book 1 - chapter 10

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I step off the ferry unto Air Temple Island. It's already nightfall. I feel the cool evening air on my skin and smile. I'm feeling great, accomplished even. I can't wait to tell Korra, Mom, and Gran-Gran about today's session with Mako. When they hear that I was able to stay by a flame without running or flinching, they're going to freak. In a good way.

My moment of happiness vanishes when I see Tarrlok and Uncle Tenzin standing on the dock, they both look upset. Korra is on a boat, wrapping some rope around her wrists.

"Korra, this is madness!" Uncle Tenzin exclaims.

My best friend huffs. "Don't try to stop me and don't follow me!"

I run towards them at full speed. "What's going on here?"

"I have to face Amon alone." Korra explains.


"She called him out during the press conference." Uncle Tenzin clarifies.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Are you insane?" I shriek.

"This is all your doing!" Uncle Tenzin scolds Tarrlok.

"I tried to talk her out of it, too." Tarrlok defends. "But she's made up her mind."

I push Uncle Tenzin and Tarrlok out of the way and jump unto the boat. I cup Korra's face with my hands, getting her full attention. "What do you think you'll accomplish here?" I ask, tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of anything happening to my best friend. "Do you realize how dangerous this is? How reckless?"

"I don't need a lecture, Luna." She retorts.

"I know you think you've got something to prove." I say. "But the only person who you're trying to convince is yourself. You're scared. It's okay to be scared. I'm sure my grandad felt scared too. Just because you're the Avatar doesn't mean that you're not allowed to feel and experience emotions."

"I'm not up for your emotional speeches right now." She says stubbornly. "I need to put this lunatic to rest."

"I can't let you do this, Korra!" I assert, feeling desperate. "I can't lose you."

"I'm sorry." She says. "You don't understand."

Korra proceeds to waterbend me out of the boat and unto the dock. I fall and slam in the wood and groan in pain. Then, she waterbends the boat at immense speed towards Avatar Aang Memorial Island. My uncle and Tarrlok help me up.

"You have a plan, don't you, Uncle?" I plead. "How are we getting her out of this?"

Before my uncle can answer me, Tarrlok chimes in. "We'll be watching the island closely. If anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of police airships ready to swoop down."

"That's not enough." I mutter, panic rising in my chest. "I need to go after her. What if Amon does something to her? What if she gets hurt?"

Before I can even think to move, I feel my uncle grab my arm. I turn to look at him. "My mom and your mom would absolutely murder me if anything happened to you, Luna. We need to be patient."

"Patient?" I repeat. "That's the best you can come up with? Korra could die."

"I'm well aware." My Uncle snaps back. "This is a very complicated situation."

I feel so frustrated. Anger boils up inside of me. This is not complicated at all, it's quite simple. Korra is being stubborn and stupid, and you're all letting her get away with it. I groan and break free from my uncle's grip. "If anything happens to her, it's on you two." I spat angrily. "I'm going to keep close watch on the island."

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