Chapter 1

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The Devil Wears Prada and its characters are owned by Lauren Weisberger and 20th Century Fox. An Unexpected Request is a non-profit work made for entertainment purposes only.

Unexpected Request (2010), The Bet (2015) and The Wedding (2015), as well as eventual original characters, are under © by D.H. Furlan (Danieli Hautequest).

*This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-life names, people, dates, places, facts or situations will have been mere coincidence.*


This is an improved version of the 'Unexpected Request' translation, fanfic posted years ago, still under my pseudonym DANIELI HAUTEQUEST.

This story is a translation from Brazilian Portuguese. The original version has 46 chapters and 2 short stories. However, some chapters are very long and, to facilitate the translation work, I will split them up. So, I still have no idea how many chapters there will be at the end.

I don't use beta for writing and I'm not getting any help with the translation. So, please be kind and constructive when pointing out any errors.

Note that I wrote the main story and the short stories many years ago, and they portray a very different writing and reality than today.

Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoy An Unexpected Request.


"Oh, wait! I'm on my way! Please just a minute!" Andrea Sachs yelled over the loud music.

Sunday, cleaning day. Madonna resonated through the small apartment, while Andy tried to make the place look like a habitable environment again.

The young woman stopped the music, and ran to the door. Still panting, she peeked through the peephole.

Andy could not believe what she saw.

"But what...? Shit!!!"

Terrified, Andy stared at the entrance for interminable seconds, until another series of impatient knocks spurred her into action.

She opened the door.

It was none other than Miranda Priestly.

They looked at each other. Andy with her mouth opened like a fish, and Miranda, with her patented raised eyebrow that was visible even under her sunglasses. Andy was sure that behind them, the woman rolled her eyes.

"Can I come in?" Miranda asked in her low, icy tone—which always sent a shiver down Andy's spine—already invading the young woman's personal space, forcing her to take two steps back, then step aside, giving way.

Andy closed the door and leaned against it for a moment. Her body was shaking.

Miranda took off her expensive Christian Dior and took a quick look around, her disappointment clearly evident.

Andy felt extremely embarrassed. Instinctively, she hugged herself, trying to create a shield against the dominant and still quite intimidating aura of the elegant and increasingly impatient woman.

"I-I was cleaning up...that's why the mess, I-"

Miranda stopped her with a wave of her hand. She then gave a resigned sigh and looked at the younger woman.

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