36. Drunk talks

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Read slowly cuz this chapter reveals the rough time David is going through. 

David's eyebrows were furrowed, a look of concentration on his face as he read the words on the screen. He had come into the office early today as he had finished working on an important report. He had been working with a colleague to create the proposal for the latest generation of technology that he was so keen on getting funded and running the company from there. They had worked tirelessly to get it together and now it was ready. However, the result wasn't something that David expected to find on the screens that lay before him.

He sighed frustratedly as he stared at them trying to understand what was wrong but it seemed that nothing was making any sense to him. It seemed to be one of those days where everything would seem perfect and then it all would go terribly wrong, again. His hand went to his hair raking through it feeling exhausted. All he wanted right now was to have a quiet time alone in his home, away from all the noise of work around him.

Ever since David came into Amelia's life, all the employees in the office treat him very strangely. Even his friends started talking about it. David had been avoiding them like the plague ever since his accident. R does the work of adding fuel to the fire. He made stories and make himself look good whenever possible so people would pity him. Oh, and another big news R got with Rose. They got quickly after R's relationship ended with Amelia. Their team 5N81 group is nowhere near being as strong and cohesive as it used to be.

Aidel lost his job because of me and Amelia's father our boss got a chance to insult Aidel in front of everyone.  It made Aidel completely furious he was fired from his job and it has become a huge blow to him. No wonder why Aidel hates him so much and is always ready to argue with him. David knows why too and doesn't know how to deal with all the negative emotions Aidel is giving off.

As long as David keeps his distance, everyone should forget about him too but it seems he isn't doing a great job of it. Everyone secretly hates and avoids him. He never talks about it but he feels suffocated, tired, sad and angry more and more every day. The feeling of being isolated in his own life and constantly surrounded by everyone's judgemental gazes is so unbearable and stressful to him. He wants to be alone, away from everybody, so far away.

"Congratulations R,  you deserve this" One of the men from the crowd who had been cheering loudly for slapping R lightly on the shoulder, making the latter flinch.

"Thanks" R replied quietly, looking away from the stranger and then giving a victory smirk to David.

His dreams came true he got the promotion and Amelia's father did partiality between him and David. Everyone knows how hardworking and deserving David is. R didn't even do his work, David used to take his computer and do all his work. Amelia's father is awful and abusive. David wishes he could learn to control his temper, because that's all he cares about, controlling things around him. He doesn't even ask about his daughter, or ask for any updates or encouragement. All he ever talks about is money. He spends most of his time either drinking or in the company. Whenever he sees David, his expression changes to one of disgust and then anger.

David stood slowly from his desk, the sound of his chair scratching against the floor, and turned off the monitor, shutting off the lights on his way out. The door slamming behind him signified the end of the day.


Lights flashing, music blasting and people everywhere dancing to the beat. David's eyes lingered from side to side in an attempt to find somewhere that he could sit. However, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning to see who had decided to bother him, he saw a very familiar man standing beside him with a glass of wine in his hand.

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