Chapter 32

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Andy looked intently at the three contestants, mentally reviewing the steps she would take during her performance. As they had a limited time, she would have to use some tricks to be able to assess important parameters of their personalities, which would guarantee their survival with Miranda.

"Everyone who will interact with the three of you has been instructed on how to act within our role-play. They will treat you like Miranda Priestly's assistants, so remember to use the weight of her name to get things flowing. However, pay attention to the limits. Despite her fame, Miranda's image must be preserved by her employees, especially her assistants. Be very careful with your NDA's. Certain things must never leave Runway," Andy explained with narrowed eyes, and the candidates nodded firmly in understanding. "Nigel and Serena, help me pull this desk back farther, so I can see their reactions. Emily, you can assemble the equipment now."

The redhead smirked. While Nigel and Serena went to do as requested, Emily looked for the best spot. She chose a small shelf on the wall to Andy's left, where the first assistant moved some decorative knickknacks to the side. Emily pulled a camcorder from her handbag, and positioned it at the perfect angle to capture the four of them' conversations and physical responses.

The contestants looked at each other and turned to Andy questioningly.

"All other steps were meticulously noted in reports. Yet, this last phase, in addition to a contextual analysis, will be recorded, so that Miranda can see the points in favor and against, and what weighed in our decision. Despite all our efforts, in the end, we at the judging panel will still need to convince her to give the winners an opportunity to prove themselves. We want to cover all the bases, leaving no room for retaliation, or, what would be worse, an immediate refusal on her part."

The candidates gulped at the knowledge that Miranda herself would see the test, but nodded in agreement. Andy was right.

"Nigel, you stay here with me, acting the same way you would in an everyday situation, if you were with Miranda. Emily and Serena will be in the hallway with the candidates, mentoring them as if they were already at the front desk with the new assistants." Andy glanced at the contestants. "When you are dismissed, you must go to the back of the room. I want you to watch your peers perform. As we have little time, my interaction with them will also serve as a learning experience for you. When I'm done with the last candidate, everyone leaves the room."

Andy sat in the chair behind the makeshift desk, took her glasses out of the shirt pocket, and meticulously placed them on her face. She assumed a pose that made the room freeze, and the others present stiffen in nervous attention.

"Emily, turn on the camcorder and leave with Serena and the three candidates," she commanded looking at her over the top of her glasses with narrowed eyes, her tone low, soft, and extremely intimidating.

"Yes, Miranda," the first assistant answered promptly, also in her role, something that was facilitated by Andrea's amazing performance.

Nigel had to contain a chuckle. Though, all his amusement disappeared, when he came across indifferent eyes, familiar, but not on that face.

"How are preparations for next photo shoot coming along?" Andy asked him, as soon as Emily and the others left. Her voice came out straight and sharp.


Andy narrowed her eyes.

"By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me," her lips pursed dangerously.

Nigel recovered quickly, his survival instinct kicking in.

"Everything is going according to plan. The location has been confirmed, and Jocelyn has put together a few more pieces for your approval-"

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