(221): Stressed (Wasabi)

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I'm writing this short little thing because I have a HUGE project to present either tomorrow or Monday and my anxiety--  which never leaves me alone anyways--  is seriously killing me. I have hardly slept in days.

Anyways, enjoy this because Wasabi love is seriously what I need right now.


"I can't do this!" You mutter to yourself. You've been working on a project for (class) for days. You've hardly left your lab.  You squeeze your eyes shut and raise your shaky hands in defeat. You take a deep breath. Then two. You open your eyes and look at your computer and the project that seems to be getting worse the more you work on it. "Okay. Okay. Let's just keep working," You say to yourself. You continue to type. You're fighting to stay calm.

Then, your words stop appearing on the screen. "No," You whisper, panicked. You hit the keys on the keyboard. "No, no, no!" When your project freezes, you slam your fists on the desk. "I'm done! I can't do this!" You shove the keyboard away from you and throw your textbooks and notebooks and papers on the ground. Your hands are shaking violently. Your stomach churns with each thought of the upcoming presentation. Of forgetting what to say. If saying the wrong thing or puking or choking on words and humiliating yourself. You clench at your hair and start to hyperventilate.

"Whoa, whoa," A voice says from the doorway. "Something wrong, ___?"

You turn and wipe away a tear that escaped your eye. "Wasabi," You choke out. "Yeah, I'm okay, just-"

"Stressed?" Wasabi interrupts. He walks to your side and pats your shoulder. "Yeah. I understand completely. Trust me. What do you need? Mints?"

"I need to get this perfect," You say.

"And you can."

"No. I can't. Wasabi, it's not just the project itself, but. . . the presentation." You bite your lip.

"Anxiety, huh?" Wasabi sighs. "It'll be okay. It will be over soon and the relief of not having anything to worry about will be like a breath of fresh air."

"How am I going to get through this, though?" You whisper.

"Come here," Wasabi urges. He pulls you up and wraps his arms around you. "You can do this. I'm not giving up on you. Okay?"

You hug him back. "Okay."

"Now. Let's get to work, huh?" Wasabi pulls away and smiles. You smile back, things suddenly looking a little easier. You nod and work with Wasabi, feeling a lot better.

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