10. It's Daddy, for you

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Aidel and R had been best friends for years, but lately, Aidel had been noticing that R was acting strange. He had become increasingly distant. Aidel was worried about his friend and decided to confront him about it someday.

One evening, at an office party, Aidel and R were having a good time along other members of their group. When suddenly it was dawn to Aidel that Amelia, who is R's wife and their boss's daughter, was not there.

Aidel asked R about Amelia's absence, and R responded that "she was sick."

However, Aidel noticed that R seemed uneasy after his question and continued to ask him questions. Their boss had not mentioned Amelia or brought her to the company either while his whole family was present except her; wife and eldest daughter.

"Don't lie, pal. Just tell me what's going on?" Aidel said.

"You look so tensed everytime someone talks about your wife. I get it you guys are not close but your marriage was an arranged marriage. And she is only 18. You gotta give her some time, pal."

R slammed the table and said, "Don't blame me, Aidel. It's not my fault. You won't understand how much embarrassed I feel because of her."

Aidel was taken aback by R's outburst and didn't know what to say. R continued,

"She is not like other girls, she is crazy. She behaves like a child. I have seen her sucking her thumb, she talks with her stuffies and she sleeps all day and loves watching cartoons and Disney, and sometimes she just acts like a small baby. That's the reason I never talk about her or bring her with me anywhere. I am so embarrassed. I only married her cuz her father is our boss and all I want is a good position in the company."

Aidel was shocked by what he heard. He couldn't believe that R had married Amelia for such selfish reasons. He felt sorry for her.

"So you married her for this reason?" Aidel asked.

"Of course, who does arrange marriage anyways? I will divorce her as soon as I got a promotion. I can't stand her anymore," R replied.

Aidel was disgusted by R's answer and felt that he needed to do something but doesn't know how. He knew that he couldn't force R to change his mind, but he could be there for Amelia and offer her his support.

R got up from his seat and called Amelia. Aidel couldn't hear what he was saying, but he had a feeling that it wasn't good news. He watched as R left the place, feeling angry and frustrated.

Aidel had met Amelia twice. The first time he saw her was at R's wedding, where she was the beautiful bride. He was amazed by how stunning she looked in her wedding dress. Her hazel eyes were twinkling and her smile was radiant.

Aidel was immediately drawn to her cuteness and found her to be a charming person. He was impressed by her kindness and how she interacted with guests at the wedding. Aidel was happy to have met but she didn't seem to notice him. She was quite shy that day.

The second time Aidel saw Amelia was at Bella's wedding. He was low-key excited to see her again and was looking forward to talking to her. Amelia was just as charming as he remembered. Her hazel eyes were still twinkling, and she looked angelic in her bridesmaid dress.

It would be a lie if Aidel said he didn't get butterflies after seeing her cute eyes. He was struck by her beauty and wanted to get to know her better.


Amelia's heart was pounding as she opened the front door to her apartment revealing David leaning casually against the wall, a devilish grin playing across his face. She nervously greeted him,

"Hey, David."

David's voice was husky as he said, "Hey, Princess."

The first thing Amelia noticed was the way David was looking at her. There was a glint in his eyes that sent shivers down her spine.

"I'm sorry, R isn't home tonight," she stammered, trying to sound composed.

"I know, little one. He's a hard-working guy," David said, stepping closer and enfolding her in his arms. "But he doesn't seem to put much effort into you."

"David........ What are you doinmmh" David covered her mouth with his hand.
"Shh," he said, his voice husky and low. "I'm not David... It's Daddy, for you, Princess."

Amelia's heart skipped a beat. She had never expected to find herself in this situation.

David led her by the hand to her bedroom and put her gently on the bed. "Remember our last encounter, little one?" he asked.

Amelia nodded, barely audible. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as Daddy caressed her cheeks slowly. "Good girl," he said simply, his voice soothing.

David asked, "I bought some Disney movies. Do you want to watch them with Daddy?" His voice was polite, asking her if she wished to participate without any force.


As they watched the movie, Amelia found herself looking over at David,

"What is it, kitten?" he asked, without moving his gaze away from the screen.

She felt shy and hid her face from him. Without hesitation, David turned his face to her, took her small fist in his hand, and pulled her closer. "Don't hide your pretty face, princess," he said, trying to ease her shyness.

Slowly, she looked up at him and whispered, "Daddy... I, um, tha- thank you."

Before she knew it, David leaned slowly down, kissed her lips and whispered,

"Anything your little heart desires, princess." Amelia's face flushed with heat as she stared at him, feeling overwhelmed yet intrigued by the attention from Daddy.

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