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An AU where Jisung has a twin brother named Haesung and he is the idol instead

Your P.O.V

"HAESUNG! HAESUNG-AAAHHH!" I screamed as I tried to get the attention of my bias Park Haesung, he finally noticed me and completed my heart. I squealed as I enjoyed the night of the concert. A few weeks ago I even won their fansign and Haesung flirted with me a lot hihi, as expected from the group's biggest flirt!

Jisung P.O.V

I watched the live broadcast of my brother's group concert alone in my house. I love my brother a lot, I'd do anything he'd say...even if it means having to pretend to be him. He doesn't want anyone to know he has a twin brother, our family made it easier since they never acknowledged me, they'd always mistake me for my brother but never mistaken him for me, Park's always Park Haesung, it's like they only had one son. Well to be fair, having twins isn't usually a planned thing...I just don't get why it had to be me, I couldn't go out if my brother's hair isn't black because then I'd have to dye my hair for my freedom to go out, during the times I could nobody recognized my face so I just go out with my natural hair color without him knowing, which is what I'm doing right now since the live broadcast ended. Fortunately, Haesung's hair color is black so I wouldn't need to worry if I get recognized, it's not like I have been anyways, throughout Haesung's career I've never been recognized everytime I go outside.

As I was walking out with a hoodie and mask I saw a bunch of men harassing a lady "p-please I just wanna go home" she says in fear, I approached the scene because I had to do something "well kitten you won't be going anywhere-" I threw a hard punch to one of the guys as he fell on the floor "leave her alone" I said in an angry tone as a fight broke out, I kicked all of them in the balls before grabbing the lady's hand and running away from them, we were far enough but they were able to still catch us. I removed my hoodie and told her to put it on "let me cover you, make it look like as if we're talking, it's dark out so they won't be able to notice your clothes" I said as she put on the hoodie and I hid her with my body just in time, the men passed by us and I sighed in relief.

"Are you okay?" I asked, she didn't respond, she kept looking at me "H-Haesung?" Oh no, oh no no no my mask probably fell! It's my first time encountering Haesung's fan I gotta think "t-the concert just ended h-how" "I get out through the back since it's hard to go back to the dorms with fans mobbing us" I replied as she nodded, phew got away with that "m-my name is Y/N, I hope you remember me...I was in one of your fansigns" oh shit what do I do now???? I'll make something up and just pray for the best "of course I remember you, you were the one that made me that cute mouse keychain" I replied "y-you kept it?" she asked, phew another close call "of c-course I did" I replied "anyways, I have to walk you home now, it's dangerous" I said as she nodded and we went to her home.

"Thank you for protecting me Sungie" she said as we arrived, Sungie...that's one of my nicknames "anytime Y/N.." I replied as she was about to enter her house "w-wait!" I stopped her "m-may I have your number?" It was probably a stupid decision, but I just don't know why I feel connected to her, I want to see her again.

Time Skip

Ever since that day we kept hanging out with each other at night, and every time she needed to go out at night I was always there to protect her. She's very caring and beautiful, I always get stuck at her eyes. My love for her developed through time, and I'm hoping she feels the same too. We're currently sitting on a bench near her house watching the moonlight in the pretty night sky "the moon is beautiful tonight isn't it..." I said giving her a hint, she looked at me and I stared at her back, I held her hand as I decided to risk it all "Y/N...I enjoyed spending every moment with you, it felt magical and I just wish I could be closer to you every moment I get. I love you Y/N, I love you with my whole heart" I said as our faces started getting closer so we could share a kiss "I love you too Haesung..." the moment she said that, I stopped, I totally forgot I'm still posing as my brother, she doesn't know I'm Jisung, she's in love with my brother, not me "I-I'm sorry Y/N I can't do this.."

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