The Plan Begins

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"Ok. Girls meeting, after midnight, Lily, Sybil, Amelia and Misty, you guys are prefects, you guys will easily be able to get to Myrtle's bathroom. Yn, you and I will have to be careful." Sunny explained.
"I can get there, but how will you?" You asked Sunny.
She didn't answer.
Just before midnight you stole James' cloak.
Silently, you slipped out of Gryffindor tower and slid down the very long handrail, all the way to the ground floor.
Then you ran to Myrtle's bathroom.
"You're late." Misty announced.
"Sorry, Spike wouldn't sleep." You explained.
"No excuses. Let's get down to business. What's the Hufflepuff Intel Amelia?" Asked Sunny.
"Riverview has a cold. Now's the time to act!" Amelia confirmed.
"Lily, reckon you can swipe some amortentia cure during potions tomorrow morning?" Asked Misty.
"Already did!" Lily announced, pulling a small vial out of her front pocket.
"Excellent. Alice, Sybil, you're on look out duty at breakfast. If Riverview does show up, you'll have to distract her." Misty instructed.
"What about me! What's my job?" Myrtle asked, looking very pleased to be a part of the plan.
"Myrtle, you have the most important role, you've got to get the antidote into Remus' cup, understood?" Asked Misty.
"Yes boss!" Cried Myrtle.
"Stealing Riverview's wand to get Peter un-imperio-ed." Said Sunny.
"He's under the imperious curse?" Asked Lily.
"Yeah! Look at him, he walks stiffly, has no opinions of his own and his eyes are foggy!" Sunny explained.
"How did you know that?" You asked surprised.
"I have my sources." Sunny said vaguely. That sounded suspicious.
"Was Peter imperio-ed when he said the mean stuff?" Asked Lily.
"Yes. I heard Riverview explain the entire plan." Amelia confirmed.
"I'll be making sure everything goes according to plan."
"Breaking your sister into the Hufflepuff dormitories."
"Ok, me and Lily then?" You asked.
"Making sure Remus is OK when he wakes up from amortentia."
"After we get Remus and Peter back, we're all going to Dumbledore."
"Sounds like a plan then!"
"3 2 1 GO TEAM!"
*That morning*
*Sunny's POV*
Amelia met me outside the kitchen.
She handed me Hufflepuff robes and a tie to put on, I'd look less suspicious that way.
I'd only agreed to do this because Misty blackmailed me to, saying that I should help my sister.
But she happens to know a secret of mine, so I decided to help.
Amelia led me inside the Hufflepuff common room. It was very yellow and welcoming. It was nicer than the Slytherin common room, much warmer.
Amelia led me up some hidden stairs and into a hall way with seven yellow doors, three on each side and one at the end.
We walked over to the second door on the right.
"We just have to make sure no-one's there." Amelia whispered.
She went to take out her wand.
I scoffed and lifted my hand.
I flicked my fingers once and a bright white circle appeared.
Through the white circle, I could clearly see a yellow dormitory. On a bedside table sat a yellow and black scarf, diamond Earrings and a wand. Dragon heartstring core. Willow wood.
I reached through the white circle and grabbed the wand.
With my other hand I made a fist, closing the circle.
Amelia looked at me like I'd just moved the entire Hogwarts Castle. I'm not that powerful - am I?
"How did you do that?" She asked.
"Dunno, I was hungry one day and really wanted some ice-cream from the kitchen. Didn't feel like getting up, so I pictured the ice-cream and flicked my fingers. Bam! There was a 'portal' as Reg calls them." I explained.
"Can you get anything through them?" Asked Amelia.
"Yeah, as far as I know. I can even go through them!"
"Is that how you got to Myrtle's bathroom last night?" Asked Amelia.
"Can you pull people through?" Asked Amelia.
"You rescued your sister!" Cried Amelia.
"Yeah. Well, don't go telling the world. I'll have the dark lord on my doorstep if you're not careful." I hissed.

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