59. Love In The Balcony

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Amelia and David stood side by side, their eyes fixed on Aidel as he confidently strutted into the building

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Amelia and David stood side by side, their eyes fixed on Aidel as he confidently strutted into the building. Amelia's face beamed with delight, while David, cool as a cucumber, maintained his casual stance with hands in his pockets.

"Hey, since Dada's off conquering the competition, how about we see meet some pink elephants?" Amelia proposed,

David glanced at her with a furrowed smirk, shaking his head in amusement. "Oh sweetheart, I hate to burst your bubble, but we're in Thailand. They've got white elephants, not pink ones."

Amelia's eyes widened, a mischievous glimmer present there, "Well, who says we can't paint them pink ourselves?" she shot back, her grin widened "I say we whip out our brushes and paint those majestic creatures fuchsia! Let's show the world what true creativity looks like!"

David's eyes widened with disbelief, trying to comprehend her thoughts "Painting white elephants pink is simply against the laws of...elephant fashion."

"Why?!" Amelia protested, a grumpy pout forming on her face. "I luv pink!"

David sighed, realizing he had to find a way to diffuse the enthusiasm bomb ticking away beside him. He gently patted Amelia's head, as if consoling a stubborn child. "There, there, baby. It's not about personal preference, it's about ethical elephant decorum."

"But I will paint!" Amelia declared defiantly, determined to defy both logic and societal norms with her paintbrush.

David let out a deep sigh, desperately wracking his brain for a way to make Amelia see reason. "No," he whispered, hoping his quiet plea would somehow counteract her stubbornness.

But Amelia was not one to back down easily, especially when she had set her sights on a pink elephant mission. "Yes!" she retorted, her determination unwavering.

David's attempts at rationality continued, "No, baby, it's just not... practical."

"Baby, yes! Think about how fabulous those Barbie elephants will look!" Amelia persisted, her eyes shining with mischief.

David ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of the absurdity in his desperate "No."

Amelia let out an enthusiastic "YeAhhh," raising her arms triumphantly, unfazed by David's exasperation.

Caught between his love for Amelia and the utter futility of the situation, David simply muttered, "Aggh..Fuck."

"Fuck? Who....? ELEPHANT?" Amelia gasped,

"Hell to the No!" David vociferated, and immediately as if on cue, a guard materialized out of thin air. "Excuse me, are you two related to the participant?" the guard queried.

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