our parents name before cuz we'd call them mommy and daddy...but his can't be- "Sungyeol!" I heard a scream, it sounded like a mother's scream "that's my name!" he said "your name is Sungyeol? Let's follow the direction of the sound maybe that's your mom" I said as I ran to the sound "mommy!" he shouted as I looked to where he was shouting and saw....her

"Thank you so much" she said as I gave Sungyeol to her, she hasn't recognized me yet "I'm sorry for letting you go mommy" Sungyeol said as he hugged his mom "it's okay baby it's all my fault I should've held you tighter" she answered and hugged him back tighter "I did what you told me to! I found the bracelet, this nice guy was wearing it" he said as she finally looked at me. We both stood there frozen "Y/N..." "Jisung..."


"I'll get a classic hot toddy please" I said to the bartender as I loosen my tie and sigh deeply "just give me something really strong" I heard a female voice beside me, I turned to see her crying, I felt bad "having a bad day too?" I started a convo "yeah...what's your situation?" she asked "I got fired...for pitching in my own ideas" I answered as my drink arrived "I'd like to buy you a drink to make you feel better" I offered "I appreciate it very much...take this in exchange" she handed me a wooden bracelet "I can always make another one, you should consider yourself lucky since that's the only one" she said "it's beautiful" I answered and wore the bracelet "so what do you design for?" she asked "accessories, ironically it was a bracelet that got me fired" I answered "o-oh that's awkward...atleast it gives you the opportunity to make your own company" she said as I chuckled "it's alright, if you pitched in this wooden thing you probably wouldn't get fired like me, what's your situation?" I asked "parents kicked me out, luckily I found an apartment but work has been so stressful" she answered "I'm alone now..." she added as I looked at her "I'm...alone too..." I answered, silence took over for a few minutes until I broke it "I know it sounds crazy but would you like to come to my house to relax a bit? You can trust me, it would be safer there than over here" I told her "I know it sounds crazy as well but I'm down, I just's so hard...I need someone to hold me and tell me everything will be okay..." she said as a tear rolled down her cheek, I held her hand and she looked at me "everything will be okay..." I told her as she smiled to me, she's...really beautiful...

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