book 2 - chapter 12

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[IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: This book is changing to 3rd person POV and to past tense. It will still be through Luna's eyes – just not narrated directly by her.]

Mako's eyes were undeniably sad – a somber shadow overpowering the subtle glow that usually adorned them. Between his two fingers was a picture of his most recent relationship which ended, quite literally, about twenty minutes ago.

Luna, unknowing what to say or how to comfort her friend, decided to wait outside the room. A deep creese decorated her forehead as she kept her eye focused on the door, ready for the exact moment Asami would walk through. Her brain was racking with the events that just happened: Korra attempting to get Iroh to go to the South Pole behind the president's back, Korra assuming Luna was the one ratted her out, Korra finding out it was Mako, and Mako breaking up with Korra after she confronted him. She had no idea where Korra had stormed off to, the potential dangers of the Avatar being alone in an angered state pressing in the back of her mind. No matter how mad she was, she would always worry.

As selfish as it was, Luna really wanted Asami to get here as soon as possible because she did not want to be alone with Mako – not after witnessing how he and Korra broke up.

Asami was informed of the bad news over the phone, and she was on her way. Luna was somewhat grateful for the sudden robbery in a way, as it gave Mako something to distract himself. With his hands busy on this case, he wouldn't have time to feel the pain of a breakup. Luna was over her initial attraction to Mako, but she still cared deeply for him no matter how many times he'd hurt her in the past – she couldn't help it. It was just the kind of person she was.

Everything was a mess. All of her friends were going through some kind of crisis, and she had no idea what to do to help them. The only thing that made sense to her in her life right now was Iroh. It took everything in her not to drop everything and run to his arms. During her time in jail, she was sure that Iroh wouldn't want to be with someone like her anymore, but she was wrong. He constantly proved her wrong - making it evident to Luna that he was truly precious to her. He cherished her and she cherished him.


Her thoughts were dispersed by Asami's voice. She looked up to meet bright green eyes overpowered with worry. As Asami threw herself into Luna's arms, Luna immediately felt a wave of guilt settle into her stomach. How could she dare feel grateful for Asami's hardships? Even if they somehow benefitted Mako, they brought pain to her dear friend.

In that moment, Luna decided she'd do everything in her power to help Asami get her entire shipment back.

"Come on," Luna cooed as she put her hand in the small of Asami's back, guiding her towards the room. "Mako's inside."

The sound of the door startled they amber-eyed boy as he scurried to put the picture inside his jacket. He turned to face the girls – Asami was walking towards him whilst Luna stayed underneath the door frame, leaning on it.

"Is it true?"

He flinched a little at the sound of her desperate tone, then he nodded. "I'm so sorry. Your entire shipment was stolen."

"Without that sale, I don't know how much longer I can keep my company going." Asami admitted to her friend, an embarrassed crimson blush rising on her cheeks. "What am I going to do?"

"Don't worry," Mako replied, taking a step closer. "I'm gonna find whoever's responsible."

"We are." Luna corrected, crossing her hands over her chest. As Mako's eyes met the girl's deep blue, he nodded at her – an understanding happening between the two of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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